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Sunday, April 10, 2016

God’s Not Dead 2’ Centers on Religious Persecution in High School, Opens Nationwide

A highly anticipated faith-based flick about the intersection of church and state in an imaginary Arkansas high school opened in movie theaters Saturday.

“God’s Not Dead 2” features Melissa Joan Hart from “Clarissa Explains It All” and “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” and Jesse Metcalfe, from “Desperate Housewives” in an epic court battle centered on a classroom discussion comparing Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr.

“The film takes place in the fictional town of Hope Springs, where beloved teacher Grace Wesley teaches history. Her love for teaching, her love for her students, and her love for life all come from the same place: her love for Christ,” The Christian Post reports.

“When a student asks a question about Jesus in class, Grace’s answer causes her to face an epic court case, in which she would have to stand up for her faith.”

A.V. Club describes the original 2014 blockbuster “God’s Not Dead” as a nod to the Old Testament, and “God’s Not Dead 2” as a reference to the New Testament.

Hart, a Presbyterian, said she felt compelled to accept the role of Grace despite a very short break with her family between movies.

“I had a hard time in my personal life being able to make room for this movie. I felt very persecuted within my own inner circle…I felt very called to do this movie,” Hart told the Post. “I promised my family I’d be home and I felt like I had to do this movie. My husband always says, ‘Do what you have to do’ and I felt like I had to do this movie.”

“But once I announced that to him, to his parents, to my parents, to my family, everyone kind of came at me: ‘How could you leave your family again, and how could you do this? You promised you’d be home.'”

“It was a very important story for me to tell,” she said. “[I]t has become one of the great blessings of my career to make this movie.”

More here


  1. Silly Christians and your silly persecution complexes. It's absolutely amazing.

    Explain to me, how 75% of this country that identifies as Christian, almost all the politicians, judges, law writers, representatives, save a scant few in the history of this nation, on the federal and state side have been overwhelmingly Christian, that you are being persecuted in any way.

    Please to explain and support that Christians are persecuted in America today, when you have overwhelmingly controlled the law making, the courts, the public and the private sector. Please tell me how you can possibly be persecuted when you are the dominating part of society.

    I am eager to hear how you explain it, because it seems to me if you are being persecuted, it is by laws that you wrote, by legislators you elected that belong to your religion...and enforced by judges that are from your churches.

    I think you just have a persecution delusion, and I don't blame you for it... your religion almost demands that you feel persecuted because your holy texts say you will be. But understand, from my perspective, it looks to be absolute and sheer delusion.

    You see, Christians don't get special privilege. They are as equal as everyone else. I think you confuse persecution with not being allowed to force your religious perspective down everyone else's throat.

    Wanna see persecution. Spend a month telling everyone you know you are Atheist. When you probably loose your job, and are disavowed by family and friends...treated like a second class citizen, your kids are told they can't play with their friends, come back and tell me about persecution.

  2. That was quite a dissertation.No one has denied your right to be an atheist,because of the freedom to believe in anything you wish.Don't let anyone attempt to change your mind.

  3. @5:31

    That's exactly the point. No one has denied a Christian to be one either, yet every day I have to read about some absurd "persecution".

    I find it telling you didn't comment or address any of what was posted, interesting I guess... and to be "cheeky" I posit the same to you since you didn't address any of what was posted.... Don't let anyone attempt to change your mind.

    See? That's how we do it. How we change minds? Point out arguments that are bad, and defend these ideas and posit ones that are better, or more true?

    Why not do THAT, and not just try to send a slanderous jab because you don't like the ideas posited?

  4. We all put on pants one leg at a time. HOWEVER Some of us just prefer to believe this is all thanks to our maker.. God. Some prefer to believe we are just blobs of atoms on a rock that just happened by pure luck out of nothing.

  5. Actually, 2:54, we're urged in the Bible to avoid these kinds of 'arguments' because they produce nothing good.
    The news is full of instances almost every day where Christians are being persecuted for trying to live by what they believe. Regardless of your missive, the facts speak for themselves.
    Sorry you are having such a rough time with it. Hopefully things will improve for you.

  6. Saw the movie this afternoon ....questions were answered in such a way that it is difficult to see how anyone could doubt the existence of God...it's history and if you are open to seeing that side of life, you can understand the argument. And, yes, Christians are being put down all over the globe.

  7. @6:28

    It's a shame that the best you can do is build a straw man argument. Being an atheist makes not one single claim about a belief on evolution or abiogenesis.

