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Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Viewer Writes: A Story For The Community Today!


Here is a story that is news worthy and affects many of us in this community!

The Company has spent more time sending messages to our members giving them “bargaining facts” than they spend at the bargaining table. The Company’s “bargaining facts” emailed today to our members stated the Company had been contacted by Federal Mediation and agreed they were willing to mediate if the Unions extended the strike deadline. CWA responded with a press release stating “CWA did not authorize anyone at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to approach Verizon about extending the strike date. Either the FMCS acted without authorization or Verizon executive vice president Marc Reed is lying.” Our guess is little Mark is lying again!

Clearly Reed’s goal is to mislead the public and our members regarding all the facts. A recent news article where Reed was quoted stated that out of the last 4 bargaining cycles the union leadership took the workers out on strike 50% of the time. Those of us that were here for the last 4 bargaining cycles remember it a little differently. We saw under Verizon CEO’s leadership, including Marc Reed, our members were forced to strike for a fair contract 100% of the time in the last 2 contracts. Enough of the bullshit, scare tactics and lies!

With less than 12 hours to go it is becoming clear this company is not taking us seriously. The clock is ticking. At 6AM tomorrow morning this company will find out just how serious we really are. We have communicated a lot of information in these bargaining reports over the past 10 months. Tonight we want to make clear what the major issues are causing our members to take to the picket lines and withhold our labor from the greedy corporation Verizon. So here is why we are going on strike.

1). WAGES: The company offered increases of 6.5%. When you factor in the rising cost of all the other monetary items the company proposes changing, it is not an “increase”, but a step backwards. Union wage increases are negotiated once real commitments from the company are made on all of the issues affecting our members.

2). JOB SECURITY- CWA supported Bell Atlantic’s merger with GTE. Job security language in 2003 was the cost for CWA’s support. Now Verizon seeks to eliminate that job security language unless we agree to allow forced temporary transfers of employees to other states, close rural call centers forcing employees to move or commute excessive distances or quit and force employees to travel up to 50 miles more before compensating employees.

3). PENSIONS – The Company has proposed to cap pension accruals at 30 years. They also propose to lock in the life expectancy portion of the pension cash out calculation potentially costing members the 3% annual pension band increase proposed. Our members deserve pensions that will provide reliable retirement security.

4). CALL SHARING - The company contracts over 5,000 employees in the Philippines, Mexico, Dominican Republic and elsewhere. Contractors handle over a million calls originating in the Mid- Atlantic States and the company wants an agreement to lower the percentage of calls it commits to its own employees. They are also proposing call routing that will get the call to a contractor quicker. This is all designed to eliminate call center jobs. This agreement is also a job security issue for all call center employees. It is vital that the Union prevail in securing call center work.

5). HEALTHCARE – The Company seeks significant increases in healthcare contributions while diminishing plan coverage. They want us to pay more for less coverage.

6). RETIREE MEDICAL - The company proposes continuing your healthcare but they want your costs to be increased at the same pace of active employees, even though you don’t earn a paycheck, overtime or benefit from wage increases.

7). FORCED OVERTIME ASSIGNMENTS – The company has manipulated overtime in our bargaining units because they are understaffed. The Company has mismanaged out of town projects and overtime to a point where they have exhausted the existing workforce. The company has abused employees by assigning overtime almost daily and then canceling the assignment, sometimes just minutes before the overtime is scheduled to start. This practiced has caused our members to pay for daycare when it was not necessary, to miss family events and impacted quality of life issues.

It is disgraceful for this Company to demand our members and retirees sacrifice years of negotiated benefits while they sit back with fat salaries and bonuses. We will not stand by and let this Company continue to destroy good middle class jobs. The clock is ticking and time is running out.

Whether wired or wireless, none of this network works without us.

Once again, as of 6AM Wednesday, April 13, 2016 the CWA Executive Board authorized a strike against Verizon, Verizon Wireless and Verizon Connected Solutions. If you are at work, you need to immediately get up and leave. As of 6AM, we are on strike.


  1. all i had to see was 6.5% wasnt enough

    fire them all and hire non union

    1. This is spread over 3 years. It's about 2% a year, less than the cost of living increase...roughly a seventy cent per hour raise on average.

    2. I retired from the state and we were lucky to get 2%. If we did health insurance went up 4% and employees were forced to join unions. So after the 2%, you were lucky to only take home 25 cents and for most of the last 10 years, state employees got 0% plus more work - I worked in unemployment and even though you couldn't get the increased work done in 40hours you could not get any overtime. All the while the pension contribution went up 1 to 2% a year

  2. A 6.5% increase isn't an increase? No wonder unions are dying, they're killing themselves with lies!

    1. It isn't an increase when the cost of living increases 15% over three years. That means a loss of real income.

  3. Give me a break. Be glad you have a job. Most other companies in the US do this to workers every day. Be grateful for what you have. You greedy union people infuriate me every time I see you picketing. Maybe they will ship your job overseas...then you will appreciate what you had.

    1. And that makes it okay, because "other companies" are slashing benefits, keeping wages at bottom dollar and shipping our jobs overseas to third world countries? You think this is A-OK?

      How about if YOUR job is outsourced to Mexico? Or you get replaced with H1b visa workers from India? How about if your employer tells you that they want to be able to temporarily assign YOU a thousand miles away for two months at a time, away from your family? Or work you 130 hours out of a 168 in a week? How about if they decided that, in addition to paying hundreds a month for insurance, you will now be subject to a yearly $5,000 deductible, applied to prescriptions AND doctor visits?

      Do you want to keep exactly what you have now in pay and benefits, if any? Then you're "greedy" too.

      What's "greedy" is the obscene amounts charged for phone and Internet service. You don't have any problem with paying that, do you?

  4. Here is another example of a company that could head overseas due to the affairs of a UNION....6.5% increase....my how will they ever survive???? Ask a retired person what his increase was this year....oh wait I know 0%.... Unions have long lost the original purpose for such, to protect the worker. Now its all about lining the big bosses pockets, check the union top brass, look at the salaries. Its no wonder the U.S. is failing financially. Look how many unions have defaulted on the pension funds of retired workers. I hope Verizon replaces everyone of those who go out on strike, with folks who would cherish the "gravy jobs" that group enjoys. I got to go take some blood pressure medicine.....LOL Verizon's damn services are already sky high, this will only mean more cost to us.

  5. I wish the Verizon employees standing on the side of Mt Hermon Road would stop frantically waving at me as if they are seeing their long lost friend. LOL! I don't even look their way. They need to be working like the rest of us.

