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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Jim Ireton Will Say ANYTHING To get Elected

"Our campaign to protect the family farm, 

the environment, health care, 

and women's rights 

has been preparing for this day".

Let's start from the beginning. 

"Protect the family farm" 
Clearly Jim Ireton supports multiple chicken houses.

"The Environment"
Jim Ireton ran on a platform for Mayor of Salisbury by stating he would clean the Wicomico River so you can swim in it within 10 years. Would you swim in that River?

Sticking with his false promise on the environment, let's talk about the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant. The $140,000,000.00 project still does not work. I'd be comfortable in saying, I highly doubt that system will ever work until tens of millions of additional dollars are spent to put in a system that is proven. Ireton hid this from all of you. 

Health Care
No matter the cost, now Jimmy wants to claim he'll have something to do with free health care. 

"Women's Rights"

Really Jim, you dare state you stand and support women's rights? Here's a gay man who has gone after every single woman who has ever challenged him and or worked with him. 

Liberal politicians will lie to your face and send out information saying what you want to hear but evidence proves they couldn't care less about any of it. 

Aren't you sick and tired of politicians on ANY side doing such things. Isn't it time you start electing people who aren't on drugs, public assistance, alcoholics, don't abuse women and actually do what they say they're going to do. 

Don't you want America the way it used to be? Don't give up! Your vote truly counts, starting right here at home. Do not cast a single vote for this proven liar. WORDS are no longer good enough. Jim's actions from the past prove he is not worthy of being a politician. 


  1. No, no, no, never, no how. He's looking out for Jim, and that's about all there is to say about his political career.

  2. Thank you for posting this Joe. The Pansy didn't have balls to attend his own Democrat Club's meeting this past Thursday when they had the Chicken Nazi's there doing a presentation on why the Chicken Farming industry is so bad while recruiting more agitators. His own Sarah Meyers was there and she set the meeting up with the guest speaker from Pennsylvania who is a paid agitator. Sarah Meyers did this as an issue to get her people like Josh Hastings and Ron Pagano a platform to run against the Republicans in the County Council. Oh, and Jake Day wasn't even in attendance.

  3. Nothing can be done about the river with the chicken farms all around. with 400 more in the works this area isn't going to be fit for humans.

  4. Day will avoid this like the plague. Having anything to do with Ireton's campaign will not bode well for his chances down the road.

  5. Unfortunately, we do not know which pols are lying when they make promises unless they're up for re-election. This is one LYING P O S & I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher. I personally witnessed him "romance" councilwoman Campbell prior to becoming mare & was shocked when he threw her under the bus.

  6. Jake is a coward I want to know why he hasn't fired chief Duncan yet?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Nothing can be done about the river with the chicken farms all around. with 400 more in the works this area isn't going to be fit for humans.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:22 AM

    This is farm country. If you don't like it pack your sh!t and leave. You knew it was zoned Agricultural before you moved here. Go Away!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Day will avoid this like the plague. Having anything to do with Ireton's campaign will not bode well for his chances down the road.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:35 AM

    You are correct, but they are 2 peas in a pod.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately, we do not know which pols are lying when they make promises unless they're up for re-election. This is one LYING P O S & I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher. I personally witnessed him "romance" councilwoman Campbell prior to becoming mare & was shocked when he threw her under the bus.

    March 22, 2016 at 8:37 AM

    Me as well and I could have written this. As a matter of fact that Homo threw me under the bus.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jake is a coward I want to know why he hasn't fired chief Duncan yet?

    March 22, 2016 at 8:40 AM

    I agree. I also want to know why he hasn't fired Tom Stevenson, Julia Glanz and Richard A. Hopeless!!

  11. "This is farm country. If you don't like it pack your sh!t and leave. You knew it was zoned Agricultural before you moved here. Go Away!

    March 22, 2016 at 9:12 AM"

    It's true. It makes no sense to complain about the river until the chicken manure problem is addressed in a productive way. You can scream "leave leave leave" until you all are blue in the face but the fact stands the lower shore will never be anything but a toxic waste dump unless the residents take a firm stand. If you think for one second any major employer is going to come to the lower shore and open up shop you are grossly uninformed. No decent well paying employer would ever place their employees' health in danger.
    You can't have it both ways. Either you want good jobs that pay well or a toxic waste dump. Take you pick.

  12. Unfortunately there is another factor at work here - labels. No, I am not referring to his sexual preference but his party "label". He is a democrat. No matter what type of person he is and no matter what his position on issues it, a lot of people will vote for him simple because he is a democrat. It is the same with republicans. I know people who think they have to vote on party affiliation only no matter the qualifications of position of their party's candidate. Heck, I bet people would have voted for Osama bin Laden if he were on either party's ticket simple because that's the "way we've always voted".

    I don't know why people will listen, examine, and study a candidate's position on issues and decide for themselves whether or not he/her deserves your vote - and not because they happen to be "your" party's candidate. I have crossed over party lines in the general election many times simple because the other party's candidate was more qualified and either had a proven track record or showed more promise to serve.

    Take Ireton. Forget his gender, behavior, temperment, and anger. Examine his prior record, listen to his position on issues and then compare them to his opponent. Done in that context I am pretty sure he doesn' t stand a chance but we need to make sure the "best" person is elected - republican or democrat. Just my opinion. - the Kilbirnie Kid.

