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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Richard Perle: We Should Keep Eye on Radical Mosques

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is right in suggesting the United States should do more to fight radical Islam inside the United States, former assistant Defense Secretary Richard Perle tells Newsmax TV.

"He's certainly right in arguing that we need to do much more than we are now doing," Perle said Thursday on "The Steve Malzberg Show." "We need to concentrate resources where the threat is."

The question of how the United States deals with Muslim immigrants is a more difficult and complicated question, Perle said.

"It's certainly right that we should be very careful about who we're admitting to the United States," he said. "That means much better control over our border because border can be penetrated by Latin American, Central American workers [and] can also be penetrated by terrorists."

Terrorists will sneak in with refugees or across the southern and northern borders, he said, and it is vital to keep an eye on the mosques that preach a radical form of Islam.

Many mosques in the United States and Europe fit that bill, he said, and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is "making a very serious mistake" if he thinks monitoring them is a bad idea.

De Blasio on Wednesday called Cruz's statement "demagoguery."



  1. We should keep an eye on all Mosques - they use the same book for their preachings - the same book that espouses violence and terror!

  2. You better believe we should keep an eye on these Mosques. I had to do something in the little Mosque on West road and they did not want me to be in there. They kept an eye on me like a hawk and it felt like they were up to no good and I believe they were.


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