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Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Verizon Union Issues

Of all the comments posted, none of them press for facts. Nor do all the letters and statements (like the one posted here) from the union state facts. What is the profit margin of the company? Worded another way, what is the amount of money (percentage) after the company pulls in its profit, then pays all the expenses (utilities, rent, mortgages on buildings, equipment, supplies, salaries, benefits, unemployment tax, employers portion of FICA, on and on....)?

As far as salary increases, 6.5% is something. As far as a "step backwards," welcome to life. Welcome to politics and shooting yourself in the foot by the union supporting liberal policies. Sad that now the first thing on a persons mind when looking for a job is the medical coverage. Used to be what the whole salary was and if you could make your house and car payments. House and car are now secondary. BTW, there are no specifics on salaries. Someone answer this question. I DARE YOU. Say I have 10 years with the company, and I am a phone line installer, set up person, field engineer type. Also troubleshoot and repair the lines on the poles and going into buildings. Jack of all trades with a bucket truck. What would said person make per hour? Let us as blog readers decide what to think knowing that information. (Military and Government posts their pay scales for all the world to see, why not the employees the unions are supporting do as well?)

Ultimately, if you don't like your pay. Leave.

Job security, no such thing anymore. Welcome to life. 50 miles before compensation? Right, personal car you get mileage pay. Company vehicle, no wear and tear on your own car. Be aware typical travel time in many companies is only while you would normally be on the clock. You work 7-4. But the time for you to fly or drive somewhere on business is from 7 to 7. You don't get paid those 3 other hours, only mileage during those 3 hours unless you are flying commercial.

Pensions. Few and far between now days. Take what you can get offered. Join the military, be a reservist and get a pension starting at 60. Be aggressive with your 401K and your investments. Buy some rental properties. Be a scrooge. Don't buy a third car, boat, jet sky, pool, cruises, long vacations. Save up your money.

Call sharing. I want the contractor to get to my house faster to fix the line ripped down in the storm. The call center that is loosing the positions, you should demand that you handle the calls and push to exceed the time frame it takes for a contractor to be notified so he can get here faster. If the local call centers are slow, get rid of them.

Healthcare. "increases in healthcare contributions while diminishing plan coverage." Welcome to ObamaCare. Welcome to today. Your union and others pressed for it, now you got it. Personal story. I worked for a company with BCBS. Year change from 2012 to 2013, premiums when up 49%. Changed to Coventry. Again, year change from 2013 to 2014 premiums went up %15. Deductibles where $5000 up front and then pay 20% after that up to limit of $7500. Then insurance paid 100%. I left and now work as a contractor and I take care of my own medical through Tricare. Benefit of my part time military service. Our CEO offered $10000 a year to each of us if we were to get our own medical. Think of the savings he would have and the savings of having to hire a person who's only job was dealing with medical issues of the rest of the employees?

Retiree Medical. Again, see the above paragraph. Such is life. Get a part time gig at Home Depot, make a hobby a money maker. Work if you can work. The days of being 65 with your feet up chillin' on the back deck are gone.

Forced overtime assignments. I guess the union doesn't know anyone in the healthcare industry and being on call, you never know when you will be called in and for how long, sometimes into the next work day as you work overnight. You might be awake for 24+ hours. But don't count on overtime to pay the bills. Think of the military. Deployments in another weird assed country for months at a time, taking risks. When they get back, you know what they can do? Suck it up or get out.

Why haven't you worked your way up to get into higher management and reap the rewards of doing so? Kinda like a private eventually becoming a 4 star general. Your envy of the fat cats isn't going to produce sympathy in me.

Remember, you do not have the right to a job. You can't make demands standing on your bosses desk, he has to power to tell you "Get out."

What's the process to work as a scab? Many folks have a vast technical and mechanical background and can certainly do what needs to be done. Say they sign on to work for Verizon for say....$?? an hour as a full contractor? They pay their unemployment taxes, their medical, take the risk of injury. What would you people out there in SBYNEWS land realistically ask for in an hourly salary as a contractor/scab? I am sure it would be less than what the company is paying for an employee now.

As far as the union employees, has there been any thought that any increases in your benefits makes the customers bills climb? No concern about that? Employees, you have it pretty good. Shut up."


  1. Employees you have it VERY good. These times they are a changing. I agree it is a sad day that American labor is no longer appreciated and quite frankly cost effective for these companies. They can and will go elsewhere to do business. It's all about the numbers for them and as we all know its a big kickback in their pockets, it's not going to change by rebelling against it, these tactics no longer work and quite frankly the company doesn't care where the work gets done

    1. Yes, they do have it good. As it should be, for everyone.

      The company doesn't care where the work is done...but the public should care very much.

