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Sunday, March 27, 2016

SBYNews Exclusive: Another Mysterious Inmate Death At ECI

On March 14th an inmate at ECI mysteriously died. ECI is claiming the inmate hung himself, yet there's been nothing in the news.

OK, here's where things get unreal. The inmate was in pre release as he was going to be released in April. ECI claimed that the inmate hung himself, yet they found him on the ground!

After speaking to Family members, he had been writing them in great spirits, very upbeat and he was excited he would be released. To the Family, none of this makes any sense.

To add insult to injury, the Coroner in Baltimore has yet to give a cause of death and stated it is "still pending". Why, because, (we're told) there are no marks on his neck. There are alleged marks on his face but not on his neck.

Officials have refused to allow the Family to see or even identify his body. They did however tell the Family they have 14 days to bury him or they would cremate the body. The Family was NOT prepared financially to pay for a proper burial but were able to come up with the funds.

There needs to be far better accountability. We ran a similar story back in 2009. Hopefully this attention will cause Officials to investigate the death of James Robinson, 33 years old. Inmates are humans. FAMILY MEMBERS ARE NOT CRIMINALS. They deserve to be treated with respect and the mind set within the criminal system need to change immediately. 

I will be texting ALL of our local elected officials to view this exact article. I will be asking them to investigate this death and I will be speaking with the Governors Office and ask they put the very people who confront Family Members through sensitivity training. 

Hopefully the rest of the local and even state wide Main Stream Media picks up on this story and expose yet another mysterious death. 


  1. The families, at least, deserve to know the truth and take it from there.

  2. Why is ECI bothering to investigate? Why hasn't this been all over MSM? Why bother, seems to me you got someone at ECI who reports all the "facts" to you. Someone who knows exactly what went on at ECI with the prisoner, all about the family situation etc. Another story from SBYNews, screaming cover up. No doubt our local elected officials with the help of the Governor's office will solve this mysterious murder at ECI. All persons involved in the cover up will surely receive just punishment.

  3. The truth is gangs run the prisons and have all the rights over the guards, the guards and administration are not granted the ability to take control over the inmates in a proper manner...It's a deadly play ground.

  4. Some of the people employed there are just as sketchy as the inmates.

  5. I have come to the point of not believing ANYTHING out of the mouths of ANYONE in our justice system. That's the courts, the judges, the DA's office, anyone asst'd with LE, the criminal justice system., all of it. So, if and when you interview me for jury duty, justice system, expect to hear just that, "your honor" [smirk].
    The system itself is self perpetuating from the State House to the beat-cop on the street. And, they've become the enemy of many decent law abiding citizens.

  6. Whoever wrote this article does not realize that the people serve the government. Not the other way around. The coroner and the officials will let the family know when they can bury the body. Just wait for the phone call. These people have a tough job already taking care of all of us.

    1. Are. You. Nuts??
      "The people serve the government"

      You have no business being an American, move to Riyadh.

  7. Cornoner's report pending.

  8. Guards are as bad as the inmates. Where have I heard that before?

  9. ECI and DOC hide everything from the Public just like SU. If the Public knew the crime rate and illegal things that happen at these two State Agencies they would be demanding changes. This includes funding.

  10. This article exposes the need for many questions to be asked on wide scale. Far too often the People are neglected; their rights are neglected; and they are treated like second class citizens and criminals. Family members are treated with disrespect and that is shameful.

    On the larger scale, this article highlights the need for a law such as Nancy's Law that addresses the rights of family members of the deceased and reminds us that the deceased do matter.

    Hb 1152 addresses the fact that unclaimed bodies (they could be anyone...your relative, a missing person, a homicide victim) are being taken possession of my our state and the Anatomy Board and cut up within days for medical research. I encourage everyone to follow the story in this article as well as research Nancy's Law. People matter and we should not neglect them nor their rights.



    Thank you for this article!

  11. We need hard labor camps.

  12. Saves the taxpayer cost of trials and putting him back in prison when he re-offends.
    Win win.

  13. There is an old saying in prison Snithes Get Stiches


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