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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Subject: Remember How Trump Threatened Ford? Well Look at the HUGE Announcement They Just Made

When the Ford Motor Co. decided to move jobs south to Mexico so that it could pay its workers less, billionaire businessman Donald Trump was furious. He made trade inequalities and Ford’s betrayal of American workersa central issue of his campaign.

And, without his even being in the Oval Office, it worked.

In an interview with CNBC, Ford CEO Mark Fields said that the automaker would be “here to stay.” He also said he had outlined his company’s plans in a letter to Trump.

While he didn’t offer specifics about whether Ford would be rolling back it’s $2.5 billion expansion of the company’s operations in Mexico, it was clear that Fields was committed to addressing Trump’s complaints directly.

“Ford Motor Co. is here to stay in the United States,” Fields said.

“We’re very proud as a company of what we do in terms of contributing to economic development here in the U.S.,” he added.



  1. Henry Ford thanks you.

  2. should be front page news ..why is Cruz and his dirty laundry driving any narrative?


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