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Sunday, March 27, 2016

NY Times Very Upset Over NC Law Refusing “Transgenders” Access To Opposite Sex Bathrooms

I was wondering if the NY Times would jump into the debate over the just passed and signed North Carolina law that restricts cities from passing laws that allow people who feel they are the opposite sex from using opposite sex bathrooms, changing rooms, and showers. They didn’t disappoint, and, they seem more upset about this than over Islamists spreading their hate through violence in an attack that killed dozens, including Americans, not too mention the hundreds hurt

Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry

Officials in Charlotte, N.C., spent more than a year carefully considering and debating an antidiscrimination ordinance that was passed in February to promote the city’s culture of inclusiveness. State lawmakers quashed it on Wednesday by passing an appalling, unconstitutional bill that bars transgender people from using public restrooms that match their gender identity and prohibits cities from passing antidiscrimination ordinances that protect gay and transgender people.

Citizens of Charlotte were appalled at the passage of the bill allowing men and women pretending to be the opposite sex to go into areas that would put them in contact with their children in an inappropriate manner. The editorial does forget to mention how this law is in any way constitutional, but, then, the NY Times also thinks that gun confiscation is Constitutional, so, there’s that.



  1. New Yorkers don't even read the times.

  2. You have to wonder why New Yorkers care who uses the restrooms in North Carolina. Or anywhere for that matter.


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