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Sunday, March 27, 2016


It's about damn time!

Today the Daily Times called the executives office interested in garnishing a quote from the County Executive and they told them, NO. Susan Parker became very upset but the Executives Office clearly stated they had lied several times recently and refused to publish Culver's Letter to the Editor.

You see, the Daily Times, (three times) attempted to paint the Executive as a RACIST. Even the Publisher called Culver and asked why Culver hadn't explained in depth WHY Tamara Brooks position was eliminated and Culver responded, "IT'S A PERSONNEL MATTER", how many times do we have to explain it. 

Executive Culver did send a Letter to the Editor trying to defend the fact that he did NOT fire Tamara Brooks, she was let go the day before he took Office by former Executive Pollitt. The Daily Times has now printed THREE times that Culver let her go and then to top it off they published a Letter to the Editor recently by Gaynes Hawkins implying Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver is a RACIST. That article garnished 102 comments here on SBYNews.

Oh, if you think that is bad, then the Daily Times tried to call Tamara Brooks and Sharon Morris. (class acts) to get them to turn against Executive Culver, THEY REFUSED. 

To top the whole thing off, at the end of today's conversation, out of nowhere the Daily Times Editor said, I don't appreciate you cursing at me Bob. Culver replied, what are you talking about??? Now the Daily Times Publisher, (Ted Shockley) is threatening to do an article blackmailing the Executives Office implying they are going to tell the public the Executive was cursing them out. 

The Daily Times are RACISTS. They are RACISTS against ANY REPUBLICAN. Jim Ireton, (when he first became Mayor and DEMOCRAT) also cut off the Daily Times and no such threats were made. 

The bottom line, the Daily Times is on their very last leg. They have treated Executive Culver like crap and he has finally put his foot down, enough is enough. Look, I have even been vocal disagreeing with Culver on some issues but we agree to disagree. Your local Media does NOT give TWO SIDES to each story, (following their own protocol) and use editorials to go after REPUBLICANS. Susan Parker is a hard core LIBERAL who hides in the background encouraging her LIBERAL friends to go after fair and honest elected officials. You need to end your subscriptions to that rag of a so called newspaper and shut them down for good. 

ANYONE who continues to support that piece of crap paper should be ashamed of themselves. The ONLY way YOU/WE are ever going to advance locally in every possible way is to stop believing the crap they feed you. Culver did NOT curse at the Daily Times and he should sue them for threatening to expose such a lie. 


  1. Good for Bob! They are jerks and need to close their doors.

  2. As a republican I have had enough. I will call tonight and cancel my subscription.

  3. Heck as a democrat I canceled my subscription a year ago.

  4. Susan Parker is a cancer in this community. She will so down with the ship named The Daily Times.

  5. 5:37, we all did that ten years ago. You must have a lot of parrots. Just use the Independent, it's not delivered, but it's free. It's also good for starting bonfires and crab day tablecloths.

  6. I met Shockley not too long ago and he comes off as a nice southern gentleman. But don't let that little southern accent fool you. Gannett wouldn't hire a nice guy.

  7. Joe. If you would publish each day's obituaries I would probably cancel as well.

  8. Long over due!!! More power to ya Mr Culver...

  9. Yay Bob! It is about time someone in leadership stood up to that poor excuse for a newspaper. They don't report news, only their opinion of the news.

    My hope is that other leaders stop trying to be politically correct and call out the Times too!

  10. the fact that the DT publishes some of Hawkins' rants shows exactly what kind of rag they are. he is a blow-hart, self-important left wing nut. as is the DT. enough is enough.

  11. Any business I see by accident advertising in that communist paper...I boycott...they'll never see 1 penny from me, Iv known they were progressive propaganda machine 30yrs ago.

  12. Are you kidding me? That waste of paper is trying to BLACKMAIL the County Executive?! I'm sure they got the message when Bassett was the moderator of the forum. Such a liberal, crybaby reaction. So now they are threatening blackmail. Grow up and get over yourselves!

  13. The Daily Times is a has been. The print copy won't be here much longer. They might have the internet copy. They are lamer than lame. And the people who ragged on Susan Parker is 100% right.

  14. Good going Culver. I always feel they are trying to write "gotcha" stories about you. So unfair and unbalanced.

  15. I am a Republican but as a responsible citizen of this community I will continue to get the paper and read this blog and decide for myself what is what in our community.

  16. I don't necessarily like Bob Culver's pandering to the chicken industry and I have no problem saying it but to even so much as insinuate he is a racist is a lie. I saw the Hawkins piece where he lied and said Culver terminated Tamara Brooks. Only one of 2 things could have been concluded and that is Hawkins' verifies the notion that liberals are either lying scum or are so low information that they hear something and run with it like it's gospel.

