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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wicomico County Republican Central Committee Member Julie Brewington Calls Trump Supporters, "TRUMPTARDS"

Julie Brewington, a member of the local Wicomico County Republican Central Committee has come out publicly attacking anyone that supports Donald Trump, on her facebook page.

Below is what she posted yesterday.

Julie said: I'm going to make an executive decision here on my page. All and any Trump supporters need to exit stage right. If you don't of your own free will, I will help you out the door. Not only is Trump a Democrat, he has no idea what he's doing or talking about and foolish people will vote for him and lose the general election to Hillary and the GOP and the Nation is done! I am a daughter of the American Revolution. I do not take this lightly and if you don't support the constitution, I don't support you. I could not be more se rious. 

Further, if you don't want to get your hands dirty and help the Cruz campaign you are equally contributing. Do not ask me to help your campaign. Do not ask me for anything unless you help in this cause. Trump gave his multiple wives weight limits in his prenups. WEIGHT LIMITS or he'd divorce them. This PIG wil never see the light of day in the Oval. 

I've deleted close to 70 Trumptards. It's a sport now. I will not tolerate it at all. 

I will not vote for any representative that supports him. If they refuse to answer they will not get my vote. period. 

I will report back as I will call every GOP congressional, and senatorial candidate and tell you what they (or their) aides say.. I'm not casting my pearls before swine. Not this time.


  1. She's needs to exit stage left. She a horrid vulgar thing. I'll never forget that perverted vulgar reference she made about Christmas ornaments. And that thing's a mother! No one could pay me enough to be friends with her on Facebook. She's too low class.

  2. Hold on a minute! Exit right or she will help me out the door? That's going to be hard to do with her butt lying on the floor.

  3. Just another Democrat pretending to be a Republican. This is a typical Obama tactic..

  4. Julie, your an idiot talking about our next President that way. He will have Convention votes on the first ballot and all you people will have to deal with him as your candidate

  5. Don't get close to her face her breath smells like a turD,by the way everyone knows she is a R.I.N.O

  6. Who gives a rats arrs what this woman says. Review her background. She is a big mouth nobody.

  7. Well then, that explains why I haven't seen any of her posts on my FB page lately!

    This is unrelated but I see her name as the realtor that is selling one of my neighbor's homes off of Emerson Ave. I should call and tell her that I'm interested in the house and that I am a Trump supporter just to see if she's still interested in selling it to me. Money talks afterall.

  8. United We Stand, Divided We Fall

  9. Julie, shut the front door and be still......AMERICA IS SPEAKING!

  10. She is running for delegate on the Cruz ticket. It is rumoured Trump AND Cruz will be paying BIG money for support at the convention.

  11. I just lost what little respect I had for her!
    Establishment whore!!!!

  12. The reason decent women won't join the Republican Women's Club is her. No one with any values or character wants to associate with her. If the local Republicans really had a clue, they'd clean out their supposed "leadership" and rid themselves of people like her.

  13. Interesting to see a self proclaimed establishment supporter telling others what to think and do all in the name of our mighty, corrupt and impotent GOP. As if I really care what she likes or wants? No wonder I no longer consider myself a Republican.

  14. Everyone knows she is low class and a joke. No respect for the Republican women's group because of her.

  15. Legend in her own mind. Nobody cares what she thinks. Can you spell L O S E R?

  16. She is a poor excuse to represent the Republican Committee. She should keep her opinions to herself. After seeing how voting machines are hacked and people in areas not allowed to vote for their choice in Primaries, delegates being hand picked and wooed, I wonder just how many people have been elected alone that really were not elected because of rigged machines. This is a sad state of affairs when your vote really does not count. I think delegates should be eliminated and popular vote elect the persons in office.

  17. How did her ego get so big? Carson supports trump so that's good enough for me. Trump 2016.

  18. Is Laura MitcHELL her step sister?

  19. big deal julie, I can trace my ancestry back to the mayflower with plenty of others who fought in the revolution, and we will be fighting again this election, against idiots like you and slimey lyin ted! who is now selling out to wall street as we speak! so who's the real tard here?
    Shame as you get older you become a caricature of yourself!

  20. Folks like her are why the Republican party has been a total failure since Eisenhower, except for Reagan, an obvious accident. Then they put forth losers like Romney, Nixon, McCain. and, now this thing, and attack the most popular candidate in this year's run. Hopefully the people can get some representation and these clowns will forever disappear.

  21. Don't you just love when peons like Julie Brewington say accomplished, successful people like Donald Trump "has no idea what he's doing or talking about"?

  22. Julie isn't exactly very smart, she needs to keep quiet, any mother stupid enough to allow her little girls to be babysat by a registered sex offender, well....

  23. She's ugly both inside and out and she is vulgar and crude. It's a shame she chooses to act like she does as it only embarrassed her children.

