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Saturday, March 26, 2016

School District to Begin Distribution of Satanic Materials to Children

After coming under fire from atheist groups for the distribution of free Bibles, the Delta County School District (DCSD) has approved the circulation of atheistic, secular and Satanic literature to middle and high school students.

Several atheist organizations, including The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers (WCAF) and the Satanic Temple, applied to distribute their literature as a challenge to the school district’s “open forum” policy that allows any group to distribute non-curricular literature to students, as long as it conforms to policy guidelines.

Kurt Clay, the Assistant Superintendent of the Delta School District, said if they are going to make literature for things such as Boy Scouts, 4H or other organizations available, they have to allow all types of information to be available to students.

“This is the other side of that,” explained Kurt Clay, the Assistant Superintendent. “The policy says we cannot discriminate what is handed out, we just have to follow the process.”

More here


  1. Here we go again. Remember the referendums they continue to shove in our face. Need more money for the children, teachers and new schools. Then you have the bleeding hearts they ALWAYS say yes they need all the help we can give. This is the best they can do? ?? The BOE has a new meaning.

  2. The Left Wing Liberal Democrats have become a plague on our society and bowing to pressure from all sides because they are nothing but weak little girls.

    It's time for Republicans to take control of all Boards of Educations.

  3. this is why SKOOL BOARDS MATTER!

  4. This is not about republican or democrat, they're in the same gang, look at what they're doing to Trump. This is the degradation of our moral fabric by removing God as the foundation of our country.

  5. Yet a book showing a smiling slave cooking a cake is banned....What a screwed up country.

  6. This gives the 'slums a perfect precedent to insist upon providing kids with Islamic propaganda. All religion should be strictly banned from schools, not "equal opportunity" for any and all religion.


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