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Sunday, April 10, 2016


A tractor trailer loaded with chickens has rolled over at Nanticoke Rd. and Wolf Creek. Nanticoke Road is being closed down.


  1. Poor chickens. It's cold!
    Hope that the driver's okay.

  2. Wolfe Creek Drive

  3. SBY hazmat team being called to assist

  4. Somebody's having chicken for dinner tonight!

  5. That idiot dispatcher dispatched this as an MVC with rollover and possibly on fire. This same idiot dispatcher blows everything out of proportion because it makes him sound good dispatching. Bob Culver you need to fire this idiot.

    The "hazmat" is not a hazmat. "Command" just requested them to help empty the saddle tank. Big Whoop! No need to call a million dollar hazmat truck, an Assistant Chief, A paramedic unit and a fire engine from Salisbury. What overKILL!!

    Bob Culver you need to get some balls and take control of the fire service in Wicomico County. They are walking all over you and it makes you look like a little boy wanting their votes.

    1. Another worthless post of the Monday night quarterback. We know you couldn't do the job, now you want to whine about it.

  6. A diesel spill can be a hazmat situation especially with the quantity on a tractor (not farm tractor - tractor trailer tractor). Check the MDE regs and EPA regs. Maybe you should become a dispatcher since you seem to know more than they do.

  7. Prices of chicken just went up in the bury.

  8. 2:29 PM clearly your the idiot, this is what the SFD does, this is how they get funding, this is their policy, that says to go to all calls no matter where it is or what is needed, just like when you have the fire crews out riding around in the fire truck picking up clothes form the cleaners, when clearly they could do this on personal time... with personal vehicles... BUT hey you let them get away with it this long so what is the difference???

    Why else would the SFD build a multi million dollar new station where as the god damn truck they bought can't fit inside let alone let sit on the concrete flooring that can't handle the load... IT IS JUST A WAY TO SPEND YOUR MONEY SO WHEN THEY NEED MORE MONEY THEY CAN TAX YOU AND SAY "geee look at the general fund, it is empty, whelp we need more money,. lets tax them"

    Perhaps you stupid people should start writing this crap down with dates and info so when this come back around in a year or two, you can actually remember something instead of being like a gold fish with a 3 min memory...

    Der der -which way did he go george, which way did he go...

  9. Someone has to empty the tank out who's gonna do it? You?
    Do you know anything about pollution
    Do you know anything about dispatching anything except that thing under your nose called a mouth? If you don't maybe you should try to learn something before spouting off like a damn idiot on things you don't have a clue about.

  10. 2:29 perhaps the caller said there was smoke. It is possible I suppose since a semi rolled over. A huge diesel engine rolling around might...just might...create steam or even some actual smoke. Perhaps...now this might sound crazy, it rolled into the ditch. That cold water hitting that hot engine just may create alot of steam which could very possibly be mistaken as smoke.

  11. Does this make them free range chickens?

  12. Does anyone know if Nanticoke Rd has been reopened yet?

  13. I did see Cris Shawn there with the jaws of life freeing some trapped chickens. Another tattoo on the other shoulder , "The jaws of life freed chickens".

  14. 3:40 EXACTLY!!!! They now qualify as "free range" according to FDA regulations... ha ha ha that is what you call fresh....

  15. As of 5 minutes ago the road was still closed

  16. 5:15, Nanicoke still closed.

  17. Pemberton rd. is going to busy


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