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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Doverdale Overdose Deaths

Salisbury, MD: Today I received the sad news that 2 individuals died as the result of an overdose in my neighborhood with another individual being hospitalized. Our family wishes to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families suffering this terrible loss and we continue to keep the one individual who survived in our prayers.

Drug use and addiction has become a terrible scar on neighborhoods throughout our country as it is destroying lives and families. Children at ages way to young are being exposed to the harsh realities of addictions and living first hand through hell with parents and family members suffering addictions.

Last night at the Salisbury City Council Work Session Mayor Day advised us of a forthcoming budget amendment that will be requesting the start of and coordination of a Task Force proposed by Councilwoman Laura Mitchell and will include the Wicomico County States Attorneys Office, Salisbury Police Department and various other professionals in our community to determine what are some the immediate and long term steps we can take to address various forms of addictions.

I believe that those who struggle with addictions need the full support of our community and the strong guidance of intensive treatments. These are not situations we can simply fix in a week or two, we must have long term strategies for support and treatment. If you have an individual who is suffering from addiction, I strongly encourage you to seek professional guidance on how to get immediate help and intervention into the situation.

On the other side, we need an all hands on deck strategy in targeting the distribution and supply network of the drugs flowing in our community. We need a strong multi-jurisdictional, multi-state approach to dropping the hammer on those manufacturing, storing and distributing narcotics. I am in full support of the Mayor’s strategies and focus on this issue and truly wish there was more that we can do.

From a community standpoint I implore parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, to have these hard conversations with the children that you influence in your lives and the importance of making good, healthy life choices so that they do not end up as a statistic in the news.

Muir Boda

Salisbury City Council District 2

Muir W. Boda

Councilman - District 2
125 N Division Room 305
Salisbury, MD 21801


  1. You need to start by addressing the top of city government down. It's a well known fact of the shady past of your appointed and if it's accepted at the top of city government who out here in the streets is going to take you serious PERIOD!!!

  2. How are you going to get the public to take you serious as a city government and council when you have made such a tremendous exception for the highest city government position and how and who occupies it???

  3. DO TGE RIGHT THING address the leadership give the public some answers and why and somebody start somewhere and show people that enough is enough PAST OR PRESENT

  4. We met and told Duncan about the drug dealer in our neighborhood TWO+ YEARS AGO, they even knew his name!

    Ya know what they did.... NOTHING
    He is still here
    He is still dealing
    and now it is out in the open.

    I am so sick and tired of the rhetoric.
    We are here because the po-po are not doing their jobs. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

  5. If they had jobs and had to work to pay for food, cellphones, electric, rent, etc. they would not have time to do drugs.....

  6. The police job is to lock up those who are not connected to the government supplied product. The government doesn't like competition. If the seller is out of line, he will be locked up. If he abides by the rules he will be left alone.

  7. It doesn't work when the police know of a business owner in Salisbury that sells drugs out of his store and they just gave him a slap on the wrist with 6 months of work release and he is back at it again selling out of his store. Right across the street from Giant. The dealer's need to be taken down!

    1. The police did not give him the light sentence, its the State Attorneys office job to convict and the Judge to give the sentence.

  8. The city of Salisbury gave a man the highest position in city government with failed drug tests while a city employee do you really think they give a S.••• about this??

  9. That neighborhood.....I only lasted a year in that area.Open air drug dealing in the parking lot of those apartments where the guys OD'ed.That was 2004-I can imagine it has not improved.

  10. What's the point of spending tax dollars to prevent the overdoses. Realistically whats the chance these addicts recover and turn their lives around like 1%? Are our tax dollars worth it to save 1%? I'm sure I'll be attacked for this, but in my opinion these drug overdoses and addictions are just removing the weak from the gene pool.

  11. This press release is typical of the "hug a thug" mentality that's been embraced by the city's govt and police chief. Let the police do their jobs. Lock up these leeches that are dealing this poison. Drug addiction fuels property crimes and violence. Salisbury is not safe and garbage like this is a huge part of the problem

  12. Law enforcement is handcuffed.

    1. Lies. All lies. Please turn in your badge if you are so useless. Joe this is a cop-out! Joe I know the cops saying this BS and they are going to start being called out for it. Every profession has rules and challenges so grow up.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Law enforcement is handcuffed.

    March 22, 2016 at 11:15 PM

    No they're not, but there are some out there that need to be handcuffed.