      As many jobs as are shipped overseas, it is imperative to fight. Because the next job to be outsourced could as easily be your own. Who is going to stand up for you?

    2. You see I went through this employment turmoil as well at my previous job. The constant labor against management, being timed how long I took to use restroom, timed at how long I took lunch and breaks. Yearly critique on how my job load was under 8 hours evaluation. Guess what when it came time i bolted took an early out to get rid of all of us older employees with higher wage and benefits so they could hire temps. The piece of mind of not having to deal with such ignorant supervision and labor at each other's throats with the adult drama is PRICELESS. You think the union and members will have your back don't be so naive they'll be the first to cut your throats

  2. Reads like a ton of rhetoric. The bottom line is are you being compensated for the work you do. Is it competitive with the industry. I think if you could provide facts that show where you are with other major providers people could relate to what you are talking about. You throw in the National Guard that is always a no no my friend. Leave military out of all your contract talks. You are not military and it offends arbitrators when you compare yourself to Americans putting their lives on the line. No pun intended.

    Verizon hides billions of dollars with that said they are a world wide company and have a long standing reputation of treating all employees except those at the top like crap. I think your Union needs to looked at very hard. I have no idea who represents you but I hear of strikes and near strikes way to often. You loose public support when that happens. If you are truly being screwed by Verizon you need to swing for the fence. I can do without my phone for a week or two. Good luck

  3. As to fixing your phone line they want you upset with Service on your land lines so you will cancell it. If your smart you won't cancell it .The hourly wage after thirty years 33.00 now every one else can post there salary. Go ahead teachers first. Non union workers services and products go up all the time you just don't fight for your fair share look at you bosses lifestyle.

    1. After 3 years I make 27.35 an hr non union get 3 percent raise every year. I drive a truck I work 10 to 12 hrs a day and home every night...

    2. Which is great! Nothing wrong with that.

      Except now the Teeming Milions will be howling that you're greedy, and claim you somehow don't deserve it. There are employers who know they can attract and retain good, dependable employees by paying them as if they value them, some are union leaders and some not.

  4. It's OK...Fast food workers will soon be making more than anyone else anyway. "You want fries with that?"

  5. Cut my $173/month Verizon bill to a $20/month VOIP bill. Did have to add another $10/month for alarm system capabilities (which now can't be disabiled by someone cutting the wire at the service entrance). Service is the same except the cost is $143 less.

    So these folks want to continue to put Verizon out of business. Succeeding so far.

  6. Any comment about the profit margin? That is the real scoop. Most of the comments so far are a little off what was written or from a mixed point of view. Rhetoric? I see the truth stated in the article. Personal responsibility, not hiding behind a union, not standing on the bosses desk making demands, realizing you not having the right to the job you demand. On and on.

    1. Both Verizon and the union support, even insist upon, personal responsibility. That is the foundation upon which a business grows.

  7. 10:46 Then go be a boss! If you do not want to stop your crying! I have been in my field for 30 plus years. Would be making double if I wanted to pursue management. I don't want to so I do not complain about what they make. This crap is getting old. Or go be a teacher or whatever it is that you feel is screwing you over this time.

    1. Yet another one who has no clue what is going on. The "bosses" are supportive of us, believe me. They want this to be over as soon as possible also.

      They are at the mercy of the company.

      Very few of us actually want to be in "management". We've seen what the top management and executives have inflicted on middle and lower management.

      Besides, somebody has to be able to actually do the work. That's us.

  8. The only complaint I see with any credence is the out sourcing. I get no raise / cola on my SSI or retirement checks. They cannot live on their salary and need a 6.5% raise and that means they are losing money. This is a lot of BS. My phone bill raises every month and I hardly use it.

    1. We can live on our salary. 6.5% over three years doesn't keep up with inflation.

      If your phone bill gets higher each month, blame the company jacking up rates. Our pay doesn't get higher each month.

    2. 6.5% outpaces cpi over the last 3 years. You need to get a grip on reality.


    3. 5:26 NOT without a fair contract.


  9. You people couldn't handle being a teacher!!

    1. Probably not. Different careers for different people. Big deal.

  10. Go right ahead and beat down unions, your the same ones that complain about the one percent! Amazing that the upper echelon has pitted the middle class against themselves. History will reflect on these times and it won't be kind to those that have demonstrated ignorance at a time when information was so readily available. Because of your ignorance, the middle class will continue its downward slide.
    Why continue your argument, knowing that your contributing to the one percent's foothold on our society?
    This Union, the CWA, is a trade union, these craftsmen who have dedicated their careers to one specific task, have built this country's telecommunications. The current Ceo of verizon is a "Johnny come lately" to this industry.
    Go ahead, dig your own graves, you don't deserve better. What do you receive as a proponent of corporate growth?