  24. Had anyone been close to this loudmouth vulgar swine. She wreaks of cigarettes and wine. I had never met her and her pics (15footer) seem like an decent looking lady. When I met her at a local event I was shocked. Tons of makeup and the first thing she said after saying hello was where is the bar I need a drink. She is disgusting and any true republican would not be blowing off at the mouth like she has. Sit back keep your mouth shut and support the parties nominee.

  25. Yawn. Get over yourself.

  26. Everyone knows she is crazy. Didn't her Christmas b#lls FB post go viral? No class at all. Embarrassment to the Republicans.

  27. "not casting my pearls before swine" ROFLMAO. Who is really the swine?

  28. She's the epitome of ghetto. I feel for her kids being stuck with such trash as a mother and a criminal father.

  29. yea, but she's hot ...

  30. What an attention seeking whore. I mean an attention whore.


  31. And who cares what this person is doing in the world. She is as worthy as the outspoken Hollyweirds.

  32. This whack job has been spouting nonsense for a decade or more. People see right through her, but she doesn't grasp that fact.

  33. Dear Julie,
    F<*k you ! Trump 2016!!

  34. Just another bad blond joke.

  35. There are some really talented and smart women in this county who will not join the Republican club or the women's group because uneducated, vulgar women like this are given leadership positions. Carozza, Anderton, Culver, Edney all should be trying to address this problem. Who would want to be associated with a Brewington type? Until the Republicans get their act together, people like this will continue to think they are important and speak for them.

  36. THIS is a prime example of why I won't be a part of the Wicomico Republican party. They don't have enough sense to rid themselves of people like this. She doesn't speak for me or represent what I consider a Republican to be.

  37. She goes to the VFW she dresses like she is stuck in the 90s wearing fake black leather knee high boots and a faux black coat what a Rino MESS.

  38. I wish that she'd visit a makeup consultant. She expects that the same makeup routine that she had when she was fifteen still works for her. It hasn't. It makes her look old and crazy.

  39. I just checked her out on facebook. She is definitely a self important nutcase! A legend in her own mind! I can see why her husband only comes home on weekends!

  40. "..fake black leather knee high boots and a faux black coat.."

    Well thats kinda hot after thrown back a few/telling stories VFW style!

    Move along, absolutely NOTHING to see here nor with her! Yuck!

  41. If she didn't have the position in the Republican party, she'd basically get no attention. Blame the dumb Republicans who keep putting her in office within their party. How stupid can you be????

  42. If the R's want any credibility, they need more spokespeople like Mark Edney. He must cringe when Brewington goes on a rant. I give him a lot of credit for putting himself out there considering what he has to deal with some R's.

  43. Dear Republicans,

    Can you imagine how much the Democrats are laughing at you with the likes of Ms. Bimbo Brewington as your spokesperson?

  44. If the Republicans in this county want to be respected, they need to regroup and find a way to get some of the "silent Republicans", you know - the really smart, educated, classy ones, to join you.

  45. A Constitionalist she is NOT. She is unfriending people because they support a candidate other than she is supporting? What about the 1st amendment rights of others? OOOHHHH.... so everyone has a right to their own opinion as long as it is the same as yours? You sound just like a liberal Julie. You are an embarrassment to the republican party, your family, and yourself. AND you remind me of Tammy Fae Baker.

  46. Congratulations Jan Brewington, you just alienated more of your voting base than you probably thought before sticking your giant foot into your mouth. Disgusting. Would rather be a Trumptard than a CruzBOT who has no understanding of who the man is and what he is clearly NOT. Someone this stupid shouldn't hold an elected office even on a local level.

  47. She's an establishment puppet - and the people are rising up against the establishment...why do you think the Bern and the Donald are doing so well.

  48. 1201 can assure you, Brewington is NO Republican. She's a faker republican. Obviously she's promotes a candidate (Ted Cruz) whom doesn't hold one ounce of true Republicanism in his body. Anyone for one world government, trade with China as it is and promotes death to all gay people is no real conservative. She is a hack nothing more. And now it's time to vote her out or recall her elected position in the first place. It's time these local yokals had to pay for shooting off their mouth and showing their true nature to the world. She belongs in the Where are they now file. Not to mention the fact, what person is so antiquated that they use Facebook now anyway. What a female schmuck.

  49. 1139, no amount of makeup can cover stupidity and vanity complex. She's self pontificating in a sea of people who really don't care what she has to say. She's an idiot.

  50. 1221, agreed she promotes an establishment that has only forwarded corruption and greed through career politicians. She is a shining example of why we need term limits in the Houses because their establishment values trickles down to local government and that's simply not an option anymore. Local government is the fuel for State and National. We are the beginning, the incubus and I don't want this woman anywhere near it. Can she be recalled? If so, how?

  51. Any daughter of the American Revolution wouldn't vote for a candidate that wants to destroy our country's sovereignty and trash the Constitution and Bill of Rights for UN oversight. Sorry, I don't believe this woman is a daughter of the AR. I'd like to see proof of this as the real Daughters of the American Revolution have proof of such.

