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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Teacher resigns after student steals nude photo from her phone

A teacher in South Carolina resigned after a student took a nude picture from her phone and sent it to friends through texts and social media, officials said Monday.

The Union County Career and Technology Center teacher, Leigh Anne Arthur, said the photo was meant for her husband, according to WYFF. She told reporters, "The student who actually took my phone and took pictures turned around and told me, 'your day of reckoning is coming.'"



  1. Fruit from the poisoned tree. The theft of the phone is the key. The student who did that needs some professional help.

  2. Theft is theft. Harassment is harassment. This student needs to be punished, not made a local folk hero.

  3. I agree that theft is theft but the thing that I do not understand is peoples' unending fascination with sending naked pictures of themselves to spouses, boy fiends, girl fiends, etc... Whatever happened to "leave that sh*t at home where it belongs." People are so tied to that freakin phone. What you just had to have a naked picture with you just in case your husband forgot what you looked like while he was at work or what. It is bad enough that people can't seem to drive a car without that thing stuck to the side of their head and they can't make it through the grocery store without a call from home to remind them of what they are supposed to buy. What ever happened to lists. But now it seems like half the population has naked pictures on their phone. From what I've seen of half of our population, I wouldn't want to see them naked. You don't need to carry that stuff around with you. Then it wouldn't be a problem when the phone gets lost or stolen.

  4. Wow, it amazes me how one child can ruin the life of an adult and isn't held accountable for his actions! They will come up with some excuse as to why he did it. What goes around comes around. What ever happened to parents being held responsible for their children until that child reached age 18?

  5. 6:25, It's nobody's business, period. This was a theft, period. STOP being so soft on criminals. He should go to jail. I know that I would NEVER go into someone else's phone and I know ALL of you feel the same way. It takes a special kind of Idiot to do such a thing and hopefully he spends a lot of time in jail.

  6. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, she said !!


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