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Sunday, April 24, 2016



  1. I don't owe you Jack Sh*t! And never get it twisted! Actually I think that black people owe me reparations as I have worked all my life and they haven't. But come on and get it. It is right here waiting for you.

  2. I pay reparations every month. It is called welfare.

  3. Some folks are too dumb to realize reparations have already been made. Twice! First, right after the Civil War with the Reconstruction Act. Second, right after Kennedy's assassination with passage of Johnson's Great Society legislation. Now folks should get their free public education, get a skill, and join Project Liftoff: lift your ass off the couch and get a job that contributes to the community!

  4. Your ancestors were given a chance to leave and since you're here, they decided to stay. You live like royalty already compared to where you came from!

  5. That is why they will never be better then they are. White or Black take all they can then bit*h about it. map

  6. I'm the 'inheritor' of wealth from hard work.
    Get a job you nit wits

  7. Bub, there aren't enough of you. And when you lose, you and your ignorant, entitled pals will be the ones paying reparations -- war reparations.

  8. White people don't owe the black community anything anymore. You need to fend for yourselves. Learn some coping skills. Better yet learn a trade instead of sitting around whining that life's unfair. Clue. Life has never been fair. The fair you get is the fair you make. Get that 411 and you might have a much better life.

  9. Even the black community is disgusted about the BLM. Get a clue. You are impressing no one.

  10. Confused and misinformed clowns in children's clothing. What they're missing is dignity and healthy self-respect, neither of which can be gifts from others.

  11. The plants grown from the seed of the governments creation of destroyed famlies, destroyed values and corrupted morals

  12. I didn't own slaves....you didn't pick cotton. Get over it moron

  13. Please dear, don't hold your breath...it's time for you to get a full time job and keep it.

  14. And it was black Muslims who rounded up the slaves and sold them not only to America but to England, France, Spain, Germany, etc. Get over yourselves and for once try to be productive.

  15. Gravy train is over ,
    Vote Trump.

  16. How the "F" are you gonna take something you haven't worked for. My mother is a 80 year old black women born in the South who has worked hard all her life living off $1000.00 a month SSI. If anyone who deserve reparation is my mother. You people are "F-ing" stupid. You've done nothing all your life for reparation. Go get it from the LGBT'S communities. Their richer then the NRA. Punk azz.

  17. Bring it I've been waiting since I moved from the D.C. area 40 years ago to get away from you degenerates , now you are everywhere . Do you also get a bunch of virgins if you die? Aim for the nose as I did in the service 50 years ago , 136 down and many more to go.


  18. This is a SAD day in America,to much HATE in America.What is everyone doing on Sundays? HELL ON EARTH

  19. Let 'em come and try to take it!
    I want to be able to start shooting them when they're looting us!
    They don't know the consequences of criminal behavior - they've been coddled by the current regime for so long?

    Get jobs and work you POS!

  20. the morality and discipline that was instilled in us and earlier generations has disappeared in the home and family if you are brought up to respect others and show no remorse for your youthful actions you fate is most likely sealed for your later years there are certainly families who are dependent on welfare through no fault of their own,but the majority are looking for a free ride and they are instilling this in their children it has to stop somewhere more states should take up the welfare fraud scandal

  21. What these people are missing is a loving mother and father that married and raised their children. Instead these were cheated of that loving home life. They have been raised in 'entitlement slavery' and are now complaining about that, thinking they are owed something for something that happened when people that are longer living were sold by their own people in Africa and shipped to a place where they could be sold for clear profit.
    It would be one thing if there were some of people still alive to be compensated to some degree. They are gone, their people that sold them into slavery are also gone. Why not go to Africa and get what you think you are owed from the people that actually sold their people into slavery?

  22. First I never owned a slave, so that means I owe you nothing. If you want something out of life work for it like I did. You say White people don't know poverty. My mother raised four children working as a waitress. We wore hand me downs but she made sure we always had a meal even if it was biscuits and gravy and a roof over our heads. She taught us respect, love and kindness and how to treat people. Unfortunately people today think everyone owes them a living. I never felt that way. I have black friends and they also work for a living and they do not think anyone owes them anything. I know a lot of blacks that have a whole lot more than I have ever had. So do not keep trying to give me this crap that whites have privilege. If you want the best out of life go get a job and stop living off the taxpayers dollar because we do not owe it to you!!!!!!

  23. Schools were segregated in the early 1960's so that blacks would receive a better education, equal to whites. So what happened? President Johnson, with his formation of welfare was formed and made it easier for blacks to stay home and make babies to increase their monthly welfare checks. These people have had the same opportunity to get a good education and better themselves, which some did choose, but the parents of the whiners today chose the easy and lazy way out. Get a job! Fast food places are always hiring!


  24. I've never seen or heard of this comedy act until now. If they are to continue this same show in future plays and Trump doesn't fire them, call a exterminator company before the pest grow. If that doesn't happen I will gladly thresh each one and I being in my mid seventy's. All of them at one time, being they always move in packs like the coward's the are.

  25. Come on! You'll be greeted with something you don't expect!

  26. makes you wonder what kind of parental involvement was present in this persons life? not much evidently! way to prepare your child to succeed in this world!

  27. Who really cares he will be nothing more than a statistic when it's all said and done

  28. How can I get an African American slave right now, so that I can free it with a wad of cash and stop feeling guilty for buying it in the first place?


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