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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Your Not Revitalizing, You're RELOCATING

Acorn Market who is currently on East Main Street will be relocating to the old Feldman's Building. A gift shop on the Plaza will also be relocating to the newly renovated building.

Just more competition to hurt Market Street Inn, aside from all of the new parking meters. 

Oh, that's right, Gilkerson is also involved in buying up ALL of the surrounding parking lots, how convenient. 

No one is revitalizing and clearly the largest local developer cannot garnish enough interest, (doesn't surprise me one bit) to bring in an ANCHOR business and instead is just relocating businesses to feed their never ending bank accounts at taxpayers expense. 

Gillis Gilkerson paid $5,000.00 for the old Feldman's Building. No, that is NOT a typo. 

For what it's worth, in my most honest opinion, because they did not bring in an outside business I am not confidently convinced Downtown Salisbury will never be revitalized. Your former Mayor's created their own kind of BAILOUTS for special interests and just like the Liberal Federal Government Bailouts, Salisbury will fail as well. 


  1. Joe, imo, it's being bought up for a reason. Not to revitalize it. Not to renovate it. But to sell it all to the highest bidder. Maybe, SU?

  2. or donate it for tax purposes....either way, it adds up to favoritism at the least and possibly illegal activity

  3. What a ridiculous article, Joe. Why the mention of only Market Street Inn and no mention of the other 5 restaurants in the Downtown area?

    More competition is good. If Market Street is worried, they should adapt or die.

  4. I have to agree. It's really not an improvement or an accomplishment when the efforts only result in business relocation. Nothing against this company but their revitalization efforts have been going on for decades and have proved unproductive, useless really.

  5. Don't believe that Acorn Market will do anything to Market Street Inn different style place and clientele all together...honestly don't know how it even stays open, guess that's why they are trying a different location....Downtown needs to open up that street, get rid of some of the clutter that impedes traffic.

  6. 9:16, Why didn't YOU mention the other 5 restaurants in your comment?

    I brought up Market Street Inn because the City added parking meters and have made it their goal to ticket their customers like there's no tomorrow.

    I mentioned it because LIBERAL leaders continue to prove they will do everything possible to punish any business in the state of Maryland, knowing these businesses are in debt and must remain open.

    Now, that being said, it is the LIBERAL special interest parties who are behind pushing for these tickets so they can drive out the competition.

    If I were the owner of Market Street Inn, (for example) I'd close the doors and hand the keys to the Bank. And don't think these Banks aren't part of the special interest group either. Thanks to Obama, they actually make money off foreclosures by getting kickbacks from the Feds.

  7. Until you get rid of the backdoor deals, the corrupt and sleazy politics, the select businessmen who rule this area. Any attempt to renew or revitlize Salisbury will not occur. Salisbury is run on inside deals and influence from specific individuals. Salisbury has lost control of it's situation YEARS ago. In my life time this pipe dream will not take place. We continue to elect puppets for special interest groups in this area.

  8. Market Street Inn is only going to get better and isn't going anywhere. Trust me!

  9. quit your bitchin' and invest YOUR money. Complaining without solution is whining. Stop whining.

  10. A guy at church was saying the same Joe.....The plan is PARKING LOTS!!! When there are NO parking lots and you are forced to park in the parking Garages that will be owen by Gills or one of the sublets...that all lead back to Gills. I did some internet searching, and it seems parking garages are a cash cow...and then some thought about bigger cities and the $10 to $50 dollars a day parking.....Even at 5 dollars per day what the parking garage downtown hold that a pretty good haul for a unoccupied to one person operation can make everyday.....

  11. The problem as I see it is Salisbury and the surrounding area is stigmatized due to the short sighted thinking of people years ago. It used to be a prosperous area when it was truly agriculture. When you go from true agriculture to factory farming the chickens will and do eventually come home to roost and the area becomes economically devastated. The area used to have many hatcheries, processing plants, feed and seed stores that provided good livings for people and gave farmers choices which gave them more profits. When all the competition left so did the jobs. Now farmers have to sell their product for set prices pretty much and buy feed and supplies from companies for a set price. People work at the companies for the lowest wages allowed and immigrants are hauled in to work for low wages. Competition is good in agriculture.

  12. 10:15, You must be new to the area. I not only paid cash for a very expensive building Downtown, I also offered to pay cash for the old Fire Station 16. $250,000.00 cash, as a matter of fact. It was sold for $70,000.00 to special interests instead.

