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Sunday, March 06, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Delmarva Power Bills

I just noticed an interesting fact, when reviewing my electric bill.

They no longer put "meter readings, start and finish" on your bill.

There is no way for the consumer to actually verify usage.

They simply put how many kWh they claim you used.

How is this legal and how did the PUC allow for this farce to take place?


  1. Because you are getting scammed. APPROVED by your "leaders".
    But ----- if you aren't doing anything wrong, don't worry.
    Oh, you didn't realize they were not only going to lie to you, but cheat and steal, too?!! OH NO!!!!
    Keep cheering, you lemmings.

  2. not the only underhanded thing going on with our electric. I did not want Delmarva power to be my power company and choptank electric is in our neighborhood. I called choptank and asked for them to provide my electric. By some "agreement" they can not TAKE Delmarva power customers.!! what a crock of you know what. I should be able to choose my power co.

  3. Delmarva Power has been screwing me over for 2 years. They are cheaters and they will cut your electricity off in a heartbeat!

  4. This is my first winter in my new home. January was pretty cold after the new year and my heat pump was not keeping up. I got a bill for $340.00 from Delmarva power.

    My house is equipped with a wood stove so I bought a cord of wood and went 3 straight weeks without even turning on my heat even once. Also it is just myself and my wife who live at our home and we both work the same hours Mon - Fri. We are gone from about 6:30am until about 4:30pm. During that time we have everything off in the house.

    This house already had a smart meter which I really didn't want but since it was already installed I figured at least I would have to deal with them "estimating" my electric use based on last year.

    We just got our bill and it was around $220. To me something is not right. How is it that I haven't even turned on my heat for the bulk of the month. A couple of times when it was in the 40's and 50's I didn't use the wood stove but my house is new and very well insulated so I would run the heat just long enough to get the temp to 72 and then shut it down as that would keep the house warm the rest of the night (we both prefer to sleep in the cold so we don't heat in the night)

    To it just seems to be wrong that my electric is that high when we are not even home for the bulk of the days and were not running hardly any heat. It jsut doesn't add up.

  5. Well they can do what they want.they know we have to pay it or be shut off.I was also charged another deposit. i have lived here 9 years never had my power shut off.they came outta of no where and charged me more deposit money.it is a crock. i think it a shame there a bunch of rip offs.they take advantage of working people.

  6. I think on the Delmarva Power website, you can look up your power usage. I'm not sure if it shows "start" and "finish" meter readings or not, but you can always walk outside and read it yourself to verify what's on your bill is correct.

  7. March 1, 2016 at 10:52 AM:

    Please bone up on how a heat pump operates. Keeping a heat pump turned of, and only turning on to raise the temperature, will activate the emergency electric heating element in the house (part of the heat pump "system")... it is VERY inefficient and sucks up a lot of KWHs. A heat pump will only MAINTAIN a temperature within two degrees on its own. When the inside temperature drops below that threshold and the heat pumps are turned on, the electric bill will skyrocket. Most of the complaints with electric bills come from consumers with heat pumps. Trying to conserve energy by turning off a heat pump is counterproductive.

    1. You beat me to it.

      Absolutely correct. You actually waste money turning a heat pump off like that.

  8. I have had an account for 14 years, I missed one payment, and they demand a $425 security deposit now. How is someone supposed to catch back up when you tack on $425 onto a $210 bill!

  9. More deposit money being requested is usually the result too many late payments.

  10. March 1, 2016 at 10:13 AM:

    You will still have to pay DP for a "distribution" fee, but you can choose another provider for the electric portion of your bill. Choptank (rural) and DP have distinct territories, and a consumer does not choose the distributor of the service. Choptank cannot just run a line over to your house so that you can be on their distribution network. Looks like you would have to move to get Choptank service (and become a shareholder in the company), if it means that much to you.

  11. March 1, 2016 at 10:34 AM:

    They will cut you off ONLY if you do not pay your bills.