  17. Let them release any proof of Culver cursing. No one cares. Donald Trump does it all the time and if Culver did curse them out good for him. If they can't handle it then it goes to show they are amateurs and another reason why that paper is 2nd rate and worthless as far as any news value.

  18. Sounds to me that this may be the start of something good , like a law suit . At least if it were me , I would love to get the DT in court , they are as dumb as a brick.

  19. To 5:57 PM - you do not have to get the daily rag to read the obituaries. Go Online and read them.

    1. Is there another site, besides the Daily Times website to read ALL area obits in one place on line?

      Like 6:32 PM I am a Republican and for the past 63 years of being a daily reader of the times, I have been very much aware that the paper and the majority of MSM is much more Liberal than I am. So far they have not influenced me to join their side. We have a first amendment enabling all of us to express our opinions. Our opinions are a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

      I hope Co Exec Culver recorded the phone call he had with Daily Times personnel.

  20. Gaines Hawkins should not be throwing stones, given his own glass house of imperfection.

    Culver is not even close to racist.

    I am a left-leaning Democrat and I am totally ashamed of people in my party quick to toss that R label out.

    Hawkins needs to apologize, RIGHT NOW!

    Susan Parker should hang her head in shame, too.

    Gannett should pull the plug, really, for all the HARM that newspaper has done to Salisbury and Wicomico.

  21. I wonder if Gannett and Ted Shockley even realize it is because of people like Susan Parker and Gaines Hawkins that the DT is on the way out. Amazing how dumb some people and companies can be!

  22. The Daily Times lost its way about fifteen years ago, when Barrie Tilghman gathered her coven and threatened their death if they didn't kowtow to her and her minions (not the cute yellow ones, the drooling, crass, moneyed ones who thought themselves to be Salisbury's upper crust.)
    Since then, Susan Parker has been little more than a tool for the former queen and her ilk, and the rest of the paper's staff has fallen into step with her.
    The paper is doomed, its remaining readers, mainly Baby Boomers, are dying off with no readers to replace them. RIP.

  23. Anyone who knows Bob knows the polite, respectful guy that he is. The Daily Times, on the other hand...

  24. Anon 5:57 PM - Just go to Legacy.com and you will find more obituaries there than is published in The Daily Times. Just type in a city, zip, or funeral home.

  25. 7:25 - I agree. He has a lot of southern gentleman qualities. Something a lot of people around here have never heard of!

  26. I read that Hawkins letter and knew immediately it was BS. The Daily Times looks like the fools they are. They might not like the selection of the people but they need to accept it. Keep it up Parker and you won't get fired , but instead the paper will no longer exist.

  27. We now have enough radical right people to help this county survive.
    When I say radical , we are and have been forced to be radical because of the lies and left wing people who are trying to destroy our nation and constitution . When it comes to the draw , these pussies will wilt .

  28. Hawkins is to be dismissed. He has some kind of inferiority complex going on and is always grasping for ways to try and inflate his own belief that he is important. It's pathetic really that he is so compelled to seek acceptance that he would stoop so low as to out and out lie. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't drink a bit too much. That's the usual case with his type.

  29. I have dealt with staff at the Daily Times for decades. It was at its best back in the Mel Toadvine and John Bozman days. It was a true community paper then. They were reasonable people. They would argue a point, but in a respectful, cordial way.

    My dealings with Susan Parker have been less than satisfactory. She makes edits for length without consulting the author. She uses her "judgement", which is flawed by bias. She likes to hide behind "associated press standards" or some such thing, which are mainly about underlining, bold type, capitalization, etc., rather than changing meaning of content through editing.

    When she admits an error, which is rare, it never gets corrected in the paper.

    There are many great small town papers. The Daily Times is NOT one of them.

  30. Funny they never did a story on wannabe politician Josh Hastings who constantly lied throughout his campaign about not being a Democrat so that he could get votes. Then he ended up the last week lying to voters saying he was a Republican. I remember you doing many stories on that guy and the Daily Times never did a story on him. Maybe it is because Susan Parker is in that same click with Josh Hastings and Jim Ireton. Lying, liberal Democrats.

  31. Daily Times is always seeking a way to discredit Republicans. It has become a liberal rag.

  32. I had hope when the new editor was appointed but yet again he is a much a disappointment as the others who went before him

  33. I, too, no longer get the Times but I'm still having trouble with their delivery boys littering in my front yard. You know., those plastic bags with some BS paper inside.

  34. Susan Parker is a bad breath, rotten teeth, vindictive liberal who should have been fired or left when Greg Bassett and everyone else left the Daily Rag. That should tell you something there.