    Being an Atheist means I don't believe in the claims of theists. Ironically, the reason I don't is because there isn't a shred of credible evidence for any deity ever.

    Yet you choose to believe in what there is no evidence for, and scoff at scientific theory that there IS evidence for.

    At that, I think I rest my case.

  8. A Christian believes in an event which took place 2,000 years ago and has been spoken about and written about ever since. The Christian realizes the lunacy of the story: born of a virgin, the Son of God, murdered by the Saducees under the guise of the Roman Authority, and then resurrected from the dead, walked about conversing, and then ascending into the heavens after promising to prepare a place for each of us.

    The Christian believes it not because it is logical or defensible. It is an outrageous story!

    The Christian believes it because he/she is made to believe it by the Holy Spirit.

    It is totally and completely indefensible, and a real Christian will admit it (confess it).

  9. @6:59

    The news is FULL of instances EVERY day? Challenge accepted.

    Name ANY instances where Christians were actually persecuted today in America. Facts do speak for themselves, I challenge you to produce any.

  10. I saw it Sunday and believe God is not dead. God bless everyone.

  11. 736 your afraid and you shouldn't be.

  12. Christians are are being targeted and killed everyday by Muslims. Just listen to the news.

  13. @ 9:53

    What? That doesn't even make any sense? What should I be afraid of? Also, claims with out evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

    @ 10:03

    Clearly the context of this conversation is The United States of America, not the rest of the world, but to address you assertion (that has nothing cited as specific I'll add) in the Middle East Muslims are also killing Muslims, and Christians are killing Muslims. In Ireland Christians have been killing Christians. None of this I would call persecution, I would label it religious extremism, politically and culturally motivated.

    That out of the way, since apparently there are news stories EVERY DAY in America, about Christians being persecuted in America, can someone PLEASE cite something specific? I mean, you make it sound like it's low hanging fruit, yet not a single citing has been put forward.

  14. @6:59 pm

    Wait, you find nothing wrong with a book that makes wild claims, then tells you to avoid having arguments challenging those claims because they produce nothing good?

    Wouldn't that make it sort of cultish?

    I would immediately question anything that says "don't question this" as the con that it most likely is!

    I bet you would to for any other area of your life too, save for your religious convictions. I'm not calling you foolish, I'm trying to point out that this line of thinking is questionable, and I think you would think it to be too if it was a topic of anything other than religion.

  15. Hello Fellow Anonymous Atheist,

    I really enjoyed your comments thus far and would like to offer you some predictions on whats to come regarding your query on Christian prosecution.

    Anticipate something about the gay and atheist agenda being forced down your throat (no pun intended) and Prayer being forbidden in schools (a common fallacy - no school faculty member would dare forbid a kid from praying; they just cant lead a prayer).

    I always find these statements ironic as I have yet had an atheist or homosexual come to my house to promote themselves; yet have had 3 Jehovah witnesses stop by, two local churches visit/send flyers, a Church of LDS member bang on my door at 8am on a weekend and even a Mormon duo drop by. Not to mention the recent legislation allowing discrimination in the south or the move to make the bible the state book in Tennessee. This is not surprising as the notion to spread Christianity is found several places in the bible:

    Mark 16:15 NKJV

    “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”

    I'd like to ask the Christian audience of this website where in the bible it defines homosexuality as a sin? I know it is in the Old Testament along with other crazy rules including stoning for adultery, wearing clothing made of two different fabrics, growing two crops in the same field, working on the sabbath, not being a virgin when married etc.

  16. Parents who want a Christian education for their kids have the option of home-schooling or private Christian schools.Were public schools better before the late Madeline Murray O'Hare had prayer taken out of schools with her landmark lawsuits? YES,but the highest courts in the land agreed to it so there is little anyone can do about it now.My personal opinion is that if you don't like it,you have other options to school your kids.

  17. @ 11:46

    Prayer has not been taken out of schools. Compulsory administrative prayer was deemed Unconstitutional, but that doesn't mean faculty and students can't pray. In fact, they can pray whenever they want! It just can't be part of the part of the compulsory curriculum.

    Also, if 75% of the population is still Christian, that would be students and faculty, how would the Schools be going downhill as a result of a compulsory prayer being stopped? I mean, everyone could still pray? I think this is a case of correlation is not causation, and I think your premise is flawed, as the evidence does not support the claim.

  18. The silence here, is DEAFENING.

  19. 9:26 Google search Romans 1:24-47. This is New Testament teaching.


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