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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Daily Beast: Marco Rubio Allies Spread Cruz Affair Story

Rumors of Sen. Ted Cruz's alleged adultery have been circulating for months – and allies of former GOP presidential contender Sen. Marco Rubio were allegedly involved in spreading the accusations, The Daily Beast reports.

According to the news site, which cites unnamed GOP and media sources, reporters at the New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, Bloomberg News and ABC News had all heard versions of the sex scandal.

The conservative Breitbart News also was pushed to run a story on the alleged affairs, an unnamed source tells the Daily Beast – and was given a video by a person "allied" with Rubio but not associated with his official campaign.

Breitbart didn't run a story because the video didn't provide any direct evidence of an affair, the source tells the Daily Beast.

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