  35. I know susan and she is one of the biggest liberal POS on the planet. totally worthless!

  36. Susan Parker is a far left wing liberal. I just don't get how Gannett thinks all this liberal stuff will play here but Jim Ireton has played here for so long.

  37. There is some sort of short circuit or defect with the left mentality. It is obvious the Daily Times has stooped to desperation and I have no regrets cancelling my subscription some three years ago.I am continually amazed at how some of these "intelligent" people just don't seem to get it.

  38. The only thing that keeps them afloat are the legal posts on the back pages that are required by law. Recently had a relative pass away and they charged between 1 and 2 hundred to print the obituary. Then they charged $600 to print the notice to creditors. Maybe this law should be repealed and they will go away.

  39. There's only one word that comes to mind about the journalistic integrity of Susan Parker and, by extension, the Daily Times: irresponsible.

  40. County should stop advertising with them too. More people would probably see ads posted on here than read the paper.

  41. great move Bob Culver. the daily pravda is nothing but a liberal rag and always has been. lifetime citizen is writing this comment. always have had problems with this paper. never trust them for any info. susan parker is absolutely an extreme leftist and everyone she 'hangs' with.

    If you haven't cancelled your paper, WHY NOT??? What are you waiting for...Do it NOW.

  42. Hi, this is Rick Jensen, a former publisher of the Daily Times. (Unlike many of your readers, I'm willing to identify myself rather than be, "Anonymous." As Mr. Albero wrote: "Look, I have even been vocal disagreeing with Culver on some issues but we agree to disagree." I have to wonder: Why can't your readers follow that standard and agree to disagree without being so malicious, nasty and hurtful? The Daily Times certainly is fair game for criticism when it comes to community issues. But must people be so hateful in attacking people who work at the Daily Times? Sadly, it seems symtomatic of the overall lack of respect for other people in society today.

  43. Rick, Thank You for your comment, especially signing your name.

    I have always had issues with the Eastern Shore where people do not know how to agree to disagree. My header used to say, "You either love me or you hate me". How sad.

    Rick, let me assure you that what you are seeing, (comment wise) is very mild compared to the ones I've rejected.

    Back in your day when they had the "GRAPEVINE" people weren't very kind there and they got published.

    It seems when people have the ability to comment anonymously they tell it like it is.

    That being said, Rick, perhaps you might come to realize people are flat out pissed off. You can't tell me people didn't go off when you worked at the Daily Times. The difference always was, they didn't publish it.

    This is why Salisbury News is so successful, seriously. If ANY politician wants to know what the masses are really thinking or even how they might want to vote on an item they come here. Pampering the news and hiding how people feel does NOT help the community.

    Now I understand you have a certain and convenient "protocol" to go by but you might want to open your eyes and realize the Daily Times way of doing things is failing miserably. The Blogs are countering the fluff pieces with FACTS and DOCUMENTED information.

    We surpassed 33,000,000 hits in 2015, can you honestly say the Daily Times came anywhere near those numbers? I'll answer that for you, NO WAY.

    Americans have had enough. Americans, (especially here on the Shore) deserve the right to be anonymous based on RETALIATION. Lord knows they don't want the City/County showing up at their front door with out of nowhere violations.

    Again, thanks for your comment.

  44. Rick, know you well but not signing my name for the same reason most don't. Retaliation. But Susan Parker has had Culver as a target even before his swearing in and she deserves to have a target on her back now. It is simply wrong that she allows letters to be published that call culver a racist when she knows that is not true. She can't help herself but The Daily Times could and should rid themselves of t h e cancer she spews. Until they do then The Daily Times will continue to lose subscribers. This area is over liberal lies and if the Times wants to survive they need to understand it.

  45. This Kinda off the main subject matter here but as a wicomico county taxpayer and a Executive supporter and pleased with his abilities to lead I am going to comment whats on my mind.
    I am a western wicomico county resident in the adventure farms community.Lately almost daily once or twice i witnessed a parks and recreation pickup truck #13 in and out of the neighborhood spending 20 minutes or more to the rear of the development.To my knowledge there is no parks and recreation facilities to maintain or upkeep.I tried calling for a explanation Wednesday afternoon my phone call was not answered.

  46. Hi, this is Rick Jensen, a former publisher of the Daily Times. (Unlike many of your readers, I'm willing to identify myself rather than be, "Anonymous."

    who gives a rat's butt? signing your name does not give you more credibility or anything else. there are vindictive people around here and in the world. that's why most sensible people do not give their name.

  47. Mr. Jensen, when the DT blatantly lies about Pollitt firing an employee and blaming someone who was not even in office yet, it's a lie, and we cannot "agree to disagree" on a blatant lie.

    There is right and wrong.

    There is black and white.

    There is today and yesterday.

    These are facts, not opinions, and are not something to "agree or disagree" with.

    Get it yet?


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