  52. Is anyone in authority with the Wico Rep Party reading these comments? Actions speak louder than words!

  53. these comments only confirm what intelligent people in this county have known about JB for years. that is why the republican "club" is full of mostly losers. edney deserves a lot of credit for putting up with them. they need more people like him if the republican party wants to truly be respected.

  54. I read on Facebook from Mark Endley:
    Julie- you need to get your facts straight before you go on these rants. The reporter made a mistake. Mark just cleared it up in an email. He (and we) have not and will not make any endorsements and will assist all candidates. What you've done here is not helpful.

    She has caused an uproar with the wicomico republican central committee. They are in damage control because of her comments!!!!

  55. my wife and her friend considered joining the republican women, but when they saw this Brewington woman and a few others who appear to be in leadership positions, they decided they wouldn't embarrass themselves by being a part of it. good people are rejecting the local republican club. elected republicans should take note.

  56. This woman is simple!!

  57. All these comments make me giddy to know there are a lot of Trump supporters out there and see through the scumbag Cruz. Who are the delegates for Trump in this area? I haven't been able to find that info anywhere...
    Most Cruzbots are whack jobs. Brewington just confirmed it.

  58. 12:01. Actually we Democrats are laughing not just at Ms. Brewington but at all the inane comments on this post today. With a Republican Party this fractured it's almost a given that we'll keep the White House and maybe even get the Senate and House back come November. Keep up the good work.

    1. Take your head out of Bernies A//.

    2. She needs to be TERMINATED from that position she is a ABSOLUTE embarrassment to the party.

  59. 2:17 - you're dreaming if you think Hillary will make it to the WH. Bengazhi will haunt her forever among other questionable decisions. She has bad character. "More free stuff" Bernie won't get there either. Republicans may not have great candidates, but in the end, people will NOT vote for more entitlements and giveaways.

  60. 2:17 - opposition research has yet to be unleashed on Hill & Bill. It will destroy her. Bernie is just a ranting socialist who won't get the nomination.

  61. Talk about the boil on the rump of the Republican party! This woman is a cautionary tale as to why no self respecting Republican in Wicomico needs to vote for her any longer. She's an utter disgrace to any party she wishes to become a member of.

  62. 2:17. You must be crazy. Republicans have been unleashing opposition research on the Clintons for 25 or more years. Been working great so far. LOL

  63. Love comments like 257. They show the utter under informed in politics. First off, that big bad Republican machine Clinton always toots is not just republicans. Some democrats are pretty upset at her mishandling of classified information, White Water aka the Watergate Part II, and her nefarious actions with ties between State Department contracts and her little money laundering scheme called the Clinton Foundation. I swear. It's crazy how you people believe Republicans are responsible for Clinton's criminal activities. Staggering.

  64. The information is at their fingertips, 301, but they're mute. The don't seem to understand when people steal, cheat and lie that eventually all that floats to the top much like pond scum. For 25 years she's been flaunting her illegal activities in people's faces while people like her former boss in the Watergate investigation from the 70s said she was fired for lying and should've been disbarred for her 'dealings.' They don't want to acknowledge that stuff. Nor do they want to acknowledge how wretched she's actually been to her fellow females by letting her husband rape them and then tormenting the victims to keep their mouths shut. This is not new news. Fact it's as old as the Clintons' ugliness has been in the public eye. It's their denying these facts that has caused them to put the toxic twins up on the mushroom throne. Not to see things makes people mute; deaf, dumb and blind.

  65. Birds of a feather, she and Hillary Clinton. She even let her little girl sit on the lap of a known sex offender and even endorsed him getting the contract for putting up all the Romney signs. She is willing to over look deviant behavior just like Hillary.

  66. 2:57 If Hillary is so beloved and of such high moral character, why is Bernie Sanders having so much success? There are hardcore Dems who are not supporting Clinton. Maybe they are smarter than you and see just how flawed she is. Think back to 2008, Obama, an unknown, knocked her off. I agree with 3:05, are you deaf, dumb and blind or just one of the whacko liberal opinion people from the DT?

  67. Irony - Bill Clinton would love Julie Brewington. Just his type.

  68. 3:22 - Hilarious. I know just the two from the DT you are referring to.

  69. So far area Trump delegates are: Grant Helvey, Michael Marchi, Joe Sliwka. You vote for up to 3.
    Alternate delegates for Trump are: Dona Goeller, Claude Lewis, Denise Kuchta Lovelady. You can vote for up to 3 alternates too.

  70. Sure glad I'm an Independent and have never met this woman. Apparently, I'm not missing much.

  71. 322 even liberals and independents like Trump so Brewington is on the wrong side of the ratio curve. But then again, what can you expect from a nutcase?

  72. She's probably elevated Trump's votes here as we all know what kind of a whackjob this chickie is. Republican establishment doesn't get the more they hate him, the more people who want a better life than we've had over the last 8 years want him. Why? He is the true outsider.

  73. She's always had a problem with the truth. I was once told by someone who knows her very very well "when that Julie gets to lying......"