  13. Jake day , little look at me I am a mayor, how about firing the Spd police chief idiot.

  14. The land is zoned agricultural / rural...... Let the chicken houses come! There will be less apartment complexes built and more manure to spread! That will keep the Northerners and Baltimorans off the Eastern Shore so we can enjoy Delmarvelous life the way it was meant to be enjoyed.....slow, layed back, enjoying seafood, fresh produce, and FRIED CHICKEN!!!

  15. If Trump or Cruz are the nominee there will be some heavy coat tails from Hillary that will sweep more Democrats into office. This is what Jimbo is counting on.

  16. Doesn't work that way 10:13. Educate yourself. Never has an area home to industrial farming prospered. People all over the state have an interest in this FYI because the farmers have their hands out grabbing tax payers money to pay for the excess manure. That's a heck of a thing. You all talk about welfare and how bad it is when the farmers are sucking the life out of the system.
    As far as the chicken I feel for you if you are stuck eating that crap. You are living you are just existing. Your health will suffer mark my word. Mark my word. You can either pay for good food now or pay the doctors later. Take your pick.

  17. Ireton loves chicken houses because it's mostly Muslims who are building them these days. Ireton loves "diversity" and believes "diversity makes us stronger." When they start demanding the schools allow their children prayer time and other demands don't dare complain. When you keep you head in the sand then you have to suck up what's dealt to you.

  18. You know the old story. "You can tell when a politician is telling a lie, when he opens his mouth." He never done anything for Salisbury, what does people think he will do for the United States. LOL!!!!!

  19. Yuck 10:13 you eat the seafood from around here? You people are to be pitied. Eating seafood that was swimming around in the Poop Soup you all call the waterways. No wonder cancer and other disease is so prevalent. The first thing you fools do when diagnosed is run to Baltimore for treatment from the same institutions that are telling you what is causing the epidemic. Foolish foolish people.

  20. He will say anything for a date too!

  21. Muslims are getting into the chicken business so they can force islamic law halal slaughter houses like they are doing in the UK. If it doesn't work they will walk. They don't care about mortgages and foreclosure because they don't mind living 2-3 generations to a small house. No matter the outcome the public in general gets hurt.

  22. Hey 10:43 and 1:32....I've been on the Shore all my life....60+ years and going strong! I don't cross the Bay Bridge to Western Maryland for anything....I bet I haven't paid that toll over 6 times in my life! If you don't like it around here why are you here??? Foolish Foolish little people!!!! I will use the tunnels for Myrtle Beach Bike Week and the Outer Banks....but Baltimore and Washington, nothing but thugs, liars, and politicians....oops already said that twice!!!! LOL Go back across the bridge let us live with what we enjoy. There is no life west of the Chesapeake Bay!

  23. Cargill the big meat producer and produced of other agricultural products are being sued by Muslim employees because they want prayer time. This will not just affect Cargill but every other business in the country if the Muslims win.
    This is their new way of taking over the world. They infiltrate depressed areas and the big employers are all to happy to have them and even encourage liberal immigration policies.
    It is not funny though. The influx of Muslims to the area should be a major concern to everyone is you value your way of life.

  24. At least they had the decency to put the WWTP on the opposite side of town from where I live.I'm taking an extra special crap tonight just to show my appreciation.

  25. Hey farmers Open a PIG FARM next door.

  26. I love it when people say "don't you want America the way it used to be?" When was that? As I suspect many that read this blog did, I grew up in the 60s and 70s. I sure don't miss the Vietnam era, civil defense drills for fear of being Nuked by the USSR, gas lines, rampant inflation, segregation and widespread race riots. I certainly wouldn't want to go back to a world with no cable tv, Internet, cell phones, and all the miracles that technology has brought to our lives. I guess it's all relative. Every time has its good and bad issues but on a whole, I'd say life is pretty good now. And just think, in the America that used to be, we wouldn't be able to spout off on happy little blogs like this. Of course I do miss sitting down for a quiet read of a big fat newspaper on Sunday mornings. Papers getting a bit thin these days.

  27. Wishful thinking. They wouldn't care 4:49. They would live all around pig farms if it meant them gaining a stronghold in the area. The koran instructs them to take over the world and they can do it if they choose without firing a shot due to the stupidity of people.

  28. This was remarked on earlier in this string. Jim Ireton is angry. Has always had anger issues. And when it spews, he spews it at women. It's stereotypical because as a gay man myself he just comes across as a woman hater. While he may win the Democratic nomination for Congress, he can't win the general election. His 207 votes for Council... his big win is a joke. As a caveat, he will knock on every door and push his way to a better showing than previous Democrats BUT he won't come close to winning. He is just an embarrassment.

  29. All you have to do is look at his Facebook page. "Look at me!" My name is on the ballot and pablum. A friend shared it with me who is helping Harris and keeps tabs on ole Jimmy's activities. IF you are a Democrat there is a second candidate. Vote for Werner! No to Ireton!

  30. Ireton said, "Yet, not even a day has passed and leading figures of the Republican Party and conservative America have projected the exact bile that those who rape, pillage, and murder would have them say."

    JOE! This is another post. Ireton compares Republicans to ISIS in a statement he put out on behalf of his campaign. This is OUTRAGEOUS. He is a pathetic, drunk, pervert, sicko, pinko, daffy, lefty, crazy, prancing, FABULOUS!, misfit, sloppy, messy, gross, trans loving POS.

    Hey Jimmy! Go join ISIS! Where you belong.


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