    1. We would love to be working, but not until the company signs a contract.

    2. Would you rather they take their frustrations with the company out on those driving by with anger?

  6. Whoever posted this better be glad they have a job. Hope they fire all of you and revamp non union employees.

    1. We are glad to have good jobs. And we are fighting to keep them. That is why we are out there.

  7. Way better than most jobs. Greedy idiots will find themselves out of a job. No sympathy here.

    1. Why don't you give your employer back, a portion of YOUR paycheck every week, since you are GREEDY if you want your pay to stay the same.

    2. The CEO makes $47,000 a day. The company makes billions a year. So, the employees are the greedy ones?

  8. No sympathy from me. I work for the state. Haven't had a raise since 2009. I'm grateful for the job I have. I say fire every one of them and rehire non union workers. I'll bet they would change their tune fast!

    1. We are grateful for our jobs, and if we didn't care about them we wouldn't be fighting for them.

  9. if they fire them all for non union those jobs will go over seas and not stay local so which would you prefer?

    1. I think you'd prefer local employees. Kind of hard to run a new line or fix a broken cable from Bangladesh.

    2. That would be a long ride to fix a Cell tower. Clueless

  10. I wonder how many of them voted for Barry and his "Affordable Health Care"?

    1. Damn few, I can tell you.

      There's a percentage of dumb-ocrats especially in certain areas. But most phone company employees (at least the ones who have technical jobs) are straight up Republican and very conservative. They hate the pandering to democrats worse than anyone, and wish the unions would stop supporting them.

  11. $100.00 dollars a month and I cant even get unlimited data?!?! I have no sympathy for your "troubles"

    1. Fool.

      That is Verizon WIRELESS, not Verizon itself.

      Look at the executive compensation packages...there's your $100/month.

    2. Return your phone and cancel your service

  12. We should all care about our jobs enough to fight for them. If we don't, the company sure won't. The executives are lavishly compensated, awarding themselves bonuses and stock options and "Rolls Royce" benefits. So why take from the bottom paid workers, whose pay has not even kept up with the cost of living for years?

    The company is making record profits, in the neighborhood of $1.6 BILLION dollars per MONTH. They aren't struggling, they are not trying to stay afloat. Every dime they take from us, is simply more profit.

    Has anyone seen their phone/internet bill go down, ever? No matter how much we have given up over the years, as our benefits shrink, our costs increase, and our pay does not keep up with inflation let alone reflect the profitability from our productivity, not once has that resulted in a single dime towards the customer's phone or Internet bill.

    Where does it go? Look at the spiraling executive salaries, the enormous lobbying costs, political support and so on. They certainly aren't investing it back into the copper infrastructure. Wonder why your internet service is slow or undependable? Or why you can't get it at all? Why we can't get FIOS here on the eastern shore of Maryland?

    They are doing all they can, to minimize investment in capital expenditures, the telecom infrastructure, and their employees. And all they can, to funnel that revenue to the top. Meanwhile, they are one of the top recipients of corporate welfare, subsidized by all of our taxes.

    All we want, is to keep the diminished benefits we negotiated for years ago, and keep our pay up with the cost of living. And keep our jobs here in the US. Nothing more.

    As profitable as Verizon is, there is no good reason to put thousands more middle class employees out of work, just to ship those jobs to the Phillipines and Mexico. How much do you love calling for help with your Verizon Internet, only to spend part of your life trying to explain the problem to "Craig from California"...aka Habib in Calcutta, India?

    These are the type of middle class, bread and butter jobs that are the heart of what's left of the middle class. We can't afford to lose them to a third world country, while supporting millions of third world immigrants and H1b visa workers.

    These aren't jobs that just anyone can do, nor that everyone would want to do. They aren't going to make anyone rich, but they will keep Americans employed and paying taxes.

    Please show us your support as we stand on the front lines of our battle to save middle class jobs, now and for future generations. If we don't fight to keep what we have, our jobs will be eroded and eliminated.

    It sucks that our union backs democrats, because most of the employees are conservative, and Republican/Libertarian.

  13. 138-lol, actually no. How would jobs for local wireline workers be sent overseas? That's union gibberish that's 100% BS.

    1. 2:17 actually, YES for a large number of employees. Anyone in a call center of any kind, is subject to having those calls routed overseas. In fact, a huge point of contention with this contract, is that Verizon WANTS to route calls to Mexico and the Phillipines. These are jobs that are profitable for Verizon right here in the USA.

      You ever call for assistance with an Internet trouble? Guess what - say hello to Apu in New Delhi, India.

  14. Give it to 'em and watch Bernie take it away!

  15. Hey Verizon employees, you're struggles are NOT real. You've convinced yourself that you are a victim. You're not. That's the problem with society today, everyone wants to play the victim. You guys have no problem telling me "no" ever time I call for assistance, you have no problem being rude and discourteous when I call and you have no problem running m around in circles between different "specialists" who never solve anything. If you treated people better, you MAY get a little sympathy. Probably not though. I was a state employee who didn't get a raise for the last 8 yard I was there as the Governor balanced the budget on the backs of state workers. I tightened my belt and budgeted better. Maybe you should do the same. On top of it, you don't even have to pay a phone bill!!!

    1. Yes, our struggle to keep good jobs are quite real. We do not play "victims"...we are empowered to take positive action to ensure we negotiate a fair contract beneficial to both sides.

      Not sure what you are being told "no" about, but unless you're demanding something we "can't" do, we'll find a way to make it happen...unless you're a total jerk, of course.

      Management determines what groups can do, what processes and procedures they must use, and what they are allowed to do. Not us. I used to work in the call center, and it was frustrating to us, to have to transfer the customer. We'd rather solve the problem ourselves.

      We aren't asking for a "raise", we are simply asking for a reasonable "cost of living" adjustment. It isn't "fair" that state employees didn't get an increase, especially when politicians vote themselves heathy increases yearly. But that is your union, that negotiated the contract, not ours. All we want is to keep the same relative pay that we were promised when we were hired.

      And this isn't even a matter of the governor "balancing the budget" on the backs of the employees. They overspend, and hand out welfare to illegals, then somehow can't find the money to keep state employees from slipping further underwater. It's wrong, and we sympathize. But don't say we don't deserve it just because you didn't get what YOU deserved.

      Believe me, we have tightened our belts, and then some. Our healthcare costs have skyrocketed, far higher than any 2.5% increase would ever make up for. Just like everyone else, our co-pays have dramatically increased. Not 2% or 3%, either. More like 20% or 25% or more.