  74. Wonder if Brewington reads this site. Her potential voters sure do. Hopefully, it will make some difference when her time comes for re-election. This woman is a dim bulb.

    1. The dim wits are the people that keep voting for her.

  75. Cruz is a sell out. Let her go to the VFW and tell them she supports Ted Cruz a supporter of Monsanto a company that has poisoned hundreds of thousands of veterans. Google it.As a veteran and past commander of American Legion in Salisbury Ted Cruz does not have my vote.


  76. VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. Glad you moved this up. I hope all members of the Republican Club see this and are truly humiliated by their stupidity in allowing her to be an officer. This is why the Republican Club can't recruit members. Who in their right mind wants to be linked to this kind of behavior and person of low moral character?

  78. I totally agree with Anon 3:01 as a Democrat and a Veteran there is no way in hell that I would vote for HRC.

  79. Someone should line her route to work with Trump 2016 signs. See how mad she is by the time she gets to work.

  80. I am a college educated, professional white woman who is hoping to vote for Trump. I am sick and tired of the "elite Democrats and media" dictating how we should live our lives while they are shoving money in their pockets. I am sick of paying taxes to support growing entitlements for able bodied people too lazy to work. I am tired of PACs and the "establishment". We are not better off with Obama. His "hope and change" is a bust. It is disgraceful that racial tension has grown while he has been President. I agree with Bill Clinton on his recent response to black lives matter hecklers.

    Trump is crass and inappropriate at times. However, his lack of "political correctness" is refreshing. Jackie Kennedy once said about raising children, "if you don't get that right, nothing else matters" (paraphrasing). Trump's children are intelligent, articulate, successful, respectful and charming. He raised them right. To me that means under all his bluster, is a man of strong values and conviction. I'm willing to give him a chance. How much worse can he be than the last 8 years of an inexperienced community organizer?

    BTW - I'm not a registered Republican.

  81. Have known this nut since a teenager. Back then she wore three layers of makeup. She was then as she is now,"a true nut case"

  82. Most of Sanders votes are anti Clinton votes and the democrat anti Clinton crowd is pro-Trump.

  83. The Republican Central Committee should ask for her to step down. As a Republican, and have been all my voting life, I am embarrassed that she is supposedly representing me.

  84. 4:47 Agree! I'm with you! White female Democrat voting for Trump too!
    Let the likes of Brewington stick with lyin Ted.

  85. So much for the Republicans being the grown ups. Brewington blows that theory. IF there are any grown up Republicans, they need to send her packing.

  86. Hoping that HRC gets the nomination and all of Sanders anti-HRC voters turn to Trump. He'll win in a landslide!

  87. How can anyone support Cruz after what he did to Ben Carson?

    1. Your buying into what Trump tells you

  88. Hey Julie,

    Cruz is a distant 3rd in Maryland. Thought you liked to be on the winning team on is that wine-ing?

    1. Maryland is a leftist State, you can stay home on voting day.

  89. Maybe those remaining FB "friends" of hers should start deleting her. I would be embarrassed if she was one of my friends.

  90. Brewington, you've chosen your party loyalty over the voters. You're toast!

  91. JB is why I don't want to be associated with the local RNC. I want to pitch in, but not with a Democrat like her.

  92. Check her bank account. If there's a deposit for $3500 then she's puppet for Soros. Sounds like she's one of his useful idiots. Bought & paid for. No better than protestors who chain themselves to their cars. When will she chain herself to her car? As for calling congressmen and senators. Seriously doubt she could get the 8th secretary in charge at the Senate or Capitol on the phone. They would probably turn her number over to the black list. You know the numbers they block.

  93. 655 agreed. She's on the take. Who's padding your bank account, Julie? Soros? Cruz?

  94. So, what I'm getting from all this is, everything I'm saying is right, right? Everybody still loves me, right?

  95. You picked a good picture of her.

  96. In case some of you didn't know, JB is on the ballot. She is running for one of the Delegate seats for the 1st district, for the Convention.
    spread it far and wide so that she doesn't win.

  97. No 729 the proof of why Cruz is a horrible candidate is out there, you're too marred in some ideology that doesn't apply to him. He's a globalist NOT a conservative.

    Definition: a person who advocates the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world.

    This stands for the destruction of our sovereignty, oversight by the UN and the utter destruction of the Constitution. Meaning. You will not be in America anymore. You will have no rights to free speech, religion, 5th amendment right to not self-incriminate, 2nd amendment right to bear arms. You won't even have the right to vote should the elitists deem its something you should do.

    Cruz is KNOWN for this as well as his wife Heidi. She even put together the plan to MERGE the US with Canada and Mexico into ONE COUNTRY. Wake up!

