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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

New Mizzou Boss Gives Student Protesters Tough-love Message

The man hired to help ease racial tensions at University of Missouri had tough love for the African-American activists who led fierce demonstrations there last fall, telling them late last week he has no intention of caving in to their demands.

Interim Vice Chancellor Chuck Henson, whose portfolio includes inclusion, diversity and equity, wrote a letter to Concerned Student 1950 Thursday, telling the group to stop making demands and work with the school to make things better.

"If you sincerely want better relationships, the time for demands, threats and arbitrary deadlines is over — you don't need them," Henson wrote.

Demands from the group, which takes its name from the 1950 admission of the school’s first black student, Gus Ridgel, include an “academic bankruptcy program” in which students could delete one bad semester’s grades from their records, according to The College Fix. Other demands include the hiring of more black faculty, $250,000 to expand the Black Cultural Center with a “Liberation House,” and a statue of civil rights activist Lloyd Gaines in the Carnahan Quadrangle.

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  1. Straighten these poor children out before they're unleashed on us.

  2. On a happy note, the screaming women's studies twit of a professor, the one who called for muscle to expel a reporter, was fired.

  3. His name is Chuck? Thank you.


  4. Paging Mr. Hawkins. Paging Mr. Gaines Hawkins. Employment opportunity calling!


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