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Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Stephen Decatur student protest plea

Dear students,

You have every right to protest, and if that is what you choose to do I hope it is peaceful.

May I suggest instead that this is your opportunity to see and hear a presidential candidate in orderly forum. This is history in the making for your generation, and a rare opportunity. In fact, it is a new experience for me; and I have voted for several presidents from each party. How can you protest something that you know nothing about?

You probably have never paid rent/mortgage, been responsible for a family...let alone an entire country. Nor have you had an opportunity to choose a president as you are not old enough.

Please do not disrupt this for the people who are going to vote and who want to hear what any candidate has to say.


  1. Students, look carefully at who it is that is trying to organize you at this event. Listen carefully to what they're saying to encourage you to disrupt the event and curtail others' First Amendment rights, to not let others engage in free speech.

  2. Well said, Trump has his right to Freedom of Speech also & I intend to be there. This is history in the making.

  3. Do your protesting at the voting booh, if your old enough! If not stay home! You got no business in this election.

    1. What does being old enough have to do with anything? Just because we're not old enough we still have to deal with all the consequences. We have business in anything that will have an effect on us.

    2. That's the problem with today's children, you aren't owed anything! You are not even relative to the world until you are 18! You are your parents responibility and they have the relevance! You should take this as an invitation to hear someone else's opinions and thoughts so that when you are relevant you are able to make informed decisions! Your opinion is important but not the only one that counts!

  4. Students, this is an historic moment. Follow your conscience, if you want to protest then exercise your right as an American citizen and protest. Your speech is as valid as anyone's.

  5. Don't be like the "activists" coming down in buses from Baltimore. You're better than that.

  6. If you decide to protest let it be peaceful and do not affect others rights to free speech, including going to see Mr. Trump. Do not block roads, and know your own rights.

  7. students who have never been in the work force and have no real clue how the real world works should not be lead like sheep to slaughter to protest. Funny how the protesters are usually the most uninformed ones. I would like to see a protest to the protest.

  8. Well said writer, thank you.

  9. Express yourself however you see fit, regardless of age, gender, religion or political affiliation.

    The First Amendment to the United States Constitution applies to everyone.

    1. Yes it does, but protesters can do it in a peaceful mindful way! You can't protest someone because they are sharing hate with hate! That makes you no better! Allow the people who want to hear to listen and protest in a quiet manner! Don't be ignorant and block people or roads! We all have tights, rights to listen and rights to protest...legally!

  10. If anyone is blocking roads or impeding any citizen of this country from moving about freely THROW THEM IN JAIL AND GIVE THEM A COURT DATE. Don't deny me my civil rights in pushing your agenda.

    1. So true, do it peacefully and lawfully! That's what you want!

  11. "Orderly Forum" lol good joke


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