  98. She has huge hands or maybe it's the picture.

  99. I will support any one I want.
    Do your job and don't tell me what I have to do. I won't exit and you can kiss my a$$

  100. So many hostel Repuppets! They continue to complain about everything and everybody they see and hear! She sounds like a typical Republican to me! Love the system of democracy until it does not yield the results she likes. Then trash it and do whatever she thinks. Like no one else matters lol KEEP FOLLOWING A PARTY THAT ONLY CARES ABOUT THEIR OWN AGENDA! KEEP FOLLOWING A PARTY THAT STROKES HATE, FEAR AND DISTRUST! SEEMS AS THOUGH THEY GOT YOU ALL ANGRY AND UPSET! I will vote for who I feel has the countries best interest at heart! Democrat, republican or 3rd party! I have my own mind SCREW THIS PARTY LINE B.S.

  101. Who is this guy Brewington?

  102. " I will not vote for any representative that supports him. If they refuse to answer they will not get my vote. period. I will report back as I will call every GOP congressional, and senatorial candidate and tell you what they (or their) aides "

    Is she aware that she only gets one Congressman and one Senator to vote for? Clearly, this pop tart doesn't know who and how many she gets to vote for. And you all voted for this idiot into leadership of the local Republican committee. Good thing I've decided against joining the Club. What a moroon.

  103. Glad I'm not a member as well. I'd like to, but not with Democrats at the wheel.

  104. Yeah, Julie let's vote for the Christian Ayatollah. I could care less how many times a day he gets on his knees . We need a leader who will stand up! And that is Trump!

  105. Trump never let a registered sex offender watch his children Julie Brewery. Sorry folks this women is a drunk at the very least. I am not sure she does not wash down a few pills with the booze. Sorry Julie you opened the door. I am a life long republican and I am voting for Trump. The Republican functions get smaller every year because of losers running the local club. The crab feast used to be a great day to get out and meet your local reps. Something needs to be done the ship is sinking with the likes of her at the wheel.

    Some young sober Republicans need to step up. She needs to go.

  106. Any public figure calling people "Tards" should be ashamed.

  107. I guarantee that most of you identify as Christian, or Catholic. Yet, here you are, slandering a woman for voicing her opinion about politics. Can we not do that anymore? It's a lack of class to use the phrase "trumptard", but not liking a candidate isn't a crime. I love how people from the shore cast big stones from their fractured glass homes.

    1. It's ok for her to publicly trash Mark McIver for something she dreamed he did? She publicly accused him of violating his position and the state party rules. She is still holding on to that grudge because she though she should be chairman of the central committee. She got the most votes because her name is listed first alphabetically, not because she is so popular. Speaking the truth about someone is not slander. Spreading vicious lies because no one will support you is slander.

    2. JB is upset because she convinced the Cruz campaign she was all that and a bag of chips. Sounds like she couldn't get the volunteers she promised to build a ground game.

    3. Brewington has grossly abused her position with the committee, slandered other officers and misused her membership with DAR as a way to somehow validate her status as a conservative. She should be removed from the committee altogether as she does not represent Republicans she only represents herself. She's an embarrassment to the party and frankly, I wish she would just move over to the democrats where she fits in better in the first place.

  108. Is that VINCE from Sham Wow ?

  109. I "early" voted last night, being certain to only choose delegates that were slated for Trump just because of this blog post. I also put a TRUMP sign in my front yard. The funny part is that one of my daughters came home last night asking me if I wanted to get rocks thrown at the house for putting that sign out there. She doesn't care but I understand her point.

    Back in 2008, I had a McCain sign in my yard and the guys from Chesapeake Waste placed my can right on top of the sign. I half expect something like this to happen again but I made sure to put the sign a little further back in the yard this time. Should it happen again then I have proof of intent to harm my sign on my property.

    1. Hope you logged in a complaint with CW as those types of actions should never be condoned in any way. Ridiculous that people do this kind of thing because it has the counter effect. Not to mention if caught, they could lose their job. Which in today's job market is worse than legal punishment for trespassing.

  110. Excuse me 7:21, but Catholics are Christian, the original Christians.

  111. Christ and his Disciples were the original Christians and they were Hebrew.

  112. If she's claiming to be a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, then she has violated her oath of membership: "The NSDAR is nonpolitical. It maintains no lobby at national, state, or local government levels, contributes to no political party
    nor to candidates in any way, initiates no legislation, and does not have a legislative chair.
    The DAR is interested in preserving and maintaining our constitutional republic and urges its members, as
    good American citizens, to be informed and to vote.
    Each member, chapter, and state society is cautioned to refrain from any activity performed in the name of the DAR, which might be construed as political. Such activities are prohibited."

    1. Has anyone complained to the national office in DC? If not, people should let them know. She's destroying their image to many in this area.

  113. That picture looks like a man dressed up in women's clothing.

  114. She is offensive and better believe the next time I see her drunk in public I will be filming it. Trump 2016.

  115. 914 did you? If so how do you do it?

    1. Daughters of the American Revolution National Office 203-628-1776 membership.

  116. Julie the word you used is offensive. JB should be removed from the Central Committee.

  117. Joe I think this is a subtle threat on your life by one of her "Friends." And she is the one that liked the comment so she approves of it.

