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Saturday, March 26, 2016

ObamaCare Boy Is Now a Pseudogirl

Remember the black kid who stood by as a prop as Obama signed the healthcare system into federalized oblivion? He continues to serve as a symbol of what moonbattery is doing to us:

Marcelas Owens … was the chubby 11-year-old African-American boy who stood next to President Barack Obama as he signed Obamacare into law at a White House ceremony on March 23, 2010. He was the miniature health care activist in the black vest dwarfed by powerful lawmakers in a famous photo of that moment. He was a modern-day Peter Pan, perpetually frozen in childhood even as the news cycle moved on.

But so has Marcelas. As supporters prepare to mark the sixth anniversary of Obamacare’s signing, Marcelas is marking another rite of passage — as a transgender teen. After years of questions, [he] is starting to tell family and friends what [he] has long known: Though born male, [he]’s long identified as a female.


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