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Sunday, April 24, 2016

What Was Your Favorite Episode?


  1. Opie and the baby birds. I cry every time Andy says the trees are full now. I was abused as a child and liked to pretend Andy was my "paw"too. Laugh if you want but I probably survived childhood because of Andy Griffith and I grieved him like family when he passed away.

  2. When Otis spiked the water cooler with moonshine and Barney got plastered.

  3. Each episode amazes me with the guest star appearances. Many went on to stellar careers of their own. Two examples that immediately come to mind are Barbara Eden and Jack Nicholson.

  4. Earnest T. Bass Crazy old coot.

  5. When they were all eaten by zombies. It's one of the lost episodes.

  6. When the Darlins came to town

  7. I agree with 12:29
    Opie and the baby birds was one of the best episodes!
    His fathers reaction and how he dealt with the situation was classic!

    Made me wish I had a father like him! It was a lesson on life and how decisions you make can have a devastating effect. In this case it was the mother bird he killed with his slingshot. His punishment was to care for the baby birds until they could become independent. It was righting a wrong.

    It was good quality programming that is no longer being made on TV.
    I still watch the reruns every night.

  8. anything with Ernest T.

  9. Dogs Dogs Dogs.
    Andy feeding Barney's lunch to the little dog.
    "Oh, no! Not my Buddy Bar, Andy! I need that for my mid-morning let-down.. "

  10. citizen's arrest!!!


  11. Based on the photo, it was when Opie lost his hair and grew a scruffy beard!

    In actuality, it was a great series and is still great to watch on the re-run channels!

  12. Opie kills the Momma bird.

  13. A real fan cannot pick a favorite. They are all great.

  14. I agree with 12:10 all of them.


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