      Where did you get the idiotic idea that we don't pay a phone bill?? Hahaha!! Last time I checked my landline bill, I think it was about a twelve dollar discount total.

  16. Verizon is not a reputable company. Here's a couple facts for you:

    Verizon is failing to meet pledges to expand FiOS broadband to millions of customers, but wants to continue shedding workers that install service

    Verizon has already moved 5,000 jobs overseas, pressing to send even more jobs to Mexico, Philippines, elsewhere

    Despite $39 billion profit in last three years, Verizon is pushing to outsource work to low-wage contractors, force family-busting transfers

    Most likely Verizon can't outsource the work overseas as it involves laying cable/infrastructure upgrades. What they will do is outsource to outside contractors.

    It always interests me that the cost of transmitting data is constantly declining yet the cost of service through Verizon/ATT is stagnant or increasing (while also eliminating unlimited options).

    To the person saying they work for the state and haven't received a raise - Did you not get the COLA issued within the past couple of years or are you just a liar?

  17. Unions are dying due to their continuous lies. No wonder. More lies from union reps in this comment section!

    1. I am not a "union rep", although I am a member. And I have spoken the absolute truth from firsthand experience and knowledge.

      I have no reason to lie, and every last point is easily verifiable if you want to challenge me.

  18. 232-An increase of 6.5% is an increase, no matter how much the union lies!

    1. A 6.5% increase over three years doesn't come close to breaking even, given the thousands of dollars of additional healthcare costs we are being told we have to pay. If we pay an additional $175/month for health insurance, that's more than the average $135/month pay increase.

      We earn 2% more, they take 3% back.

      Now, they want to impose an additional $5,000 yearly deductible, including prescriptions. We'd have to pay up to $5,000 out of pocket for prescriptions and the doctor visits out of pocket before "insurance" paid a dime...despite paying out $175 - $200 or more (with annual increases up to 10%!) a month.

      That means a decrease in net pay.

      See how Verizon math works?

  19. lol, union members go nuts when you call them out for the obvious. "6.5% increase actually isn't an increase." Lyin' Unions! What's new?

    1. It isn't an increase when the company imposes additional costs for healthcare, that are higher than the "pay increase".

  20. I got rid of Verizon years ago. When I had a problem, I talked to someone from India who spoke broken English and if they couldn't solve your problem, they would simply hang up.
    Billing problem was just as bad. Customer service rep was usually rude or you were transferred to several departments before you could talk to someone who said they could help you.
    I had this with my prepaid cellphone. They couldn't transfer my old phone number to the new cell phone, and couldn't activate my cellphone even though they already took my money. AT&T was just as bad with theirs. I now have Consumer Cellular. Been happy with them since!
    Based on service, prices and support, I could care less if they keep their jobs or not. They are just another arrogant corporation. You can count on your jobs being outsourced to foreign companies. That is what they do. I worked for Airpax. They did the same. Look at Superfresh. The Food and Commercial workers Union did jack for their members! So go ahead and keep on striking. Maybe one day you will find yourself working for Walmart or some retail chain for the minimum wage!

    1. Fergodsakes people.

      Cellphones = Verizon WIRELESS.

      Their customer service people are non-union and aren't paid enough to give two angry sh1ts on a pogo stick about your problems.

      Verizon is the landline company.

  21. Everybody is paying more for healthcare,raises are next to non-existent for most so what makes Verizon workers different? Sorry, no sympathy here. More Union BS.

    1. We are fighting back, as every other worker should have the right to do. You roll over and take whatever scraps they toss your way, those crumbs will keep getting smaller.

    2. Like I said, more Union BS

    3. No, it's Company BS

  22. Easy to tell lies from truth. When a union TURNS DOWN a 6.5% pay increase? And claims it's a pay decrease? Man, that union math sure is funny!

    1. 2% increase (per year)
      -10% increased health insurance (every year)

      = -8% in take home pay...

      - $5,000 in deductibles...

      = significant net pay decrease.

      Meanwhile...mega-millions for executives and fat checks for wealthy shareholders.

  23. As someone who's spouse used to work for Verizon, I know you people make good money (especially for this area). Yes, the working conditions at the Call Center are less than ideal, but in this day and age people should be thankful they have a job and get a pay raise at all. Be grateful and not greedy!!

    1. Wanting to keep the same relative wage and benefits package is not "greedy".

      Are you greedy for wanting your own paycheck to stay the same after deductions?

  24. hey whiners. go start your own "verizon" type company and then you can pay yourself whatever it is you think you're worth.

  25. "6.5% increase is actually a decrease."

    LOL, union math!

    1. 6.5% over 3 years, with a 10% increase in health insurance EVERY YEAR on top of a $5,000 deductible is actually a net decrease.

      Verizon math.

  26. I know several people who work at Verizon, and they have excellent salaries and benefits, despite having only high school educations. Many companies have not given raises in several years, and in fact, some companies have actually taken away a percentage of the pay from their workers. Verizon rewards their employees very well with exceptional salaries, incentives, and benefits. Verizon union members need to wake up and realize that they should be very thankful for their jobs.

    1. We are. That is why we are FIGHTING for those good jobs. We don't want our jobs outsourced or contracted out.

  27. Social Security recipients haven't gotten a COLA raise 2 out of the last 4 years. That's the truth.

    This laughable Verizon Union is claiming that a 6.5% RAISE is actually a pay cut! Who to believe, the lying unions? No thanks. This is exactly like the Chicago teachers union, that also rejected a substantial pay raise!

    1. Small pay increase + large increase in health insurance costs = net pay cut.

      Verizon math.

    2. Better small loss in net pay than the big one retirees on social security - medicare costs increase equals big net pay loss. Cost of living does not factor in increased costs of food or gas.

    3. What Verizon is proposing, results in a significant loss of net pay, especially once that $5,000 deductible is factored in.

      And they are trying to do this to Verizon retirees as well. They don't get cost of living increases, so increasing their health insurance costs results in a reduction of net pay.

  28. Hang in there CWA ! Praying an agreement comes soon. Phone Companies aren't what they use to be.
    We were treated like family - not the enemy!

    1. Thank you! I remember those days too...barely....!

  29. Typical Verizon employee crying....I worked for a private contractor with ma bell years ago...thsee folks make stupid money for what they do and cry at every contract....boo hoo.....if you don't like the contract toooohhh bad....cry to someone who cares....we dont.....