  14. These two deaths were of men in their 40s. Do you think that anyone is going to learn anything by their deaths? Not likely. And neither is the city council going to have any impact whatever on the heroin problem in this area.
    Be sure to send a condolence card to the families from the city. If you're going to reach out, reach out all the way.

  15. 7:53 PM, not always true. The heroin overdoses are happening every day locally and does not discriminate against anyone. I see people of different ages, races, and social statuses affected by this. We NEED to get rid of these dealers!!!

  16. I told the fruitland police about a drug dealer when I lived there. Their response was basically if you don't like it, move. I did. The fruitland police couldn't catch a cold.

  17. 40 yo lifetime drug addicts let them Rot.

    1. Rude. They were still somebody's children, parent, friend or family.

  18. Salisbury doesn't really care about their drug problem! If they did the following would be happening:

    1. City Council would give Chief Duncan the authority a Chief should have to run the police station and her officers.
    2. City Council would budget for more Officers.
    3. The major drug areas would be flooded with Officers to combat the drugs.
    4. They would accept help from Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and not tell them it is City territory, who gives a crap if an arrest is made!

    Every day I go to the Route 50 post office, different times of the day and there are drug deals happening right at the intersection of Church & Naylor Streets. You have to stay stopped and wait for the deal to be completed at the stop signs. Never an Officer in the area. Poor kids walking back and forth to school in the middle of this and again no Officers around during these times.

  19. Muir, until you get a real police chief and actively pursue the major drug dealers in cooperation with the WBI, you are just spewing rhetoric from a soap box.

  20. Oh you will love this. Guy dealing in broad daylight. We call the police. Takes them 20 minutes to show up. Guess what, dealer is already gone. Police say.. oh we didn't see anything, call us again if you see it going on.

    What a joke. True story.

  21. Why isn't Wicomico County Task force working with Salisbury PD and State of Md Task force?

    Why are we wasting time and $$$$ re-inventing the wheel. We all should be following same recommendations and enforcement therefore communication has improved across this entire county!! THIS IS NOT A NEW DILEMMA! Wicomico County Health Deparment, etc has already been having a "Task Force". Will someone please get together and tackle this as a "true community" where people work together.

    Laura Mitchelle proposing the idea???!!!!!!!!! What the heck is that! Has she been living or the City Council under a rock! This is embarassing when all other areas have had a Task Force. Does Salisbury Council and the Mayor think the public are idiots???? Where have you been????

  22. If the police won't even pretend to remedy the open air drug trade, I'm all for bringing back the posse. 4 or 5 MEN could do more in a month.

  23. And we care WHY ????? Maybe these people need an awakening. On a good note they are no longer suffering and thier families afetr a period of grief have a much better life. Sorry this drug is out of control. America is the #1 consumer of opoids.

  24. You cannot expect to change what is going on in the streets first until you change the people you have in the government who is also suppose to abide by all of the rules just like in other citizen. Example Sherriff Mike Lewis is the most Racist/Corrupt out here in the streets, but everyone gives him high praise. Someone needs to investigate his ass....SMDH...Salisbury, Maryland is not going to change until some of the leaders who have the power now are gone. point blank
    There are blacks and whites out there selling/dealing/using, but the first question everyone needs to ask, is where are the drugs coming from, its not the blacks... THINK ABOUT IT

  25. Supposedly they didnt " do drugs". They were just " partiers". And they thought it was cpcaine, not heroin. And the guy that lived, he knows who sold it to them, and he is going to make that person pay.

  26. 6:17. Street justice?? Wow we need the Guardian Angels

  27. Anonymous said...
    The city of Salisbury gave a man the highest position in city government with failed drug tests while a city employee do you really think they give a S.••• about this??

    March 22, 2016 at 9:09 PM

    You can't be talking about Tom Stevenson?

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What's the point of spending tax dollars to prevent the overdoses. Realistically whats the chance these addicts recover and turn their lives around like 1%? Are our tax dollars worth it to save 1%? I'm sure I'll be attacked for this, but in my opinion these drug overdoses and addictions are just removing the weak from the gene pool.

    March 22, 2016 at 10:06 PM

    I am with you Brother!

  29. Anonymous said...
    7:53 PM, not always true. The heroin overdoses are happening every day locally and does not discriminate against anyone. I see people of different ages, races, and social statuses affected by this. We NEED to get rid of these dealers!!!

    March 23, 2016 at 6:19 AM

    Agreed, but 7:53 PM is correct also!