    Johnny Lightning - Don't sweat it, you do have friends in a world that will make him disappear
    Like · Reply · 1 · April 15 at 11:18am

  118. What a nasty vulgar comment she has made.

    She needs to be called out on this by other Republicans, by other Central Committee members. I am a good Republican and I am voting for Trump regardless of what this prostitute says or thinks. BTW she has no friends.

  119. Julie Brewington came up to me during the last J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield and she grabbed my ass. Then she started talking to me real close to my face with her booze and cigarette breath and I thought she was trying to kiss me. Then all of a sudden she let out this loud BURP and I almost threw up. That is one nasty and gross woman.

  120. Some of us haven't forgotten that she is married to a Democrat. The same Democrat that was running for the County Council the same time she was running for state Delegate and lost. They both lost, Thank God!!

  121. Anonymous said...
    Who gives a rats arrs what this woman says. Review her background. She is a big mouth nobody.

    April 14, 2016 at 9:11 AM

    Only an idiot would make a comment like "Who gives a rats ass" or "Who cares." That is the most ignorant comment anyone could ever spout out. Of course we care or this wouldn't be the top post of the week you dumb moron!

  122. Anonymous said...
    The reason decent women won't join the Republican Women's Club is her. No one with any values or character wants to associate with her. If the local Republicans really had a clue, they'd clean out their supposed "leadership" and rid themselves of people like her.

    April 14, 2016 at 9:34 AM

    Didn't Julie, Shelli Neal and Jackie Welfonder break off from the Republican Women of Wicomico and start their own club?

    1. Yes they did quit the Wicomico Womens Republican Club but not until after Wellfonder joined in January and started stirring the s**t pot. Then they quit and formed a new charter group of the Maryland Federation of Republican Women. They will screw that up too.

  123. Anonymous said...
    The reason decent women won't join the Republican Women's Club is her. No one with any values or character wants to associate with her. If the local Republicans really had a clue, they'd clean out their supposed "leadership" and rid themselves of people like her.

    April 14, 2016 at 9:34 AM

    The Wicomico County Republican Club is no longer. Their leadership is people like Muir Boda, a Libertarian who changed parties just to get money for an election and after 7 attempts he go elected to the Salisbury City Council. He acts like he is important now, but we all know he is still a bag boy at Walmart. The others are creeps that should be in the Democrat Club.

    To show you how low the WCRC is they put up a table together at last months 3rd Friday with the Democrat Club. How pathetic is that.

  124. Anonymous said...
    She is a poor excuse to represent the Republican Committee. She should keep her opinions to herself. After seeing how voting machines are hacked and people in areas not allowed to vote for their choice in Primaries, delegates being hand picked and wooed, I wonder just how many people have been elected alone that really were not elected because of rigged machines. This is a sad state of affairs when your vote really does not count. I think delegates should be eliminated and popular vote elect the persons in office.

    April 14, 2016 at 9:42 AM

    Jim Ireton and Obama were elected by rigged machines. Just ask Joe about Jim Liarton the Gay Cowboy.

  125. Anonymous said...
    Folks like her are why the Republican party has been a total failure since Eisenhower, except for Reagan, an obvious accident. Then they put forth losers like Romney, Nixon, McCain. and, now this thing, and attack the most popular candidate in this year's run. Hopefully the people can get some representation and these clowns will forever disappear.

    April 14, 2016 at 10:01 AM

    You are an idiot that has no clue what you are talking about. Nixon and Reagan were the best Presidents this country ever had.

    Nixon should have never resigned because look at what Bill Clinton and Obama has done. The Fkn RINO's don't have the balls to impeach Obama just like they didn't when Clinton should have been.

    God Bless Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

  126. Julie B. Said... I am an elected member of the Wicomico Central committee. I am proud to say I recieved the most votes of anyone running. I am the President of the local Maryland Federation of Republican Woman Chapter.

  127. Bonnie Luna is trying to get elected as a Delegate also. Do not vote for her. Her and her husband have mooched off politicians there entire adult life. Luis Luna is not working for Governor Larry Hogan. WTF!! Why do our governors employ that goof. He worked for Ehrlich and then got a job with the Bush administration and now Hogan.

    These people are nothing but LEECHES and Julie is trying to be one just like them!

    1. Julie Brewington and Jackie Wellfonder both desire to be employed by politicians so they can feel important. Legends in their own minds. Hypocrites in reality.

  128. Anonymous said...
    Like she matters. She uneducated and unaccomplished. She's doesn't have the proverbial pot to take a leak in and she's married to a criminal and owes people money. Yeah we should listen to her-NOT!
    She is pathetic in the way she begs to be relevant.

    April 14, 2016 at 9:38 AM

    "She uneducated?"

    Sounds like you are the one that is uneducated.

  129. Anonymous said...
    There are some really talented and smart women in this county who will not join the Republican club or the women's group because uneducated, vulgar women like this are given leadership positions. Carozza, Anderton, Culver, Edney all should be trying to address this problem. Who would want to be associated with a Brewington type? Until the Republicans get their act together, people like this will continue to think they are important and speak for them.