  30. Comcast needs a Union from what the techs say, Kind of strange that a company of that size doesn't.

  31. How many strikes has Verizon unions had in the past 10-20 years? They do it almost as often as Boeing! These union stooges will claim a 6.5% wage increase is a decrease! Like, really? That's why unions have ruined many communities, companies, and industries!

    1. 6.5% over three years does not break even, when you factor in over 30% increase in costs for medical insurance plus a $5,000 deductible.

  32. I hope they FIRE each and every one of you! You think cut off at 30-year pension is bad? Really? It is your responsibility to save your money and provide for your retirement! As far as Healthcare, I have to pay for my insurance, so why are you any different?! I am appalled at what I'm reading! If you don't like it - Go somewhere else and try to get what you have now - Good Luck with that!! Also, When you see an elderly person at the pharmacy paying for their pres. think about how much they are spending each month - cause they didn't have the kind of benefits that you do and are paying out of pocket - So when you are out to eat and having a grand ole time - think about that couple and they are probably eating leftovers, cause they can't afford to go out and eat, cause their meds are more important!! So, quit your whinning and appreciate what you have!!!

    1. If we didn't value our jobs, we wouldn't be willing to fight for them. We like what we have just fine.

      We are objecting to the greedy company trying to take away what we already have. If we can keep what we have, that's what we want. Not asking much, just to stay where we are at.

  33. I saw a 6.5% increase on a promotion a few years ago. Everyone because of the insurance company hustle, better known as Obamacare has seen drastic increases. The corporate thugs you contend with at Verizon are no different than the rest of the motley crew. Suck it up and be grateful you see an increase, because you have an excellent job considered upper middle class in today's economy.

    1. We know we have excellent jobs considering the decimation of the middle class. We want to stay middle class. What's wrong with that? Nobody is trying to get rich, just maintain what we have. Verizon makes record profits, due to our productivity. But they don't strive to break even, year over year..and nobody expects them to, either. They attempt to increase their profit margin, which is perfectly fine.

      Improvements in technology, processes and efficiency can result in greater revenue for the company, as it should, and it has.

      But greater profit should not come from stripping employee compensation.

  34. This is Verizon's landline division. This is a dying technology that will be gone in a few years. You all should be glad you have a job at all at this point. You should have begun looking for a new career years ago. I have no sympathy for any of you.

    1. We are very glad to have our jobs. If we weren't then we wouldn't be fighting for them.

      People don't often fight for $8/hr jobs, why bother? But we value our jobs, and what we have put the years in to build.

  35. Check out CWA salaries, maybe you should hire another Union to negotiate there salaries down.

    1. Not even close to what Verizon execs pay themselves.

  36. Verizon people make VERY good money already.
    I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for them.

    1. We do make good money. But allowing the company to impose significant additional costs, that far outstrip the small cost of living increase, is a slippery slope. Once they start taking away what we have earned and fight for, it only gets worse.

  37. Tell everyone how much you make, and see how much sympathy you get. The fact is, you make more than most people who have spent 4 years, and $100k going to college. Maybe you should be grateful! My grandmom doesn't even get that much of a cost of living increase with her social security, but you don't hear her whining and trashing the government! You deserve to be replaced, just for being ungrateful.

    1. None of us are "whining and trashing the government". We are grateful to have what we do, if we weren't we wouldn't care enough to stand up for it.

      If people make the decision to spend time in college rather than starting at the bottom in a company, learning the craft and working their way up, that is up to them.

      It's a shame that 4 years of college doesn't guarantee a decent job, but that has more to do with the oversupply of college graduates driving up competition for scarce jobs. And FYI, almost any job other than a call center position, now requires a college degree. Despite the fact that there is NOTHING in a traditional college curriculum that will teach you a damn thing about how to even begin to do telco work.

  38. I often wonder why anyone would call into question another's good job without asking themselves why they don't have the same.
    In this case Verizon business is extremely profitable. As well they should be, because they employ highly trained technicians and support staff that have dedicated themselves to the success of the Company. These mens and womens skills can not be taught or learned overnight, more like years.
    Verizon needs the CWA and vis versa.

  39. Yea that's a real story there!! The good old Union downfall. Who really cares about Verizon and what wage and benefits you get. Your service really sucks and one of the biggest ripoffs out there

  40. Maybe the union will reduce or even stop collecting dues for the term of the contract. That would put more money in your paychecks? Ask to see a copy of the CWA's LM-2 (annual financial filing). It is amazing how much money they spend on themselves and how little on the members.

    1. No union dues are deducted without a contract. While we are on strike we do not get a paycheck.

  41. Amazing how this area fails to learn from it's own path. Dresser, Crown, Campbell's. Keep striking maybe all the big companies will leave the area and continue the downward spiral.

    Unions need to be abolished once and for all. We haven't seriously need a union since the Department of Labor was created. That was during FDR people.

    1. And you support your position with what factts? The decline in union membership is directly contested to the decline in real wages.

  42. I understand all your issues with Verizon i would take that Verizon phone cancel your service and go ahead and return the phone. (I didn't think you would).The raise is over three years. How much money do you generate for your company? yes there are those positions that they have to just have a body in.
    Most of you dont even realize you are that person at your company. You didnt take he time to apply for a job at Verizon just jealous. I like to know how many of you took the test and failed. There not one of you that would turn down the job if offered I cant image you saying o your union i cant take the job.

  43. "Whether wired or wireless, none of this network works without us."
    Wanna Bet

    1. As a matter of fact, yes I would...!

      Obviously you don't understand how cellphones, data circuits and other networks work.

    2. Obviously you don't understand that while your on strike we are actually doing your job. Keep striking I like the rates there giving me.

    3. Yea I'll take that bet you going on strike is only given upper management the resources to outsource your jobs to keep business going eventually giving them the ability to say oh ok we don't NEED you now!! DUMBASS

    4. 6:42 Question is, are they paying you the same rate as real employees? If not, ask yourself...who do they value more...since they're paying you scab rate for your second rate work.

      But enjoy while you can, because sooner or later this will come to an end, and you will be out on the street...another laid off scab scratching for another ill-gotten bone.

      One thing is for certain: overtime pay aplenty for everyone once it's over, fixing the problems you people caused! Happens every single time!

  44. 10:04 Its oh and I is suppose to be capitalized as well as yes because it was the beginning of your sentence. What did you get on that test?

