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Sunday, April 24, 2016

272 Slaves Were Sold to Save Georgetown. What Does It Owe Their Descendants?

WASHINGTON — The human cargo was loaded on ships at a bustling wharf in the nation’s capital, destined for the plantations of the Deep South. Some slaves pleaded for rosaries as they were rounded up, praying for deliverance.

But on this day, in the fall of 1838, no one was spared: not the 2-month-old baby and her mother, not the field hands, not the shoemaker and not Cornelius Hawkins, who was about 13 years old when he was forced onboard.

Their panic and desperation would be mostly forgotten for more than a century. But this was no ordinary slave sale. The enslaved African-Americans had belonged to the nation’s most prominent Jesuit priests. And they were sold, along with scores of others, to help secure the future of the premier Catholic institution of higher learning at the time, known today asGeorgetown University.

Now, with racial protests roiling college campuses, an unusual collection of Georgetown professors, students, alumni and genealogists is trying to find out what happened to those 272 men, women and children. And they are confronting a particularly wrenching question: What, if anything, is owed to the descendants of slaves who were sold to help ensure the college’s survival?



  1. As of today.....I never owned any slaves and you never picked any cotton. Let it go.

  2. Try to focus on the people in Africa that are still being sold parents still sell there kids. Tues last article I read about slavery it mentions he took his savings and mailed himself to a free state so the fact that he was paid Fed and had a place to sleep makes me think we are all slaves to our employees. How people feel they should be paid because of happenings hundreds of years ago is just sad keep the race card going. Mason weaver look him up

  3. The Vikings took slaves. The Romans took slaves. The Egyptians took slaves. Boko Haram in Africa has and is taking slaves (mostly for sex) today. ISIS has and is taking slaves (mostly for sex) today. The Mayan and Inca took slaves. Slavery is present in Sudan. Japan took Korean and Chinese as slaves.
    Black Americans don't own the patent on slavery. It happened, now move on with your lives.

  4. Same for me 4:04, I believe they have been paid enough through goverment welfare, social services, housing,cable/internet, health care, ebt, and lets not forget good ole cash assistance for car payments, nails, Michael Kors bags, 100.00 sneakers, Coach bags etc. After working for 16 yrs and paying sky rocketing taxes, I owe no one but my mortgage company.

  5. Give them 5% off tuition!

  6. whats owed to the africans that sold them to the hispanics that brought them here?

  7. What is owed to them?


    They were never slaves. Instead of spending so much time trying to find someone to write you a check for the latest affront to your sensitive feelings, the "sorrow and pain" you feel thinking of things that happened to SOMEONE ELSE more than 175 years ago, or the deep depression you feel because all those people (mostly white people) that sacrificed their lives so you could be free have died in vain --- you still can't read, hold a job, raise a family, earn an honest living, and now, because of your life-crushing self-pity, have children with an even bleaker future.
    Maybe another check will make you whole, but I doubt it. There will ALWAYS be something else, won't there?

  8. The ancestors of these slaves should be very happy that they were brought here. Just pick up a copy of any year National Geographic, and see that the natives in Africa are still living as they did a thousand years ago!

  9. We're all slaves to something, if you get up and go to a dead end job everyday to pay for a house you'll never own out right(property tax) your s slave PERIOD

  10. Find any country with a majority of Africans--total disaster, across the globe...

  11. Delmarva has always been a racist peninsula! The tradition of racism still festers! Just in a different way! AND OF COURSE TO DIG UP THE ROOTS MAKES SOME UNCOMFORTABLE SO THEY LASH OUT! And of course some idiots think a few hand outs is desirable! But the only think most blacks would desire is to have a fair chance! For once NOT to feel at a social disadvantage because of their skin color! To actually feel like they would receive fair justice! To not have to think about race at all! But it is threw out there everyday of our lives! To the point that some feel hopeless. Once people feel hopeless they are capable of some not so good behavior! TRY TO UNDERSTAND BEFORE YOU JUDGE!

  12. I was a student when integration happened...we were supposed to bring them up...ha...ha...ha...

  13. It's not racist if I disagree and feel nothing is due to anyone living today. I would agree, if you want to do something, focus on today.

  14. It's not racist if I disagree and feel nothing is due to anyone living today. I would agree, if you want to do something, focus on today.

  15. Nothing. Next question?

  16. Mad rush on this one before Obama is out of office.

  17. Don`t need to be brought up! Just treated fair in a country where I am a legal citizen! That my forefathers helped make great also! I am not them and thanks for making my point! My name is Vince can you read Anonymous? As far as today, you don`t really think that people of color are not subject to social injustice do you? If so you should educate yourself!The good old boys always act like they are doing those less fortunate a favor with their presents, ask the Native Americans! And the same old food stamp, welfare, social service lines are almost as old as the whips , chains and church burnings! Come up with a new propaganda tool to shape your hate and ease your conscience! I wonder how many of you good old boys have and still do benefit from the lies and betrayals of your forefathers? Face it if you have hate in your heart, treat others unfairly and judge others based on their race YOU ARE WRONG! And to act like those deeds of the past have not shaped the world today is just ignorant! Oh yeah, Are you talking about countries like South Africa 95 percent black and ran by the 5 percent? I wonder how they maintain control? Totally laughable! Have a blessed day!


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