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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Trooper Suspended After Assault Charge

(CAMBRIDGE, MD) — A Maryland state trooper has been suspended from duty after he was arrested over the weekend in Dorchester County and charged with assault.

Master Trooper Kenneth N. Moore, assigned to the Criminal Enforcement Division, was suspended from duty with pay by a Maryland State Police commander after he was charged by the Cambridge Police Department with one count of second degree assault on February 27, 2016. Maryland State Police were notified by the Cambridge Police Department that they responded to a complaint of an assault from Moore’s wife on the night of the 27th.

The Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit was notified and has initiated an administrative investigation. The criminal investigation is being conducted by the Cambridge Police Department.


  1. The Cambridge Police will mess it up nothing to worry about for him.

    1. Lol not as bad as the idiot Hurlock police.

  2. No one is above the law or so they say.

  3. Notice they didn't release many details-location, victim, alcohol... They already have the broom out to sweep it under the carpet.

  4. If it happened in Cambridge, I'm just guessing one of the 2 parties was probably found, followed, or doing something they shouldn't be doing and got caught. Since the parties involved don't reside there, I'm just guessing there was some hanky panky going on. Let me speculate, one convinces the other to make up, husband wife priveledge will be invoked, no conviction record of domestic violence. Therefore the trooper will still be able to carry and own a firearm. All said all done, it all quietly goes away and the details will certainly never be released. Just remember, this is the eastern shore, good ole boy country. Different rules for different folks.

  5. Isn't there some MD law that deals with domestic violence and gun use/possession? Like if you've got this domestic violence issue on your record you can't use/possess a gun.

  6. February 29, 2016 at 10:52 PM

    The parties don't reside in Cambridge?

    Would that be the Moore's from Delmar? I hope Kenny didn't screw up.

    1. Kenny screw up? I doubt it. Have you ever met him? He's one of those people that would do anything for anyone. One of the most giving and hardest working people I know.

  7. 12:37...Until Court you give your guns to the Sheriffs Office After you are found innocent;
    which most Men are brought up on False Charges by their CRAZY WIVES, you get you guns back

    1. Still mad because you didn't get the trailer back, either?

  8. Really surprised. Great family and good people. Praying for them.

  9. Man , we sure have a lot of "know it alls" commenting , go back to bed.

  10. No mention of domestic violence, if ex parte is ordered he Has to turn over his guns.what happens to upcoming court cases that he's a party to?

  11. That is the Moores from Delmar. Kenny always thinks he's above the law. I believe he's in the fire company there also.

  12. It's funny how nothing comes up on case search they are as crooked as a dogs hine leg over there at msp wso we need a new sherif that's what we need

  13. It is in case search fool

  14. Have known Kenny and Patti for years. Good people and treat family. I'm sure there are a number of circumstances that involved that we will never know not to we really need to. This family has survived the kids of a son and have witnessed and provided the inspiration to move forward that many of us could only dream about. Doing this while raising exceptional children. All the while Kenny has continued to work diligantly to protect us and to make our world a better/Sager place not only as a United States Marine but as a law enforcement officer for years. We can't imagine what stress this family has endured over the years. I don't think that we should be so quick to judge or comment because many of us would have folded years ago during like circumstances. We should however continue to pray for each of them and their family.

    1. Your comment only stiffens the fact police should not be former military members.

  15. The police can charge without the alleged victim seeking charges. If cops show up at what they believe to be a DV incident, they hear the stories, speak to any witnesses and assess injury. If they feel that a physical assault has occurred then they arrest the party or parties they feel committed the assault. Many times (most times is probably more accurate) the person who was assaulted in a DV incident will not press charges. The alleged victim has no say. If the police feel a crime occurred they move forward with an arrest and usually at the protest of the victim.

  16. I'm not about punishment in the media. The fact that he is a Trooper , makes front page news .now the haters are convinced he is guilty.we have no idea what's really transpired .second degree assault can be found in many forms . I Think it can be as simple as spitting? So don't judge this Christian man so quickly.This is sadly being reported without the facts .So give he and his family the respect and privacy afforded to others .Semper Fi I am praying for you and family

  17. Anonymous said...
    That is the Moores from Delmar. Kenny always thinks he's above the law. I believe he's in the fire company there also.

    March 1, 2016 at 6:16 AM

    But wait! 3:43 AM has a different version for you!! Have you ever met him?? LMAO @3:43am!!

    Yes he is in the beer drinking Delmar Fire Department.

  18. Anonymous said...
    It's funny how nothing comes up on case search they are as crooked as a dogs hine leg over there at msp wso we need a new sherif that's what we need

    March 1, 2016 at 6:54 AM

    What, are you a STALKER!!

  19. I know them both. Their son has been to my house dozens of times.
    They are both good people. Good parents. Good citizens.
    Things happen.
    Let me tell you, if things are going bad, Kenny is a guy you'd want around.
    His wife is a stand-up person, too.
    I wish them the best.

  20. Good people. Stand tall it will work out. As for the haters you can keep on hating. Trust me what goes around will come around. Maybe he needs some time away from the job. I thinl all cops need to take some time off. Let BLM and all these computer tough guys take care of crap for a while. lol

  21. to the people speculating

    is it possible the comment that took you 20 effortless seconds to write made it worse for the affected family?

    the answer is yes. while you sit there smelling your own farts all day trying to feel important by spewing your opinionated, speculative garbage, despite the fact that you have no idea what happened and that it is none of your business.

    i urge you to put yourself in the shoes of the family for a moment. congratulations, you've been heard and we're all reading this stuff.

    most importantly: to the people who left positive and supportive comments, your words are a very helpful and very much appreciated breath of fresh air. Thank you and we will stand tall.

  22. 1110 I finally know who you are. For the record your a drunk and brush your teeth.

    1. Too scared to share your name though? Mr. McLain does not drink BTW.

  23. I have yet to see a mug shot anywhere. Everybody else is subject to having theirs plastered everywhere. Yup,no special privledges here.

  24. 1110. Does Kenny and pattie know you bash law enforcement everyday putting him at risk by sterring the pot? Don't worry I'll let him no

    1. Do you know that you can't spell or complete a coherent sentence? Don't worry, I'll let them know.

  25. Kenny and Patty dont let these haters and fools add to your situation. You are good people and this to will pass. As I said stand tall you have paid your dues X 10. These stone throwing hypocrites will smile in your face and crap down your neck. Friends stick around no matter what the situation. Semper Fi.


  26. I also heard there was a sheriffs deputy that is a retired trooper broke his girlfriend's finger what's up with that joe

  27. Kenny put so many people in jail, took fathers away from their families for decades. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. What goes around comes around. Now he knows what it's like on the other side of the law. Too bad nothing will come of this. He'll be back in his Unmarked Honda Pilot kicking in people's doors before the summer!

  28. 7:38 No worries there, that too will fly away with the wind. The only time a deputy is punished and held accountable is when they are involved sexually with a minor. I believe there is one in prison for this. I also recall one who was drunk and had an accident, left the seen to sober up some and eventually was charged with DUI. This would have most likely covered up if the deputy had not damaged a vehicle that was parked on the street. They are famous for adding additional charges that never occurred, what a shame some of them can't just do their jobs professionally. The sad reality is that if there is anyway possible to cover them they will. Unfortunately they never seem to pay the same price as they are above the law.


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