  45. Our objective in these negotiations is to preserve good jobs with competitive wages and excellent benefits while addressing the needs of our ever-changing business. All of our contract proposals currently on the table include wage increases, generous 401(k) matches and continued pension benefits. Contrary to Sen. Sanders’s contention, our proposals do not call for mass layoffs or shipping jobs overseas. Rather, we’ve asked for more flexibility in routing calls and consolidating some of our call centers, some of which employ a handful of people. We would continue to provide health insurance for active and retired associates and their dependents, but we have proposed some common-sense reforms to rein in the cost of these plans, which in 2015 ran to $1.4 billion a year for these represented employees, retirees and dependents. In fact, our healthcare plans – which provide access to medical, prescription drug, dental and vision coverage – are robust enough to make us subject to the “Cadillac tax” on excessive plans as defined in the Affordable Healthcare Act … the very law Sen. Sanders supported and voted for.-Lowell McAdam CEO

    1. Let me translate:

      Wage increase = less than the increase in healthcare costs we pay

      Increase in company match for 401k for newer employees and ELIMINATING any real pension accrual

      "Flexibility routing calls" and consolidating centers" = closing call centers (like the one is Salisbury) and routing those calls to specifically the Phillipines and Mexico

      "Excessive" healthcare plans? Seriously? How the hell is there an "excessive" plan, other than what the top executives give th selves? We are already paying hundreds more a month, presumably to pay that "Cadillac tax"....because of course we can afford it better tha company can!

      An notice that key term..."access" to healthcare coverage...not simply "providing healthcare coverage."

      This "excessive" coverage is the exact plan the company came up with last contract. They wrote up the proposal, offered it to us, and we ACCEPTED the offer. It was reasonable last time, according to them, because THEY came up with the terms and conditions. Now they want to chisel they away too, even though we agreed to take on hundreds in additional costs plus greatly increased co-pays.

      If they "consolidate" the call centers, where exactly would those 240 or so employees in Salisbury alone, find work? Let alone that pays enough to pay a mortgage. Another 240 unemployed in Salisbiry....yeah that will be great for the economic situation here...

    2. Okay so let me translate.

      No job = No money.

      Simple enough for you, simpleton?

    3. Apparently you don't get it.

      Calls routed to Mexico and the Phillipines = thousands more decent jobs lost.

      No job = no money to spend in local business = less jobs for others in the area = further economic decline in this area.

      When there are job openings at Verizon, you'd prefer they be either outsourced to foreign countries, or low paying with few or no benefits? How does that help people who are looking for work here?

  46. Why you didn't post the job?

  47. CWA Local 1040spent $56,000.00 on a convention at the Trump Taj Mahal last year*. I bet not many of the members were there staying/eating/drinking for free.

    Source: CWA 1040 LM-2 2015

    1. The budget for balloons alone, just for the Verizon Salisbury office, is $10,000 per MONTH.

    2. Can you back that up with actual paperwork or are you blowing this out of your butt with your first cup of coffee for the day?

    3. That party was probably reserved for the union bosses. They'd never spend that kind of money on the workers who work to finance these little parties. Dumb union workers. They don't even realize that no matter what they've been had by their union.

  48. What is interesting is that striking Union employees never make up the wages they lost while on strike. If the strike drags on for a period of time they eventually get strike pay (no where near what they earn when working). The union officials that convince them to strike are paid by the union so they don't have to worry about lost income or trying to survive on strike pay. It appears that the union agreements and demands are driving jobs out of the country. Look what happened to the textile industry. In a global economy products made in the USA were no longer competitive from a cost perspective because of our wages.
    In addition Verizon is trying to get out of the local telephone business over copper. They want everyone to move to FIOS (fiber). In many states they have sold off their copper wire plants.

    1. There is no FIOS anywhere on the Easter shore of Maryland.

      Most jobs can't be shipped overseas, but they are trying to increase contracting out our work.

      Wouldn't you fight to keep he job that pays your mortgage and supports your family?

    2. Would think these idiots would be happy to have a job but no! Let them strike. Verizon will then leave the area and they can look for a job in the nonexistent job pool here in Salisbury.

    3. No,because I am said contractor.

    4. 6:46 And when it's over, we get paid to fix your screw ups.

  49. The big issue is medical care during the strike. At the end of the month, the strikers will have to pay Cobra. I remember during that last strike a union worker was complaining that Verizon was ripping her off by charging $2000/month for Cobra health insurance for her family. No, that's the amount Verizon pays each month for her gold-plated health coverage

    1. Would you prefer everyone go on obamacare? Or would you prefer these costs remain worker + employer paid?

  50. 1116 and 1115 are exactly right. Workers on strike pay the price of union greed. Get a clue. This is only detrimental to your own families not union bossss. They're just feeding off you gullibility.

    1. The unions are our only real defense against corporate greed.

      Greed = demanding more and more regardless of actual need

      We are not demanding "more", we are satisfied with what we have. It is not "greed" to fight to keep what you already have.

      Greed = making record profits yet still demanding we give up what we already have just to increase those profits even more

    2. Greed isn't from Verizon, it's from the politicians that know big government kills business but continue to pass regulations and nonsense like Obamacare which has only driven costs up not down in healthcare. Don't you read something more than the daily mistake?

    3. Some people you just cannot reach.

    4. Sorry there but the real greed us from your top UNION officials. Have you bothered to check what their getting paid??? What exactly do they do on a daily basis?? Oh they get paid to travel all expenses paid. I was a member and at one point a rep the world has made some drastic changes and you better start rethinking your stand. Sounds to me like all the next great technology is going to come back and bite you in the ASS!!! They've oroved they can open call centers anywhere

    5. Local union officials are volunteers, they do not get paid. District and national staff are paid, but nowhere near Verizon upper management.

      We know they can open call centers anywhere, we are striking to preserve provisions in our contract that prevent the calls from being routed to foreign countries.

      Unless, of course...you LIKE trying to communicate your problem with someone who barely speaks English?

  51. 553 please go back and get yourself enrolled into some basic 101 Economics classes and get yourself educated. If you did you would clearly see that unions along with government intervention & over reach are a giant part of your woes much more than Verizon. The company has so many regulations and quotas that it's forced to downsize. You keep bucking and all call center jobs will move out the country and then you'll be standing there like former Dresser, Crown and all the other companies that have moved out of Salisbury unemployed and unable to find a job that will yield you even the same as what you were making at Verizon.

    If you would watch something more than just the idiot bix WBOC you'd know this was a huge problem in corporate America today. Has nothing to do with greed. And get ready when the minimum wage goes to $15 an hour the problem is even going to escalate further guaranteed.

    Unions are antiquated and not only do they stifle the American worker they also promote big government politics which only causes workers' livelihoods to decline at record levels. Smart? I think not.

