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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Today's Survey Question 3-2-16

With Hillary Clinton's win over Bernie Sanders yesterday, do you think Democrats are nuts to strongly support someone with such a questionable and perhaps criminal history?


  1. Objection! Leading the witness, Your Honor!


  2. Considering the 2 nuts they had to choose from, not so much. I would personally vote for Sanders if I was a Democrat but only because he wouldn't last too long. The Presidency is too hard on someone as old a frail as he appears.

  3. Yes they are, fools all of them!

  4. I think Democrats are "nuts" regardless of who they support!!!
    As the saying goes, "You can not fix stupid"!!!!

  5. NUTS?? Certifiably insane is more like it. You dont vote for her just because she's female just like we should not have voted for BARRACK because he's black. there has to be trust and capability of doing the job. She has neither. People died because of her incompetence. The downward spiral this country has experienced the last 8 years wont begin to compare how bad it will be under Hillary.

  6. Just like 2008 , they just want the first woman president , the same went for Obama . They don't care if they have any brains , it was so obvious when Obama won , his strongest point was he could be a gang leader , as he is.

  7. What criminal history? She has never been charged or convicited of any crimes. She is a role model for the working class... ok, I just threw up!

    1. Didn't the Clinton's lose there law license oppppps that was the Obama's.

  8. Liberals will say the end justifies the means, so do whatever it takes.

  9. Democraps are very stupid. They would vote for hillary if she was dead!

  10. Nuts? Misled and oblivious, for sure.

  11. Absolutely! The decision has been cast at the end of the last election and no one is going to stop it, especially now that AG Lynch said that there will be no completion date on the email investigation.

    1. There will be a date when Trump or Cruz gets in.

  12. I don't think they are nuts at all. They are more a people who are void of any and all morals, principles, standards, decency, and on an on of any quality that makes for a civil society.
    The fact that they accept Clinton's lies speaks volumes for just how low the democrat party has sunk. It's so obviously anymore that democrats are not good people.

  13. The American voters were stupid enough to vote for Obama (twice). Then why not think these same stupid voters would not vote for Hillary. Our country has dumbed itself down and are clueless to the lies and corruption that Obama and Hillary have committed. They get away with everything and are laughing behind closed doors on how they have fooled everyone and still getting the votes.

  14. 8:59, Read the Post again. I said "perhaps criminal history".

  15. Of course they will vote for Hillary. Our founding fathers warned us. Our representative democracy will only work so long as we remain a moral, upright people. We live now in a country where most folks only care about themselves and what free stuff they ca get from the government. Which is why it doesn't matter who gets elected this fall. Politics follows culture, and our society is screwed up beyond belief. You all need to forget about America- she is a lost cause. Focus on you and you family now. You are going to have to learn to live like the old dissidents in the Soviet Union.

  16. I don't know. I just don't get it. I know a lot of upstanding democrats who are moral and religious. They are not stupid people. They support the democratic agenda and look with distain at the republican agenda.
    What I see as a clear difference and why I choose republican ideas seems so obvious to me. Why they support democratic concepts that have and continue to fail is beyond my understanding.
    But, what I do know is that the people of both parties now serving in our federal government generally have failed us. Its time we rise up with out ballots and clean house. But not just to clean house but to install people with integrity and honor who understand what our constitution is all about. Hmmm, how do we know for sure?

    1. In the end it's a crapshoot. We've been had before.

  17. Dear 10:51
    There aren't any upstanding democrats left in the country. These people you speak of who support the democratic agenda are communist and socialist who don't realize where they are going or what effect they have on our country and it's beliefs.
    You say you see a clear difference , democrats these days are not clear at all. They do have an agenda , but they don't have a clue what it really is . Apparently neither do you.

  18. I think they will just because she is a woman and today's society would like to see a woman president. The same reason Obama was elected to be president because he is black. They are more concerned with being able to see history in the making than electing the right person.

    1. And we seen how Obama worked out.

  19. We need to start by implementing term limits for our Local, State, and Federal representatives. Especially for the Federal representatives since it is considered "a given" that they will not vote term limits for themselves. We need to keep the system of corruption continually turning over to fresh blood in order to try to cut down on that system of corruption that comes about from becoming a professional politician.

    Just my two cents, I could be wrong.

  20. Get to the root of the problem. You have an Attorney General appointed by Obama who will not prosecute anyone without Obama's direction. They will drag it out as long as possible. Our only hope is that the charges will be brought up by the FBI which requires arguments to be heard.

