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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

The Little Engine That Couldn't

Marcomentum was supposed to be upon us. The Florida Senator was expected to challenge Donald Trump in Virginia and Oklahoma and start building momentum heading into his home state primary in Florida. 

But it never happened. Last night the establishment favorite one won state- Minnesota. Meanwhile, his rival for the right to challenge Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, won primaries in Oklahoma and in the delegate rich state of Texas. 

So what now? 

For weeks, Rubio's supporters have been urging Ted Cruz, who they say has no path to victory, to drop out of the race in the interest of the party. Now that the chips are down, will the Florida Senator do the same? 



1 comment:

  1. To put it kindly, Rubio is a putz. Elected in Florida, and from Florida due to his demographics. Unseasoned.

    Put his foot in it by cuddling with Chuckie Schumer and The Gang of Eight. Still hasn't scraped his boot and we can all smell the lie.

    Should have run for his senate seat again and 6 years down the road he might have some accomplishments, and he'd still be a young man.

    He's a marionette with good grooming. No thanks!


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