    1. Actually, I have a rather extensive background in Economics, especially Macroeconomics.

      If you read the original post, the point is that we are fighting to keep Verizon from shipping those jobs overseas. We all complain about jobs being outsourced to other countries, how is this different? We have banded together, formed a "union" of workers, to negotiate the terms of our employment...and that includes job security provisions.

      Wouldn't you? When you are hired, wouldn't you want to ensure your job would not be outsourced as long as you produce the level of work they require? If you work under a contract, aren't there terms and conditions you mutually agree to? Or is it entirely one-sided...they make and change the rules and terms of employment, and you just have to accept it. They could decide tomorrow that in 90 days you will have no more health benefits of any kind, and your pension accrual ends. That's what they did to Verizon management several years ago.

      The decline in union jobs has followed the decline in real wages over the years as well as increased foreign outsourcing. That's no co-incidence. Union jobs meant stability, job security (within reason)and a living wage.

      You assume I watch WBOC, because I have another, more informed point of view simply because I am in the situation and know what's really going on here. Think again!

      If you aren't a union member, don't assume it "stifles" us. I can assure you, it does not. We are very much against big government interference in Verizon matters, because it drives up costs for the customer, inhibits research, development and innovation, as well as hinders the company's ability to grow and the need for highly skilled technicians of all kinds.

  52. I have been a union member for 30 years and my Mother was for 37 years before me. It never ceases to amaze me how those who have never been (and completely do NOT understand the Union) will be so negative. No doubt those are the ones to complain and be totally unhappy with their job and employers.
    My husband has never been a union member but totally understands and supports me. He will also say he wishes he had joined Union years ago to prevent the b.s. he has endured.
    I wonder how everyone feels about Verizon making billions a year and not paying ANY federal taxes. What about the millions the give their top 5 executives each year as bonuses. That proves the company is the greedy party, not the Union members.
    For those who don't get pay increases maybe you can apply at Verizon the next round of hiring they do. Or move to California where you can make $15.00/ hour flipping burgers.

    1. I was a union member for 30 years let me tell you it's not what you make it out to be. You complain about wages health coverage etc. get this on average your making almost twice as much as teachers going into their fields. Stop your whining and complaining appreciate what you do have. Those CEO's have educated and placed themselves in those positions to be compensated the bonuses are part of THEIR salary incentives. You think the company just makes the revenues on its own?? You could have pursued that career path. Majority of union members hold no formal education, high school diplomas and I bet Verizon has some with OT hit six figures

    2. Not sure what union you belonged to, in what industry, but you must have a college degree to work at Verizon. I think the only exception is the call centers, but you have to have a high school diploma and relevant work experience.

      But if you want ANY promotion to any other Verizon job, you have to go back to school for a degree.

      "No formal education". What kind of grunt work did you do, anyway?

      We are highly skilled, highly trained (although they haven't bothered with training the past several years) and dedicated to our work.

      You think the company just makes revenues on its own? Without the people who actually do the work, the executives can diddle with spreadsheets all day long, and there won't be a dime in revenue.

      A teacher just entering the field makes over half what we do after we've been there for years...more than that when you figure they work just over 9 months out of the year.

      Nobody said teachers didn't deserve more pay, so what is your point? And you must not realize teachers are union members too.

    3. Teachers starting pay is 42,000 look at there pay scale again for 10 months work can't even compare. Your demand for Service gives employees the option for over time some work it and can make good money thirty years base pay 65,000 some teachers coaches admin base pay is more

  53. 8:25 Stop with the lies they paid 15.6 billion in taxes for 2014-2015. Keep on listening to Bernie and your going to feel the Bern.

  54. 8:25 Let’s set the record straight: Verizon complies with all tax laws and pays the taxes it owes under the law. In 2015, that amounted to $8.445 billion. That’s $5.293 billion in income taxes (net amount of any refunds the company received); $1.284 billion in employment taxes related to its 177,700 employees; and $1.868 billion in property and other taxes.

  55. Keep pushing you morons and like its been posted you'll be going down the same path as all the other Union jobs here. It's a global economy now and they really don't need such high priced labor with benefits out the wazoo. Can you thank you for calling Verizon in Arabic

  56. Verizon strikes so much this may be the strike that breaks the union's back. About time. They should've canned all these union workers years ago. They've been nothing but trouble for the company ever since they were allowed to organize. That's liberal logic. Try to force business to do something it will always find a way around. Now with inversion economics, it is so easy to outsource to other countries, it's sick. And they get a nice kickback if they do it. Strikes only fuel their own reasoning and rationalization for closing down local US offices. Strike lines turn into unemployment recipients. This area hasn't learned anything from the companies that have abandoned the Shore because of the union-mentality.

  57. Unions should have fallen out of vogue a long, long, LONG time ago here but people keep drinking the union KoolAid and they end up suffering like those fools (teachers) in Chicago. Isn't it quite coincidental whenever these workers get a raise their union dues go up. They're out there walking the streets like hookers, getting drugs (money) for their pimps (union bosses.)

  58. @3:16 LOVE It!!! As a member of a union for 30 yrs and a union rep for a while I'm gonna shoot it s8 the top union officials are the real crooks PERIOD!!!

  59. 3:07 I agree with you and I want them to keep striking, although I have to travel to DC and Baltimore right now I am being paid $70hr Regular ,$95hr OT,$25hr for my truck and $100 per diem. A previous comment said they need us and I will say again Wanna Bet? Keep striking please I think you all need more.

    1. If they are willing and able to pay you scabs that much, there is no reason Verizon can't agree to a contract that doesn't keep our compensation the same.

      I doubt they are paying you that much, but if they want to pay you as much in a day as we make in a week, they'll soon be offering us a fair contract...and you'll be out on the street.

      So...who thinks $70/hr and $95/hr for overtime, plus an additional $25/hr for use of his truck, plus $100 a day for expenses is reasonable?

      Next time you see one of those $100/hr scabs taking jobs and money out of this area, give him the old one finger salute.

    2. 9:18 I was going to offer you a job while you are unemployed but your attitude is nasty and you have no certifications or schooling. Shoot that finger all you want but make sure we passed you before you do.

    3. So how long do you think they will pay you that kind of money. I see you didn't turn down those union wages

    4. 10:33 If I had no "certifications or schooling"' I wouldn't be working at Verizon to begin with.

      I don't need a job, thank you very much. I have one, when we are ready to return for a fair contract. I have saved and invested well, and if I need a chunk of change, I have the skills, capability and experience to make money if I need to, I'm not worried about it. Last time we were on strike, several years ago, I made more cash than I would have at work.

