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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Chris Rock Calls Oscars 'the White People's Choice Awards' in Monologue

All eyes were on Chris Rock as the comedian opened the 88th Academy Awards -- one of the most politically-charged ceremonies (if not the most) of all time -- and he didn't disappoint.

"Well, I'm here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as the White People's Choice Awards," he said.

Rock then slammed Jada Pinkett Smith's decision to boycott the Oscars.

"Jada boycotting the #Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna's panties. I wasn't invited," he said, leaving the room in stitches.

Rock also revealed that he was pressured to quit the show by those around him and "thought about quitting" before ultimately deciding that he would be able to wield greater influence as host.



  1. Will the host of BET say there is too many blacks at BET ? And not enough whites?

  2. It's hard to get behind a bunch of overpaid millionaires who are mad at a bunch of Hollywood Jewish people because they didn't get a 20 dollar statue.


  3. My contribution to saving the planet was not expending any electricity watching this clown show. Have done the same for decades so my decision was unrelated to this year's sideshow.

  4. Chris Rock now there's another good example. A young black American ragging on the white population but failing to tell he WAS RAISED BY A WHITE FAMILY!!! Careful there bud you REAL family might be little offended

  5. 2:38pm
    Your revelation speaks volumes., thanks.

  6. The white people were civilized to sit there and listen to what Chris Rock had to say. NOW- Had it been a white comedian at a black awards ceremony (NAACP, BET for example) who was joking about blacks there would have been violence within the first thirty seconds.

    Anybody doubt my scenario?

  7. Blacks wouldn't be on TV or in the movies if white executives weren't forced to cast them.
    They have their own networks, award shows, culture, and language, they are not part of Hollywood, nor do they want to be part of our world.
    I think it is wonderful that the Oscars were standing up for talent, not being PC, now they will have to go the way of the country and just give them awards they don't deserve.

  8. Yeah I guess all those White Jewish executives who gave shows like Sanford and son,Jefferson's,Cosby,etc etc etc this is a push to continue white bashing by a BLACK Whitehouse.

  9. Leo decrapio bitched about the ozone and climate change while showing up at the Academy awards in his PVT JET.

  10. I would never spend my life watching those pompous pretentious smug people win anything. Ridiculous. Their jobs are FAKE not real. Stop it.

  11. How come the Latino, Asian, etc. population weren't all protesting too? Because its all BS and intended to divide this country even more than "he who shall not be named" has already done.

  12. "How come the Latino, Asian, etc. population weren't all protesting too?" Come on, that's too easy - they were working, of course!

    Be leery of those who stay awful quiet...they might sneak up and be in charge before we know it!!!!

  13. So why is he the host?

  14. Who participates in the Miss Black America pageant? Did he piss and moan then?

  15. So what do these clowns want, anyway?

    Quotas? A minimum 35% blacks nominated, and 50% of them win the awards?

    Affirmative action?

    Separate categories for "Best Black ____" just for them, in addition to being eligible for the traditional, non-color based awards?

    A separate "Black Oscars" event? How about calling it the Odoms or the Oprahs or the Orenthals?

    What a bunch of sissy whiner-babies.


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