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Saturday, March 26, 2016

GOP Senators Move to Block Obama’s Gun Ban for Veterans

Republican Senators are moving to block an Obama gun ban that will otherwise prevent over a quarter of a million military veterans from owning guns.

The gun ban for veterans is being handled the same way as Obama’s gun ban for Social Security beneficiaries. Those who cannot manage their own finances are being labeled with a mental health moniker and added to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) as being prohibited from purchasing firearms.

In July 2015 Breitbart News reported that Obama’s gun ban against Veterans had already been administered behind the scenes for an unknown amount of time. The Los Angeles Times pointed to the example of 30-year-old U.S. Marine Steve Overman. He required help with his finances because of “weakened..memory and cognitive ability” resulting from a roadside bomb in Iraq. The “VA eventually deemed him 100% disabled and after reviewing his case in 2012 declared him incompetent, making his wife his fiduciary.” Because of this, he had to get his guns out of his house–taking them a relative’s home–in order to avoid losing them.

The Hill now reports that “more than 257,000 former members of the military” are facing a similar plight as Overman.



  1. Your Constitutional rights.
    Doled out to you as generously as possible by those who really believe they know what's best for everyone else.
    It USED to be one had to be CONVICTED of a crime before the Masters yanked your rights away.
    They regard the Bill Of Rights as mere "suggestions".
    And you just can't stop cheering....
    You're going to be SO sorry....

  2. Obama is a treasonous pos.

  3. over my dead cold body

  4. Bring it , I'm a veteran , I've have guns and a lot of them , nobody will take my guns without vengeance. You have to understand our feelings , I've protected you and others while you have enjoyed your freedom and rights . I will continue that promise even here in the states , against any form of enemy , even our corrupt administration.

    1. Thank you
      What's scary is the idiot Millennials who want a weak pos Sanders as a President.

  5. When are the establishment republican going to rein in Obama instead of Donald Trump? ??

  6. Obama's mission ...to disarm all resistance to Soros's UN takeover of the United States of America for the Globalists who are the true enemy of the Country...ISIS was formed so we will come to depend upon the same Globalists for safety that created them.


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