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Sunday, April 24, 2016

BREAKING: Kenyan Government Releases Obama’s Real Birth Certificate

Obama’s birth question rose yet again! But, this time, it has documents as a proof! New reports that surfaced, contain 11 documents from the Office of the Principal Register of the Nyanza Provice in Kenya. They are concerning Obama’s birth and early childhood in the country!

These documents have been requested by the United States for years, but the Kenyan Supreme Court finally ordered the authorities to release the documents based on a law on “access to information.”

What’s ‘shocking’ here, is that Obama was born ONE year BEFORE his father moved to Hawaii and met his mother. The documents also confirm the biggest question of them all! Obama was born in Lamu, Kenya. Now how did the administration have those documents they’ve been showing us over the past few years? Where did they come from?



  1. All while the HildaBeast whines about a vast right wing conspiracy....

    We've got an illegal alien running our country in the dirt - rabble rousing the low-lifes in our society while keeping his crony criminals (like the HildaBeast and POSAG holder) from being prosecuted!

  2. The question is, what will be done about this? The constitution says he has to be a natural born citizen. The answer is absolutely nothing!!!

    He won't even release his college transcripts from columbia university. No one in his graduating class knew him. No professors recall ever having him as a student! The press and the media keep covering for him. More evidence of total corruption!

  3. What could easily happen now is for this POSPOTUS to resign - then we have President BIDEN (OMG) and the DNC can ditch both the HildaBeast and the Bern while running slow-Joe for reelection against Trump!

  4. Trump is in on it too. This is all a part of their master plan.

  5. Not the least bit surprised!

  6. I have little doubt that he wasn't born in the US, but I also doubt that anything will come of this-- even if he himself had released this birth certificate. Our political system in the US has become so corrupt that there isn't even any attempt to make it look otherwise. Open, brazen corruption.

  7. Along with his four different names, qualifying for foreign student status and scholarships, taking the SS# of a long dead white guy from New Hampshire, and hiding all of his school and public records, why are we surprised?

  8. Strange only World News Politics is reporting. Can you really believe that site?

  9. Well golly gee Andy, what do we do now?

  10. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually had this info released himself, as an in-your-face flip off to the American people on his way out the door.

  11. This is big news. Why have I not seen it on Fox or any other MSM news?

  12. I never, ever believed what they told the public anyway. I just knew he wasn't an American, he's a d**n Kenyan and that is exactly where he belongs, so leave NOW.

  13. Until you all wake up and read hidden dangers of the rainbow. you will fail to understand what is happening!! it is damn near impossible to stop the tide of deception,lies, corruption. ALL influenced and supported by evil forces in foriegn government UN, most churches, community orginazations, mason, shriners, its a twisted evil agenda.

  14. Kenya knew the whole time. Received funds for helping hide it. Now we need to destroy their country for helping to destroy ours.

    1. Kenya? are you kidding? What's there to "destroy"? They've never built anything themselves more substantial than mud huts.

    2. One less country for us to pay millions to. I agree. Any country who helps to defile ours should be eradicated. America used to be known for its retaliation. Mess with this bull get the horns. Now we are a laughing stock. Time we become great again. Bully of the world!

  15. Joe, I in no way approve of oboma or his administration, BUT, why do you even post this stuff. It must be BS otherwise we would be hearing more about it than from this one site.


  16. I hope this is true but am having a hard time believing it. I would like conformation.

  17. umm...no



  18. Lots of gullible people out there.

  19. 5:03 The UAP tower building in Nairobi, Kenya is 535' tall. It is taller than any building in Baltimore.

  20. The article says - "What’s ‘shocking’ here, is that Obama was born ONE year BEFORE his father moved to Hawaii and met his mother"

    Can you explain that statement? Obama was born ONE year BEFORE his father moved to Hawaii and met his mother. So was O born in Hawaii to the women we have been told is his Mother and Kenya man is not his biological father -OR was O born in Kenya to the man we have been told is his biological father , if so who was his Kenya Mother. Who was the biological parent when O was born and the two met in Hawaii one year after O's birth. i think "World News Politics" is just BS

  21. So when will the imposter be arrested? I think we all know the answer to that question.

  22. Let me guess...someone received e-mail from a Blessed Honorable Assistant to a Kenyan Prince, seeking the release of the Entire Sum of Five Hundred Sixty-Three Million Dollars Seven Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Five Dollars and Eighteen Cents to the Bearer of the Entrusted Sacred Documents Of Royal Kenyan Bloodline to be Entrusted to the Esteemed and Trusted Recipient of the e-mail, to be delivered upon Receipt and Subsequent Delivery of the Official and Exalted Most Holy Certificate of the Sainted Birth of His Supreme Commanderness Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama.

  23. Follow the money.....he was shoved down our throats for a reason.

  24. We can only hope. We've already seen the change.

  25. It's an old hoax news story. Been around a couple of years. Keeps getting regurgitated every so often with updates to make it look authentic.

    Unfortunately not true.

  26. I'm from Missouri.

    Show me the birth certificate.

    And, no, not the Adobe Photoshop version!

    Until then, suck it up my friends, and look at Ted Cruz, the Canadian. He's here to continue the takeover of America by the NWO.

    I'm voting Trump to get us out of this mess.

  27. Go to "www.obamasrealfather.com" and you will see EVERYTHING about this Muslim POS!!! He should be dragged from Washington and charged for espionage.

  28. You can thank the Republicans as well. Too busy not to upset the blacks allowed this POS to lie!!! Yet when people tried to warn others they were mocked with the tin foil hat BS.

  29. Totally laughable! Some will say anything to get a rise! I guess your next story will say "Trumps wall almost finished" You guys know better lol


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