  12. You can read your own smart meter and keep track yourself on how many KWHs you use. Then protest if the bill is mis-calculated.

  13. Nobody thinks they're using any electricity when they take their shower (hot water is the highest use of most homes electricity), or when they toast their bread, or brew their coffee, or cook their dinner on an electric stove, or a 1500 watt microwave. And ladies, how about those 1500 watt hair driers and curling irons. It all adds up. All anybody thinks about is heat, or A/C.

    1. But it's Delmarva Powers fault that I use that stuff, right? They make me use electric. They force me to turn those things on. You mean if I use something that needs electric that it will use electric and then I have to pay for my electric? Then, on top of all that, it takes electric to run my little computer to come on this site rather than calling them and discussing things over the phone. I can be big and bad behind a keyboard, but no on the phone, and don't even ask about going in person to talk about things...

  14. All new homes should be built with solar heaters.

  15. I am on budget billing and they have hit me every year with a ridiculously high bill because they under estimate my usage BUT how can my total bill go from $842 to over $3000? I got a shut off notice for $1100 and a total amount due over $3000! It's all a crock of crap

    1. An electric bill over $3,000? For how many months usage?

      That's almost two years worth of electric, for us.

  16. 12:24 no, it does not give you a meter reading online
    12:47 I shouldn't have to, it should be clearly written on the bill. No other utility gets away with this. No other service provider can bill you without validating usage.

  17. Received a notice that choptank will be installing smart meters this week in my home.

    1. I believe you can opt out of the smart meter installation but then they'll hit you with a monthly service fee for not having one.

  18. March 1, 2016 at 3:06 PM:

    If it's that much trouble, I guess you'll just have to trust them.

  19. Just wait until you have to replace your septic tank with the newer BAT technology systems. The new BAT tanks consume as much electricity as your standard hot water heater . . . and so the average homeowner will be paying double what he has experienced before he replaces his septic tank.

    Fact is the newer BAT tanks run 24/7. Not only will you have to pay an annual maintenance fee - but your utility bill will be substantially higher.

  20. March 1, 2016 at 4:44 PM
    No, it’s not Delmarva Powers’ fault that I use electricity. But it dosent change the point that they are a brokerd monopoly deeling on wallstreets specularory information. That it’s not about providing a service anymore. Just the bottom dollar for those emotionally detached stock holders and brokers only caring about there investment. When the only one that suffers is the fool that pays there bill. They pay there own bill, there neibors bill becuse he dosent pay his bill. Let's call a deposit, say 500.00, plus let's add 30.00 more for the meter upgrade and the exta carbon emisions tax"the government gona get there’s". Plus soon to come, a five cent plastic bag tax as so they can hang the “you used the most electric in the community” letter on your door.

  21. Everyone that I talk to that has a smart meter installed on their house complains how high their electric bill is now. I, for one, elected to NOT have the smart meter and pay an additional $17.00 each month to keep that off my house. Even with that fee, my bills are basically normal range and have not really changed over the years except for the $17.00 each month. However, I also have adapted to cooler temps in my house both during the day and at night. No more 72 degrees settings - just throw on my more layers and probably that is healthier than living in a house that is hot and stuffy!

  22. March 1, 2016 at 4:44 PM
    Society's fault I need electricity. The whole community is set up on the Einstein’s community fare life style upgrade. "Electricity" WE have stopped teaching cursive because of the computer, as we have stopped teaching canning because of the electric refrigerator. If not for electric, well kind of ridiculous sounding, like "GLOBALWARMING"

  23. When the politicians are bought off by these crooks they can do what they want.

  24. I moved to north Carolina in November and using Duke Power now. My house is roughly the same size as the one I had in Salisbury, but brand new and I have tankless hot water now. So far my power bill is pretty much the same as it was last year. I imagine if I had a regular hot water heater down here, my bill would be even more. So its not just Delmarva Power charging crazy rates. Just have to deal with it.


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