      And I'll flip off any scab I see.

    5. 12:46a.m Yeah that late at night I bet you are flipping off them scabs, on your hand anyway. I know you have all the money and your invested well and you don't really need to work blah blah blah. A high school diploma isn't a certification by the way but at least you graduated. And stop watching all that porn and gripping so tight you wouldn't have that scab problem,it was 12 in the morning I am sure your wife needs attention. Deuces

  60. Like it was posted DRESSER, CROWN, etc these companies have the leverage to break your unions back now. Safeway did the same years ago here in town and asked labor to take a small pay cut to keep jobs local. Union voted and said NO, guess what the next day the doors were boarded up case closed. Going to find a job in the same line of work resulted in a 3 time cut at another store tgan what they asked to give up!!!

  61. whoever made the comment about the verizon workforce on the shore being largely uneducated is correct. if they lose their jobs, next stop is mcdonald's or walmart. foolish to strike when you are risking everything.

    1. You failed the test didn't you

  62. If it wasn't for unions you would make Walmart wages while the CEO pay would be double.

    1. Another Union boss, 842? Please now you're inciting Corp baiting? Beware of the big bad CEO. He's out to get ya. Whatever.

  63. Would you like to see 200+ more jobs gone out of this area? Ones that support many other loca businesses and jobs?

    And would you like to have to speak to someone who doesn't really speak English instead?

    1. The people in this area never learn from their experience. They keep repeating them over and over expecting a different result. They don't understand every time the strike they run a risk of a company just saying forget. Here's another clue. When other companies look at communities to set up shop they do check things like previous striking activity. And you all wonder why no new business want to move here. I don't know. That's a pretty tough question. Rolling my eyes and smh.

    2. A nationwide strike has no bearing on a locale's desirability for business location.

      They do, however, prefer to locate in an area where other large companies have already chosen to invest. The presence of quality employers is a sure sign there there's a good potential workforce there to choose from.

  64. Where were all these Union members when Operator Services in Salisbury got outsourced and shut down?????? ......Crickets.

    1. We fought that one as well. But we understand the needs of the business evolve with technological change. We embrace technological advance that provide better, more reliable services.

      The operators did not lose their jobs. Many if not most were older women who would have had s hard time finding work again. They were offered jobs at the call center or elsewhere, others took the opportunity and cash incentive to go ahead and retire.

  65. I heard CWA was trying to get into Comcast.

  66. We don't need to speak to any of you, We got rid of verizon and urge others to as well. Overpriced and customer service is horrible.

  67. Ask Jim Ireton to help you. He needs a feather in his featherless cap.

  68. Yeah - I;m sure the line crews and store room clerks have college educations.


    1. As a matter of fact, the younger ones do, or related military service.

  69. Part 2-

    Forced overtime assignments. I guess the union doesn't know anyone in the healthcare industry and being on call, you never know when you will be called in and for how long, sometimes into the next work day as you work overnight. You might be awake for 24+ hours. But don't count on overtime to pay the bills. Think of the military. Deployments in another weird assed country for months at a time, taking risks. When they get back, you know what they can do? Suck it up or get out.

    Why haven't you worked your way up to get into higher management and reap the rewards of doing so? Kinda like a private eventually becoming a 4 star general. Your envy of the fat cats isn't going to produce sympathy in me.

    Remember, you do not have the right to a job. You can't make demands standing on your bosses desk, he has to power to tell you "Get out."

    What's the process to work as a scab? Many folks have a vast technical and mechanical background and can certainly do what needs to be done. Say they sign on to work for Verizon for say....$?? an hour as a full contractor? They pay their unemployment taxes, their medical, take the risk of injury. What would you people out there in SBYNEWS land realistically ask for in an hourly salary as a contractor/scab? I am sure it would be less than what the company is paying for an employee now.

    As far as the union employees, has there been any thought that any increases in your benefits makes the customers bills climb? No concern about that? Employees, you have it pretty good. Shut up.

    1. Not sure what your point is about the unrelated healthcare industry and overtime. They too work under contract, many nurses are union. When you choose a career, you know there will be certain working conditions. Nobody becomes a nurse because they want a 9 to 5 job. They too, negotiate their working conditions per contract.

      My first job with Verizon was a "9 to 5" job. I was promoted into a position I knew I'd be "on call", and sometimes work all night, maybe go home for a couple hours then be back in at 8am for a full shift. That's part of the job, and customers depend on our willingness and ability to do so.

      When almost everyone else has shut down due to bad weather, a hurricane or blizzard, you can bet the doctors, nurses, police, and firefighters will make it into work if there is any way possible...or find a way. So do we, as well as power company workers. Who are union too, by the way.

      Funny thing, that. Most of the aforementioned are union represented as well.

      "Work our way up into management"? You don't know a thing about working at Verizon, do you.

      Many years ago, management was typically hired in that exact manner. Linemen became foremen, then managers and so on. It worked pretty well, because at least lower to middle management knew what our jobs were about. Union reps and local staff were prime candidates for those jobs, as demonstrated leadership. Not so much any more. They hire recent college graduates without real world experience, especially when they have a quota to fill, and plop them into a "management" desk, where they proceed to meddle in things they know nothing about.

      I don't know if anyone who actually wants to be in Verizon management, and that includes some of the managers! Without a union, they are screwed and they know it. Several years ago the company decided to end their healthcare coverage completely. Just cut it off. And ended pensions for management employees. How fair is that, especially if they'd come to work there for that specific benefit? After a certain date, no more pension.credit was accrued, and new hires received no benefits of any kind. Hell no, I wouldn't take a "management" job there. They have no protection whatsoever, and have it much worse than us. Most of them are pro-union, although they can't say it publicly.

      No envy there...just sympathy for them.

      The top executives and board members are the ones who skim the fat for themselves. They increased their bonuses by taking all of management's benefits away from them, and they'd love to do it to us too. It's greed, plain and simple, to take away from those who have less, when you yourself already have more than you'll ever need.

      We are not trying to fatten our wallets by taking from those who have less. We are the lowest paid employees at Verizon, but we are not complaining about our standard of living. We are, however, determined to maintain what we have, and resist the elite's efforts to push us out of the middle class. If your employer wanted to slash benefits and impose unreasonable working conditions, despite making record profits, wouldn't you protest? Would that be "greedy"?

      Again, you aren't reading the original post. We are NOT trying to increase our benefits, and only want to maintain our net income the same, and keep good American jobs here in the community.

