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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sharpton: ‘This Will Be the Last Night of an All-White Oscars’

LOS ANGELES — The Rev. Al Sharpton led a rally Sunday afternoon around the corner from Hollywood’s Dolby Theater to protest the lack of diversity among this year’s Academy Award nominees.

Joined by members of his National Action Network (NAN) advocacy group bearing signs reading “Shame on you” and “Boycott #OscarsSoWhite,” Sharpton spoke briefly to several dozen demonstrators, telling the entertainment industry it is “out of time” to address its “systemic” diversity problem.



  1. Pay your taxes Al the rest of us have. Only Sharpton could go around preaching what is right all the while being a criminal. BLM

  2. How can you take this guy serious at all?? Just look at him, listen to him, he found a way to manipulate the system to benefit himself he doesn't give a damn about BLM

    1. I don't manipulate the system to benefit anybody, and I don't give a damn about BLM.

      Just sayin'.

  3. Two Things Could Be TrueMarch 1, 2016 at 1:07 PM

    Hopefully, it will be the last night for the Oscars. Now that they've caved, the Oscar doesn't mean anything anymore.

  4. I am guessing then there will be no more BET, Miss/Mrs. Black America, no more NAACP. If whites can not be accepted in these arenas, then these formats can no longer exist either. Yes, I know there may be some whites involved in NAACP, but they are probably the 'tokens'. What is good for one, is good for all!!! ALL lives do matter, for conception to death.

  5. Agree with 1:18pm.
    No More Black Only for Anything.

  6. He needs to shut his big loud mouth and go ahead and move out of the country - no one, not one person, will miss him.

  7. He needs to move out of this country he is just a clown. Even the parents of teenagers that have done crimes and he has tried to make martars of them all, the parents don't want him they just want to grieve in peace. He just wants to be in front of cameras he is fake. Wish he would crawl back under the rock he came out of.

  8. He will be moving out of the country anyway, isn't that what he said if Trump wins?

  9. Al if you're looking for diversity why not picket the NBA and the NFL.

  10. Pay your taxes Al!

  11. 2:36 sadly you are wrong. All the lazy people who fee entitled and most blacks will miss him.

  12. It will be the last night of whites watching the Oscar's.

  13. Could someone please shut this idiot up once and for all? I have never heard his view on Miss Black America... He is ridiculous at best!

  14. Hopefully the last night we have to hear a racist black pushing their agenda!

  15. I here Al will leave the USA if Trump gets elected. I can't hardly wait. If he stays maybe he will get a real job and pay his taxes.

  16. With any luck it'll be the last oscar nite, period.

  17. Pay your taxes get out of this country now.

  18. Glad to see him come down on his liberal limousine friends.


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