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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Cruz Calls for Muslim Surveillance in US

Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz said Tuesday that surveillance in Muslim neighborhoods in the U.S. must be intensified following the deadly bombings on Brussels' airport and subway.

Echoing his rival Donald Trump, Cruz said the U.S. should stop the flow of refugees from countries where the Islamic State militant group has a significant presence. The Islamic State took credit for the Brussels attacks that killed dozens Tuesday and wounded many more.

"We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized," the Texas senator said in a statement.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, condemned Cruz's call for surveillance, saying it sends "an alarming message to American-Muslims who increasingly fear for their future in this nation and to all Americans who value the Constitution and religious liberties."



  1. Sounds a lot like racial profiling.

  2. sounds like common sense

  3. The idea of just patrolling their neighborhoods wouldn't work, and I don't think that's what he meant. But we do need to pay MUCH closer attention to what they're doing, especially in the large enclaves of Somalis, like Columbus, Ohio (48,000) and in the Twin Cities area.

    Once we remove the corruption in the Justice Dept and elsewhere in the administration, then maybe we can address the truth-- that these aren't generally old ladies from Sweden committing these terrorist acts.

  4. A comment I'm sure Cruz wishes he could take back now.

  5. nora/norah O'Donnell ripped him a new one on CBS over this.

  6. We need to set up camps for these terrorists!

  7. 3:17. I saw that interview and she hardly ripped him a new one. Cruz was spot on.

  8. We need to do whatever is necessary to protect our United States of America. If we have to do what we did when Pearl Harbor was attacked - so be it! This is our country - Americans !

  9. Canadian Cruz is simply riding the coattail of President Trump, a point well relayed by Trump weeks ago and was well taken by many as needed.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Canadian Cruz is simply riding the coattail of President Trump, a point well relayed by Trump weeks ago and was well taken by many as needed.

    March 24, 2016 at 6:28 PM

    That he is... It took him long enough to figure out what Americans want and need in this country!

  11. 12:45. they fit the description of those who have attacked us and are murdering people all over the world. What are we supposed to do, play Russian roulette with the people of the United States? Drastic time demand drastic measures. Stop your belly aching. Whatever it takes for us to be safe.


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