      We have agreed to numerous concessions over the years, to contain the spiraling cost of health insurance. Did your phone bill go down? Mine didn't. When the top execs drastically increase their own pay, while attempting to reduce the compensation of the lowest paid workers, that's greed.

      We have it pretty good, and we don't begrudge anyone else. We want these opportunities to be here for you and anyone else who wants to come to work here. Just because others are underpaid doesn't mean we are overpaid.

      And no, we will not shut up. We will speak out, and speak up for the working class, regardless of position.

  70. Union dues buys no shoes.

    1. You don't know how wrong your rhyme is.

  71. As a retiree I feel it's unconscionable to allow VZ to negotiate MY benefits. Anything the we retirees had at retirement should NEVER have been negotiable.

    Verizon, I used to be proud to say I retired from 'The Phone Company' but no longer. I shy away of the question and post anonymously.

  72. Am I the only person happy with Verizon? I pau $290 a month for 2 phones with unlimited 4g data/calling/text, 2 tablets with 5 gig data allowance, and a mifi hotspot with 5 gig data allowance. Never have issues with not receiving calls or texts, data never goes down, travel all over the east coast and always have strong signals. We don't have cable or cable internet at the house so we use the hotspot feature on the phones to connect the TV for streaming Netflix, Plex and other built in apps. I use close to 500 gigs a month and never get throttled. We don't even need to have the data plans for the tablets because we could tether them to the phones WiFi hotspot but we decided to keep paying (even though we are out of contract and arent obligated to) because we were getting such a good deal with the unlimited 4g on the phones lol. So essentially paying Verizon an extra $100 a month that isn't needed because we are pleased with their service. Call me dumb all you want but its my choice and I have the money to do it.

    1. You're missing the point. It's not about service. This thread is about the idiot strikers planning Russian roulette with their jobs.

    2. Point isn't being missed, I understand the original post of the thread. My response is more towards the people that have been complaining about their service and monthly bill or verizon in general etc etc. I've been with Verizon for 10 years now and as long as they never take away my unlimited data I'll never even consider going somewhere else.

    3. But I do agree about the idiot strikers lol. Unions are bs.

    4. Verizon has admitted to manipulating and over charging people for data use!!

    5. I'm sure they have. Not for me though I'm one of the lucky ones. Hell I'd pay $100 a month per line for unlimited data with no complaints if they wanted. I havdmt had a need to pick up my laptop in at least a year because everything I do is through my phone and occasionally a tablet. No complaints on my end.

    6. I'm glad you are happy with Verizon WIRELESS, which is a subsidiary of Verizon.

      This discussion is not about Verizon Wireless. It is about the parent company, Verizon Communications.

  73. Which CWA Local represents the verizon workers on the shore?

  74. I have zilch dot diddly squat's worth of sympathy for union members.
    They get thugs to do their dirty work for them while demanding more and more. It's truly the dumbocrat way. They deserve to be on strike - and replaced by contract workers. The company has a business to run - fair-market will determine a reasonable wage bearable by both the company and the worker - anything more is just like the raise of the minimum wage - costs too much and job numbers will suffer.

    You had a job and got greedy.

    You're greedy because you're stupid.

    Stupidity probably caused you to vote dumbocrat all around.

    You asked for it - you got it!

  75. There were 2 local shining examples of union corruption,because union reps were playing both sides.For a kickback they convinced the employees to be unhappy with everything the company offered.Then the companies announced that they were closing if the employees did not agree to their terms.The union reps then convinced the employees that the companies were bluffing,after which the 2 companies in question promptly moved thousands of miles away from Salisbury.The union reps made out like fat rats and the companies got exactly what they wanted.

    1. This has nothing to do with our union.

  76. Per the 2015 LM-2 filed by Local 2106, they collected $96,283 in dues and paid the four union officers a total of $44,190 and $22,598 to union employees (not the members of the union).

    Total receipts ($ in) were $121,019 and total disbursements ($ out) were $129,264. Spending your dues money and more!

    Jim Cutter, President
    Justin Tapia, VP
    Kim Mills, Secretary
    Eric Twilley, Treasurer

    1. When someone is on union business during the workday, the company gives them excused but unpaid time off, whether it's 15 minutes or a whole day. They are not paid by the company while doing union related tasks, they are instead paid the same rate by the union. It's a fair way to do it.

      I would certainly hope they're spending it rather than just sitting on it. They pay rent, utilities, postage and office costs. What's left over is donated to local charities and fundraisers, completely unrelated to the union. At Christmas, local, needy working (non-union) families are sponsored, and we spend the balance on gifts for them. We also have also been long time volunteers for Meals on Wheels, spending their holidays preparing, packing and delivering hot dinners to shut-ins and the needy elderly.

      Damn right our union dues are being spent, just like any fraternal club or organization. Wouldn't you be pissed if your membership dues for any club or organization were just siting in an account, instead of being used for the good of the members and the community?

  77. I for one stand with Verizon Union employees. I am tired of watching the middle class disappear. I want people that are working to be paid a fair wage.....

  78. LOL. I looked back a few years at the prior LM filings. FY 2013, they collected $101,165 in dues and spent $187,449 total. Line 51 says: Contributions, Gifts and grants = $1,179. Sounds real charitable to me.

    Average dues are $439.55 per member in FY 2014. Lillie Glenn collected $38,916 that year for duties as Secretary. That sure is a lot of time off from her day job.

    Sorry union member, you won't win this argument with me. Want me to start posting what the CWA big bosses make and spend on themselves while you walk the picket line and it takes years for you to break even on what you "win" from Verizon?

    1. I could care less. I don't need you to google that for me.

      Our union officials are paid the same rate as if they were doing their "day job", but the money comes from local union dues. We agreed to that, no problem.

      You don't work here, you have no skin in the game, so why are you worried about it?

  79. I pay about $54-$85 a month for two phones, no contract to hold me down. I'm so happy I left Verizon on the horizon!

  80. I'm worried about it because it is my job to worry about. I've been negotiating union contracts for 20 years on behalf of corporations. What you union members fail to realize is that a company is never going to pay you more in benefits or pay than they want to. Strike or no strike. At the end of the day, the only people that win are myself and the union bosses, we get paid no matter what. BTW, I charge $1,000 per day plus expenses. Keep striking and dragging contracts out, my 2nd and 3rd homes appreciate it!

  81. I'm not a union guy but i saw the unions kill the steel industry in Pittsburgh in the late 60's and early 70's, they got greedy, and the union bosses where so corrupt , so sometimes be thankful for what you have and not what you deserve.


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