  21. No more nuts than the Republicans who support Trump! I honestly think people vote for those two just because of name recognition. A lot of people have never heard of the other candidates, so they go with a name they know.

    1. I bet you just voted for a black president just because he was black instead of experience and character.

  22. Wait until trump goes on Fox news at 9 pm Thursday with the idiot Meagan Kelly I am betting fireworks.

  23. So I am fiscally conservative...hate free handouts. Cut spending and take care of yourself. Stop making excuses for why you don't raise yourself up to be a productive citizen. Secure our borders and put an end to illegal immigration. But I also feel that people should mind their own business as it pertains to their households. If somebody wants to marry somebody of the same sex...their business. If a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy...her business. If you want to smoke a joint...your business. All we need to do is take care of our families and let others take care of theirs. People that feel the way I do have nowhere to go...

  24. "I know a lot of upstanding democrats who are moral and religious."

    No you don't 10:51 there is no such thing as an upstanding democrat who has morals and is religious. Don't fall for their nonsense. It's an illusion. Their support of the democrat party shows what is truly in their hearts. They are evil wicked people who approve of keeping a fetus alive until the organs can be harvested. They approve of Clinton saying she didn't have a private server. Then that was proved wrong. Then she said she only used it for personal emails. That was proved wrong. Then she said she didn't use it for classified info. That too has been proven a lie. They are nasty, filthy, horrid people who if the truth be told the world would immediately become a better place if every single democrat just upped and disappeared.


  25. Not Quite Understanding......I agree with you 100 percent. We have the opportunity to sent them down the road during elections, but continue with the same. Hopefully this is changing, obviously show by the rise of Trump.

  26. "But, what I do know is that the people of both parties now serving in our federal government generally have failed us. Its time we rise up with out ballots and clean house. But not just to clean house but to install people with integrity and honor who understand what our constitution is all about."

    This is true. Reminds me of an old Native American saying-The Left Wing and the Right Wing Belong to the Same Bird

  27. One newspaper printed that her win was due to the uneducated, and minoritized population.

  28. 11:18 - Would vote for a woman if she was a real upstanding woman, not a criminal like Hillary!!!

  29. Unfortunately the majority of the people will vote for the person who promises the most free hand-outs and not the person who will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and do what is right for We the people...

  30. Shallow lowlifes can relate to Hillary. It's that simple.

  31. You can't print how I truly feel about these people but, I'll say it does expose two gaping character flaws. An acceptance of lawlessness and total disregard of morality.

  32. 211 is right, no one has a chance against someone who promises to keep those checks coming. welfare, section 8, ebt, cash assistance programs are now the norm. us white folk just need to get a part time job on top of our full time jobs to help out the brotherhood, after all, we don't want to appear racist

  33. I really do not believe people are voting for Hillary, but I do believe they are voting against a socialist (Bernie) therefore the reason she's getting all the votes.


  34. Democrats in office, or aspiring to it, would appear by definition to be nuts. There was not an ounce of difference between the three candidates who sought the presidency this year on the donkey ticket.

    They have no bench and she has conspired to keep potential viable candidates on the sidelines in anticipation of a coronation.

    Bernie is just a life-long communist. And we know about rain man.

    Those woeful three are the best the donkeys can muster???

  35. "All we need to do is take care of our families and let others take care of theirs. People that feel the way I do have nowhere to go..."

    Great points, but I beg to differ, 12:37. Many of the Republican candidates have differentiated between what they see as federal mandate and state responsibilities. In other words, a candidate may not agree with gay marriage, but does not see it as a federal issue. Most democrats want to use the federal courts to mandate social issues. That is a HUGE difference. Popular perception is that there is no difference between the parties. Dig a little bit and you will find fundamental distinctions.

  36. Of course democrats are nuts they are all nuts that's why they are democrats.

  37. I don't think they are voting for her, I think they are voting against the socialist Sanders.

  38. Word on the political beat is Ms. Clinton will not win the general election due to certain things at play which will become more obvious as we roll around towards Autumn. Will keep ear to the ground and give you updates as they occur.

    However, please note. Many sacrificial lambs (Abedin?) will be thrown under the bus as we round summer. Be watchful. This is the real narrative as we move towards general election. Another is the health situation with the Clintons is not auspicious. Keep an eye towards those issues as they are raised in more frequency in months to come.

  39. More like stupid and immoral than nuts.


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