    April 14, 2016 at 11:20 AM

    The sad part is they aren't much better. Just watch Mark Edney he is trying to sneak his way into politics. I have a sneaky feeling he is going to try to oust Andy Harris next term. If not he will try to bump one of our state elected officials. That is cut throat if he does that. Anyone that tries to run against someone in their own party is a back stabbing cut throat and should be shown the door immediately.

    Mark my word and look out. Mark Edney is going to back stab a fellow Republican.

  130. Anonymous said...
    If the R's want any credibility, they need more spokespeople like Mark Edney. He must cringe when Brewington goes on a rant. I give him a lot of credit for putting himself out there considering what he has to deal with some R's.

    April 14, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Have you lost your mind. Mark Edney only cares about himself. He is going to screw over a fellow Republican in the near future.

  131. Anonymous said...
    If the R's want any credibility, they need more spokespeople like Mark Edney. He must cringe when Brewington goes on a rant. I give him a lot of credit for putting himself out there considering what he has to deal with some R's.

    April 14, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Mark is that you posting as anonymous again!

  132. She needs to step down at once or indicted for unethical behavior in office.

  133. Anonymous said...
    Julie isn't exactly very smart, she needs to keep quiet, any mother stupid enough to allow her little girls to be babysat by a registered sex offender, well....

    April 14, 2016 at 10:16 AM

    You are correct. I was there when it happened and Joe reported it. That is when she started claiming Joe was stalking her. She Fkd UP big time on that one so she claims stalking to CYA.

  134. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1201 can assure you, Brewington is NO Republican. She's a faker republican. Obviously she's promotes a candidate (Ted Cruz) whom doesn't hold one ounce of true Republicanism in his body. Anyone for one world government, trade with China as it is and promotes death to all gay people is no real conservative. She is a hack nothing more. And now it's time to vote her out or recall her elected position in the first place. It's time these local yokals had to pay for shooting off their mouth and showing their true nature to the world. She belongs in the Where are they now file. Not to mention the fact, what person is so antiquated that they use Facebook now anyway. What a female schmuck.

    April 14, 2016 at 12:30 PM

    Using Facebook is antiquated?? What do you use that is so new and popular? You are an ignorant moron. I'm a conservative and I certainly don't support gay anything. Those mental midgets like you need to be institutionalized.

  135. Anonymous said...
    Had anyone been close to this loudmouth vulgar swine. She wreaks of cigarettes and wine. I had never met her and her pics (15footer) seem like an decent looking lady. When I met her at a local event I was shocked. Tons of makeup and the first thing she said after saying hello was where is the bar I need a drink. She is disgusting and any true republican would not be blowing off at the mouth like she has. Sit back keep your mouth shut and support the parties nominee.

    April 14, 2016 at 10:19 AM

    She is gross and her breath makes me want to vomit when she gets in my face. If I didn't know any better I would have thought that I wrote your comment.

  136. Anonymous said...

    And who cares what this person is doing in the world. She is as worthy as the outspoken Hollyweirds.

    April 14, 2016 at 10:54 AM

    Obviously you do or you wouldn't have posted anything you ignorant moron!

  137. Anonymous said...
    1221, agreed she promotes an establishment that has only forwarded corruption and greed through career politicians. She is a shining example of why we need term limits in the Houses because their establishment values trickles down to local government and that's simply not an option anymore. Local government is the fuel for State and National. We are the beginning, the incubus and I don't want this woman anywhere near it. Can she be recalled? If so, how?

    April 14, 2016 at 1:16 PM

    We already have "term limits." It's called elections. Every 2 years the Congressman's term ends. Every 6 years the Senator's term ends. DUH! How stupid can you be. These people are not elected for a life time. The voters decide who they want and that is why they get re-elected. Tough Titty for you because it is the will of the people. If the people didn't want them they wouldn't vote for them. It's called a Democracy.

  138. Anonymous said...
    I read on Facebook from Mark Endley:
    Julie- you need to get your facts straight before you go on these rants. The reporter made a mistake. Mark just cleared it up in an email. He (and we) have not and will not make any endorsements and will assist all candidates. What you've done here is not helpful.

    She has caused an uproar with the wicomico republican central committee. They are in damage control because of her comments!!!!

    April 14, 2016 at 1:58 PM

    Where was this posted? Has she deleted it?

  139. Anonymous said...
    Glad you moved this up. I hope all members of the Republican Club see this and are truly humiliated by their stupidity in allowing her to be an officer. This is why the Republican Club can't recruit members. Who in their right mind wants to be linked to this kind of behavior and person of low moral character?

    April 14, 2016 at 4:29 PM

    You are about as dumb as they come. First she is not a Republican Club member and the Club has nothing to do with her. Second she is not an officer. Third she is elected to the Central Committee by the people and not the club. Big difference. You are not a member because you are to cheap to invest $25.

  140. Steve said...
    JB is why I don't want to be associated with the local RNC. I want to pitch in, but not with a Democrat like her.

    April 14, 2016 at 5:55 PM

    What is the "local RNC?"