  11. Thank God. Those Verizon workers need to be smacked on their noses with a paper. They should be thankful they have a job. They went in strike less than 10 yrs ago. So tired of people crying about their jobs. Quit then! I'd love to have your job!

    1. Go right ahead and apply. If you make it through the drug/background/credit check and the interview/first/second round of tests, see if you love sitting in that call center.

  12. 2:51 are you employable ?? Question #1. They take apps daily.

  13. 2:51 can you speak English. Do you wear your pants down to the crack of your ass. Do you smoke weed all night. There is a reason you may not have a job. Fix yourself. Make yourself an attractive applicant. There are jobs for those who want to work for a living. I am not saying Verizon is the place set your goals high and get there. Good luck

    1. Actually I am very qualified. I only want the job because it's easy ,indoors and close to home. However I'll keep my $47.98 an hour and be thankful. I'm not a crying ass baby and I make real money because I'm not in a union.

    2. Uh-oh, you've done it now. The Teeming Millions will be howling about your greed.

      If you are really making $47.98 at an easy, indoor job close to home, you are the one who should be grateful. And not a whimper out of you when your job gets contracted out or shipped overseas.

  14. Verizon employees are idiots. They make much more than MOST and still want more. Greed will get you in trouble. Your product and service aren't that great.

    1. Do you read NOTHING but your own words?

      They are not asking for "more". They want to keep the same net pay and benefits the company offered when they were hired.

      So, you going to be "greedy" and expect your total compensation not to decrease this year, yourself?

  15. 2:49- Pay raises should be based on merit and performance. Not because of a rise in the rate of inflation.

  16. @3:32 where in the world are you coming from?? Do you take your daily dose of PROZAC or I bet right now sitting there at your computer drinking a glass of wine?? Get a life!!

  17. I am part of the 1% and never worked as a union employee a day in my life. Willing to bet that there are not many union members that make it to the 1%.

    1. Probably not. We aren't in these union jobs because we have a burning desire to be 1 percenters. Good for you, if you are.

      Without workers, you wouldn't be in that 1%.

  18. Verizon upper echelon made big bucks with the government free phone giveaway. The 4 carriers took in over a billion dollars of taxpayer welfare so I can't blame workers for an increase.

  19. You got a job, benefits, and competitive pay. Be glad, my phone bill is to high and you want more money. No way go back to work before I switch from Verizon to another service.

    1. You really think your phone bill will decrease, regardless of our contract?

      Do you really think your phone bill (or ours) will increase LESS than the total 6.5% pay increase the company is offering over the next three years?

      Obviously you do not read. Verizon employees are not demanding to increase their compensation. They want to keep good jobs in America. In Salisbury.

      Jobs that keep money coming into the local economy.

      We aren't going to roll over and watch our jobs, and co-workers' jobs, be turned into McJobs and shipped to foreign countries.

      Go ahead and switch to another service, your lines still run over the Verizon network.

  20. I switched to a wireless home phone from att. $20 bucks a month unlimited calling

  21. Not a very good showing of solidarity with the Verizon workers. Barely a handful over on baptist st and by the looks on their faces not too sure about their decision to be out there

    1. Not many of us left that work there anymore, so there aren't as many of us left to walk the picket line. Mt Hermon Road has a lot more.

  22. Maybe it's time Verizon just close the Salisbury office and call it a day. There's no reason for them to stay here so why should they? The workforce here is just whiny and inefficient because they go out on strike every whipstitch. Just close down the office and re-open one in an area that actually appreciates having a job. What does that leave? K&L? Perdue? Oh well, maybe someday this community will learn to quit biting the hands that feed them.

  23. Unions have destroyed many more jobs than union leaders would ever admit. They aren't job creators. They're job killers. When will you people wake up and realize this inconvenient fact? Does Salisbury have to turn into a more depressed area before you guys get a clue?

  24. 1238 is it a job? Yes. I'm sure many people would give their right arm to have one right now. Agree with 1234, just close the damn office and be done with this community. They obviously don't give a hoot about a good job so why give them opportunities to get one? Waste of corporate money and time.

  25. 1232 what's not fair is people who have gainful employment crying the blues and complaining. Go back to work or quit. Nothing in life is fair. Whoever gave you that memo was sorely mistaken.

  26. By the looks of some of the vehicles the strike participants were leaning on gathering around(50,000 Mercedes suv and such) I'd say their about to shoot themselves in the foot once and for all. Sometimes we have to humble ourselves step back and see just how fortunate we really are


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