  13. Business is about competition and the free markets. Market Street needs some competition, hopefully they will get better. As far as the $5K price tag, they dumped in the neighborhood of $1.5 million in a condemned building which will now have an increased property tax value plus bring more jobs, entertainment, and business to the downtown area. I think it's a great idea.

    Why didn't you buy it and renovate it to its current condition. I'm sure they would've accepted your money as well as Gillis Gilkerson's. It takes individuals having a vision and willing to invest in these condemned buildings to bring life back to the downtown. BTW, I agree they need 24-hr police downtown, Thugs are everywhere

  14. 10:40, "business is about competition". Really Liberal, how about the Postal Service? Business is what YOU Liberals want it to be.

    IF, and I do mean IF, there was an overabundance of traffic Downtown I could see it and I would agree with you. HOWEVER, you and everyone else knows it's about about who you know and that has certainly worked well for a select small group of people.

    Of course they'll spend $1.5 million on renovations but I can assure you, (with all due respect) they'll regain every penny in a matter of just a few years in rent.

    As for the 24 hour police protection, LET THE SPECIAL INTERESTS PAY FOR IT. The taxpayers have been beaten up enough.

  15. Competition is good for consumers, employees and the economy not so much a business itself. This is why the EPA was formed really. When anti trust laws were put in place the EPA was dreamed up so to regulate competition out of business and prevent new ones from forming. When Big Business cries about over regulation and the EPA they are lying. They love regulation.

  16. 11:06 The EPA is nothing short of a chode show. Especially the MDA.

  17. 10:28 Joe, born and bred in Salisbury. A capitalist, an opportunist and I don't complain without solution.

  18. 12:22, Are you suggesting I haven't given solutions?

  19. "Garnish"??? Try GARNER instead!

  20. Hey Otis, (the drunk from Mayberry) just go to your favorite bar stool at Backstreet and stop commenting here under anonymous.

  21. 12:24-Indeed you have,but they've fallen on deaf ears.Progress is more of a science than most local people can fathom.That which is clear as a bell to you is a mystery to them.

  22. " Anonymous said...

    12:24-Indeed you have,but they've fallen on deaf ears.Progress is more of a science than most local people can fathom.That which is clear as a bell to you is a mystery to them."

    Oh how so true. You can't reinvent the wheel. You can improve upon it. For far too long, Sby officials have been doing nothing more than covering crap w/sugar. Trying to reinvent Sby into something that won't work because the crap remains and it still stinks. No one is fooled. Unless and until there is a complete overhaul of the area which includes buckling down on the rampant crime Sby will continue on it's downward spiral.

  23. This is messed up. He was given, yes $5,000 is being given, that building on the premise of bringing new business to downtown Salisbury. It was my understanding that a call center was going to be placed inside that business. The Gilkersons say what you want to get free property for nothing. I'm still waiting for Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton to get locked up for Fraud and Corruption.

    Relocating is not revitalizing. The Gillis/Gilkerson Klans are crooks and they are getting rich at the tax payers expense.

    Joe please quit defending these people they only use you.

  24. Anonymous said...
    What a ridiculous article, Joe. Why the mention of only Market Street Inn and no mention of the other 5 restaurants in the Downtown area?

    More competition is good. If Market Street is worried, they should adapt or die.

    February 19, 2016 at 9:16 AM

    Which Klan member is this? Why didn't the Puss sign his name?

  25. Anonymous said...
    quit your bitchin' and invest YOUR money. Complaining without solution is whining. Stop whining.

    February 19, 2016 at 10:15 AM

    I'm not sure who this is directed to because it is hard to respond without more information.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Business is about competition and the free markets. Market Street needs some competition, hopefully they will get better. As far as the $5K price tag, they dumped in the neighborhood of $1.5 million in a condemned building which will now have an increased property tax value plus bring more jobs, entertainment, and business to the downtown area. I think it's a great idea.

    Why didn't you buy it and renovate it to its current condition. I'm sure they would've accepted your money as well as Gillis Gilkerson's. It takes individuals having a vision and willing to invest in these condemned buildings to bring life back to the downtown. BTW, I agree they need 24-hr police downtown, Thugs are everywhere

    February 19, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    Another Klan member responding under Anonymous.


  27. Have been to Acorn on several occasions; generally pleased. Easy to get into and free parking. Nice ambiance on screened porch in nice weather. Live and work on east side of town.

    Market Street; don't see either one competing for the others' business. Market Street prices strike me as higher, and Acorn didn't serve alcohol.