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury doesn't really care about their drug problem! If they did the following would be happening:

    1. City Council would give Chief Duncan the authority a Chief should have to run the police station and her officers.
    2. City Council would budget for more Officers.
    3. The major drug areas would be flooded with Officers to combat the drugs.
    4. They would accept help from Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and not tell them it is City territory, who gives a crap if an arrest is made!

    Every day I go to the Route 50 post office, different times of the day and there are drug deals happening right at the intersection of Church & Naylor Streets. You have to stay stopped and wait for the deal to be completed at the stop signs. Never an Officer in the area. Poor kids walking back and forth to school in the middle of this and again no Officers around during these times.

    March 23, 2016 at 8:24 AM

    Steve's Leavin's said...
    Muir, until you get a real police chief and actively pursue the major drug dealers in cooperation with the WBI, you are just spewing rhetoric from a soap box.

    March 23, 2016 at 8:30 AM

    The answer to this long, ongoing problem is to merge the City police department into the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. This includes Fruitland PD and Delmar PD.

    Then dissolve the Salisbury City Charters and the small towns next. Look at the problems that Pittsville is having.

    One Wicomico!

  31. Anonymous said...
    And we care WHY ????? Maybe these people need an awakening. On a good note they are no longer suffering and thier families afetr a period of grief have a much better life. Sorry this drug is out of control. America is the #1 consumer of opoids.

    March 23, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    Don't be stupid. America is not the #1 manufacturer of Heroin and Heroin is the problem.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Supposedly they didnt " do drugs". They were just " partiers". And they thought it was cpcaine, not heroin. And the guy that lived, he knows who sold it to them, and he is going to make that person pay.

    March 24, 2016 at 6:17 AM

    I heard the guy that lived was brain dead? So what is it? Someone needs to get their stories straight before they go spreading rumors.

  33. Anonymous said...
    You cannot expect to change what is going on in the streets first until you change the people you have in the government who is also suppose to abide by all of the rules just like in other citizen. Example Sherriff Mike Lewis is the most Racist/Corrupt out here in the streets, but everyone gives him high praise. Someone needs to investigate his ass....SMDH...Salisbury, Maryland is not going to change until some of the leaders who have the power now are gone. point blank
    There are blacks and whites out there selling/dealing/using, but the first question everyone needs to ask, is where are the drugs coming from, its not the blacks... THINK ABOUT IT

    March 23, 2016 at 3:19 PM

    I heard you were more racist than he was so you don't have room to talk!

  34. Getting rid of the dealers is not the answer, getting rid of the demand is where the focus needs to be

  35. It is so simple to get the drug dealers off our streets there everywhere you have to be blind to not see them. They are the ones in their 20's & 30's walking multiple pit bulls around standing on the street corners, lots of teenagers and younger following them around, they ride in the middle of the streets on hover boards,skate boards, mo peds with no jobs just hanging out all day. The smoke from their joints will knock you over at 15 feet. How can you miss them ?Start rounding them up then we'll see action instead of rhetoric.

  36. Just wondering if Boda has become the voice for Salisbury. This sounds like a press release but if so he needs to get his facts correct about what part Mitchell played in a "task force". Really?

  37. Muir Boda, you're on the city council - attack the damn slum lords. Get rid of them, that's where most of the trouble is within this town. Slum areas all over the place because of them. Do something about it.

  38. It all comes down to personal conduct and personal decisions. Don't blame someone else for your failures and conduct.

  39. 1:19PM, sure it does, however, it also comes down to that almighty dollar and you know it. Slum Lords will put anyone in their slummy houses for that dollar and you best believe they do it.

  40. Dear Muir,

    Here is the real tragedy. The real tragedy is the City of Salisbury tax payers paying for nearly 60 paid firemen to sleep every single night of the week while they are on duty. That's right they get paid to sleep while we foot the bill.

    You know what I have been thinking. I read where the fire chief in Ocean City has decided that the paid firefighter paramedics sleep on the job to much and several times they have slept through the alarm. I know for a fact that happens all the time in the Salisbury Fire Department. I understand that rest is imperative for first responders, but when they sleep through calls there is a problem. Since there is a problem just like in Ocean City it is time to go back to the standard 8 hour shifts 7 days a week. That way they would be rested up when they got to work and wouldn't have to sleep.

    Don't you think that the Salisbury Fire Department should do away with their 24 hours on 72 hours off shift work?

    Who else gets paid to sleep on the job?

    Mr. Boda since you like sending letters about a tragedy why don't you send one out and tell us how you feel about our tragedy of paying firemen to sleep every night!


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