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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Former Crisfield Police Chief Charged with Setting Woods Fire

The former police chief of Crisfield was arrested Thursday by a Natural Resources Police investigator and charged with setting a fire last September in a grove of pine trees.

Norman Cleveland Swift III, 60, was held on $15,000 bond at the Somerset County Detention Center.

Swift is accused of starting a fire near the intersection of Phoenix Church Road and Farm Market Road on the evening of Sept. 21. Firefighters already in the area saw Swift speeding away from the scene. They tamped out the flames before they could spread.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office, Maryland State Police, and the Department of Natural Resources Forest Service assisted in the investigation.

A search warrant served on Swift’s truck in an unrelated case turned up pyrotechnic flares. An analysis of the burned area found material consistent with that used in the construction of flares. A second search warrant for Swift’s phone records placed him in the area of the fire.

Last summer and early fall, Somerset County was struck by a series of 15 fires in brush and woods. No one was injured and no structures were involved. The investigation into those fires is continuing.

Swift was charged with setting the October 1987 fire that destroyed two blocks of Crisfield’s waterfront, causing $5 million in damage. That charge was dropped in exchange for a guilty plea on a charge of nonfeasance in office while he was police chief.

Swift is scheduled to appear in court on May 2. The single charge of malicious or negligent setting of fires carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and a fine of $2,000.


  1. How embarrassing

  2. They need to lock him up. He continues to break the law and still is left to roam free.

  3. Sounds like he needs a full 5 years in orison to me!

  4. You know what? Now that I think of it, he might have lit up a bunch of those oil well in Kuwait during desert storm!

  5. Sounds like to me, he likes to play with fire so if he gets burned it's his own fault.

  6. Not Quite Understanding said...
    You know what? Now that I think of it, he might have lit up a bunch of those oil well in Kuwait during desert storm!

    April 4, 2016 at 5:40 PM

    You know what? If I remember correctly didn't WBOC or WMDT show him getting deployed while he was the Chief of Police in Crisfield?

  7. They sure know how to pick 'em down there in Crisfield.

  8. How did the moron become a police chief???????......that just makes me laugh...

  9. The bottom line is this man was crooked way before he was deployed. He is a thief and an arsonist. He may have very well committed far more serious crimes that could not be proven on him. I think he got away with murder. No one will ever know all this idiot has done. I have no sympathy for him I am well aware of his getting a pass down in slummerset county.

  10. You are right 8:41PM, he was there. I saw him several times.

  11. 1:23 Who did he allegedly kill? I have heard he is a firebug and has sticky fingers,but murder? Come on.The way people in that town gossip that would be common knowledge like his fires.Don't exaggerate.

  12. let me remind all of you self proclaimed saints here on the eastern shore there was only one perfect being to walk this earth. I'm hearing all this slander and accusations can you provide any facts or as usual just hear say. I'm sure if we dig deep enough in your closets there's plenty of dirt there too. Grow up people why not try and help one another stop being so critical and judgemental and flat out gossip craving narcissist


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