    There certainly are some dumb people on here who shouldn't be voting.

  141. Anonymous said...
    Maryland is a leftist State, you can stay home on voting day.

    April 14, 2016 at 7:27 PM

    Another ignorant a$$ comment. More than likely coming from Chuck Cook, one of Julies friends by the way.

    Joe, I like how the Dems like Cookie think all Republicans are dumb like him and Jim.

    1. Chuck Cook thinks all republicans are dumb because he hangs out with dumb republicans, Julie Brewington and Jackie Wellfonder. Is that dumb enough for you?

  142. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Trump never let a registered sex offender watch his children Julie Brewery. Sorry folks this women is a drunk at the very least. I am not sure she does not wash down a few pills with the booze. Sorry Julie you opened the door. I am a life long republican and I am voting for Trump. The Republican functions get smaller every year because of losers running the local club. The crab feast used to be a great day to get out and meet your local reps. Something needs to be done the ship is sinking with the likes of her at the wheel.

    Some young sober Republicans need to step up. She needs to go.

    April 14, 2016 at 11:22 PM

    You obviously haven't been coming around because she isn't in a leadership position. The Crab Feast is still a big event. You should join us and help get rid of the current people that are in the leadership spots. The problem is they got it because no one else wanted it.

  143. Anonymous said...
    Any public figure calling people "Tards" should be ashamed.

    April 15, 2016 at 1:39 AM

    I was going to say the same thing. Doesn't she know the there are so many people these days with Autistic and mentally challenged children that the term "retard" offends them. That is why she will never get a real elected position.

  144. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I guarantee that most of you identify as Christian, or Catholic. Yet, here you are, slandering a woman for voicing her opinion about politics. Can we not do that anymore? It's a lack of class to use the phrase "trumptard", but not liking a candidate isn't a crime. I love how people from the shore cast big stones from their fractured glass homes.

    April 15, 2016 at 7:21 AM

    I am a Catholic and a proud Catholic and we are Christians you narrow minded Atheist idiot. Instead of hating Christians why don't you educate yourself and become one. When that ISIS turd has his left hand in your hair and is right hand on a knife getting ready to slice your neck I bet you will be praying to God.

  145. Anonymous said...
    Excuse me 7:21, but Catholics are Christian, the original Christians.

    April 15, 2016 at 10:35 AM


  146. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Christ and his Disciples were the original Christians and they were Hebrew.

    April 15, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Catholicism is the oldest religion in the world.

  147. Wicomico County Republicans Central Committee Members 7 Julie Brewington Member 410-726-0088

    HAPPY NOW, 3:39?

    This does NOT maker NOT an idiot.

    She's still a bimbo.

  148. Hinduism is considered the oldest religion on record.

    Fact checked your christianity claim, sorry 4:02.

  149. And likes she's any better!

  150. I wonder if Delegate Otto and Delegate Mautz approve of her using them in a picture of her posted on her CruzBot Facebook page.

  151. Someone said Manure Boata was a bag boy at Walmart. LMBO

  152. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wicomico County Republicans Central Committee Members 7 Julie Brewington Member 410-726-0088

    HAPPY NOW, 3:39?

    This does NOT maker NOT an idiot.

    She's still a bimbo.

    April 17, 2016 at 4:56 PM

    WTH are you talking about?

  153. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hinduism is considered the oldest religion on record.

    Fact checked your christianity claim, sorry 4:02.

    April 17, 2016 at 5:45 PM


    But it's not. Take your fact check and shove it up yous arse!

  154. Anonymous said...
    Yes they did quit the Wicomico Womens Republican Club but not until after Wellfonder joined in January and started stirring the s**t pot. Then they quit and formed a new charter group of the Maryland Federation of Republican Women. They will screw that up too.

    April 17, 2016 at 9:02 PM

    I thought something was up. The Maryland Federation of Republican Women ought to just look at their FB pages and they would be able to tell how liberal they are and how much they love Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton and Jake Day.

  155. Looks like someone has taken a page right out of Trumps book to get free advertising. Name recognition is everything.

  156. But Ms. Brewington is not the circus ring leader nor the biggest manipulator, look to Ms. Wellfonder for that. She loves stirring that sh**tpot all in the name of furthering herself in the arena. She is not to be trusted.

  157. 10:27 What a good christian you are...Not!

    Among the existing major religions the oldest is Hinduism. Vedas form the oldest body of religious works that are still in common use. Rigveda is dated to 1500 BCE or earlier and is used in the exact same form to date.

  158. Who is Mark McIver? Isn't he the president of the club or something? What a disaster he is. Poor leadership.

  159. Not to bring up this old hag again but did you hear her on Robinson radio this morning? She is pulling the victim card again saying John nailed when he said she was not the head of the central committee because she is a woman. So she got a lot of votes the bylaws say the committee votes on the chair. Maybe they didn't have confidence in her because she shows up to meetings drunk saying a relative just died and she just now got the call not thinking the obit was in the paper last week.


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