    Don't plan to venture into the 'bury and pay to park near the relocated Acorn. Front porch is gone; maybe replaced by water view of Ireton's sewer, or not. Hope the Ladies' room has a urinal for the ex-mayor.

    Think they'll be losing a lot of customers in hope of getting some new ones. Time will tell.

  28. 6:02 While the initial shares on their FB are positive most of the reshares are like UGH! Why! Parking is a concern and no porch is mentioned.

  29. Acorn will be sorry but let them go ahead and move, they'll find out.

  30. Give it up! Downtown CANNOT be resuscitated! It will deteriorate quicker once the free parking goes.

  31. Downtown needs to be bulldozed.

  32. dan said it would be like this

  33. Stp throwing good money after bad Day!!!

  34. They need to make downtown Salisbury a safe zone for Caucasians.

  35. I'd really like to hear Day's plan for all the homeless saturation in the downtown area when all this GREAT development and revitalization take place. I doubt any if the new residents and business owners are looking forward to daily pan handling harassment

  36. Here's a pick me up for great downtown revitalization and or salisbury having one of the highest violent crime rates in nation. Let's have an all african American "southern " rap group at headquarters live in April called NAPPY ROOTS one of its members arrested for violence during protests. Get this one of the "band " members goes by name of fish scales , street reference to cocaine. AWESOME job salisbury

  37. Here's a pick me up for great downtown revitalization and or salisbury having one of the highest violent crime rates in nation. Let's have an all african American "southern " rap group at headquarters live in April called NAPPY ROOTS one of its members arrested for violence during protests. Get this one of the "band " members goes by name of fish scales , street reference to cocaine. AWESOME job salisbury

  38. 4:46pm, Dude, get yourself together. If you don't understand or know anything about the group beyond a google search for coded cocaine language......BE QUIET! Who deserves to come to Headquarters? Tell me please. Because I guess every white artist on this Earth lives a wholesome Christian life and is perfect beyond a shadow of a doubt. The reason why they are coming there would be the fact they have a audience. Let me let you in on another tidbit.....their audience is white!!!!!! I know, I know, it's hard to understand. Be clear, oh unenlightened one, the overwhelming majority of people who consume hip hop are............wait for it.....................WHITE!!!!!!!!! Even a white former governor of Kentucky gave them their own day!!! What the world!!! Sleep on it and try to digest it all. My final clue........they are coming to The Headquarters which happens to be a hop, skip and a jump from SU.........not UMES. Get over yourself and your bigoted BS.

  39. DUDE, really what are you in high school. Not much on the whole hip hop white kids trying act black, black artists trying to express the "nobody dyed today nobody killed nobody today, it's a good day'" mentality. The mistly white audience they perform to cant even begin to understand. Gives us s break try believing in something more than a hip hop mentality and a little more about respecting others and sense of pride and community

  40. In "Revitalizing" the Downtown area, the City and the select developer taking advantage of the City are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help the downtown area. Relocating businesses is NOT creating more businesses or jobs in Salisbury and they certainly aren't adding businesses to the Downtown area. For instance, Angelo's and Morgan Stanley are relocating to the Feldman building from their current Downtown locations. In doing so, new businesses are not created and vacancies haven't been reduced - they have simply been relocated. A vacancy has been created in their trail. Gillis is simply headhunting existing businesses to move into his buildings. Now look at properties with NEW businesses in them; businesses that DID NOT exist prior to being located on the Plaza:
    Sushi De Kampi - NEW business
    Main Roots - NEW business
    Angelos - NEW business
    Tony Weeg Photography - NEW business

    What do all of these businesses have in common? They all have the same property owner: Doug Church. Yet the City fails over and over again to consult with him on ideas for successful AND independent redevelopment of Downtown properties. Instead they throw money and cheap/free properties at a select developer whose primary goal is to pad their own pockets at the expense of the taxpayer. I can tell you this much right now and I can't wait to say "I told you so" when it happens: the Downtown Plaza WILL FAIL INDEFINITELY when the City allows the 2 hour parking lot to be developed into some sort of glamorous city center as proposed. There will be a mass exodus of businesses from the properties along Main Street and the plaza to the newly built properties leaving a ghost town of vacant properties in its wake.

    Development is NOT redevelopment! Building NEW buildings is NOT the answer. Look at places like Easton and Berlin who have successfully brought back their downtown districts. They didn't do so with glamorous new buildings and development. They did it by redeveloping what they already have. Leaving the Salisbury Downtown area in the hands of people like Gillis-Gilkerson and allowing the City to continue to make poor decisions enabling these special interests WILL forever destroy Downtown Salisbury.


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