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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Salisbury, Maryland Public Brand Presentation


  1. The slogan is "The Comfortable Side of Coastal." Sounds like something they pulled off a hospice website or literature. It's not one bit exciting nor innovative.

  2. LOL Day's on his FB trying to make a case for why this is so great and he's falling flat. His desperation in trying to defend this is so apparent. He needs to admit he screwed up, it's stupid and start over.

    1. 2:16 that goof Jake Day needs to tell the tax payers how much this costs and prove that it was worth it. This tax payer thinks it's a joke!

  3. so we paid an out of Towner who does not even live here to brand us. What the heck is Jake day doing!

  4. Replies
    1. 2:26 you kinda like it? Well I'm sure you are not a tax payer so your opinion doesn't matter.

    2. I pay a lot of taxes. Been here 20 years. I kinda like it.

  5. Elsewhere someone said who uses comfortable in their advertising besides mattress companies. Well 2:13 is exactly right-a hospice that's who. Only people who are ready to go to sleep or die are looking for comfort. Bad choice of a description.

    1. 2:28 the ones who are resting comfortably are the ones gettin shot. The only reason Salisbury needs "Branding" is because Jake Day is trying to hide the fact that Salisbury is one of the most dangerous cities in this country!

  6. 2:17 Crazy isn't it. The worst part is they pay this out of Towner to do exactly what any local grade or middle school student could have done for a 1 dollar First Place ribbon from Dollar Tree.

  7. Jake Day is a party boy that is doing all he can to fulfill the dreams of Ireton. They are making downtown a party place, bars and restaurants hoping SU will sustain those businesses. Students can only spend so much money before they are broke. Year round residents, unless you are one of the downtown "crowd" don't make enough money to support anymore bars or restaurants. People are traveling elsewhere to by necessities because all Salisbury is doing is opening bars and more restaurants. There are no jobs here unless you work two or three part time jobs in the service industry. There is no reason college students want to stay here. Stop inviting businesses in the service industry unless they are businesses that manufacture items to sustain those businesses. While Jake Day is wasting time and money trying to revitalize a dead zone he should ride around his city and count how many for sale signs are posted in residential areas.

  8. Wait... Salisbury has already been branded as the 8th most dangerous city in the United States!

  9. Branding Salisbury is like puttin' lipstick on a pig.

  10. It's boring. There is nothing exciting about it. Jake Day got taken for a ride and he's not man enough to own it. He's making a pathetic attempt to defend this poor attempt at "branding" on his FB when it's clear people aren't excited about it. It's so amateur that it's funny and even funnier is his attempt at defending.

  11. I am 45 minutes in to this waste of time and money. Make t-shirts and paint logos on city trucks? Really? We paid how much for this?

    And I do not fly out of smallsbury because they hub in Philly where I usually end up getting stuck and can't get home.

    Sure, branding is important but this guy offered nothing.

  12. Right 2:46. He's such a whack job. He's said the word branding like a million times. Must have heard it somewhere, thought it would make him sound clever if he used it and now it's consumed him. It's like he's living back in 1940. You can't sell fantasies anymore no matter how much snake oil you are sold. No such thing as perception. It's reality and the reality is anyone can go online and learn the truth about Sby. Concentrate on the unemployment problem first and foremost. The fact that homeownership is below 30 percent in Sby. Fix the ills and then get on with the "branding."

  13. It's being down backwards. You brand with a purpose in mind and have a plan. Economic development for example. You have a plan in place and you brand with the goal of luring business to an area. This haphazard attempt at branding won't work.

  14. Hey Jake until you get out from Iretons shadow and put in a new police chief I have zero respect for you.

  15. The Banners should have pictures of the thugs and run down property's on them.

  16. "Anonymous said...

    2:28 the ones who are resting comfortably are the ones gettin shot."

    right the word comfort, comfortable conjures up images of death and grieving people. or a place you go to if you become incapacitated. if you are a young family or are looking to open a business you look for robust, exciting, progressive. comfortable means stagnant.

  17. Make that chief of police and city administrator!! You can't feel good about the reflection their performance reflects on you!!

  18. Hate the descriptive term" comfortable " as others have said. Also don't like "Salisbury " done in brown color.

  19. By gauging Facebook it's apparent, Jake attempt at "branding" has gone over about as well as a turd in a punch bowl.

  20. This is some creepy stuff. Did the County Council give Jake Day the authority to use our County Seal? That is our County Seal and not the City of Salisbury's. If they want to dissolve their charter and make it one County then I don't have a problem with it.

  21. Anonymous said...
    2:17 Crazy isn't it. The worst part is they pay this out of Towner to do exactly what any local grade or middle school student could have done for a 1 dollar First Place ribbon from Dollar Tree.

    February 16, 2016 at 2:32 PM

    Isn't that the truth. It looks childish and immature!

  22. "He suggested putting the word Salisbury on shopping bags, so if residents travel away from town to buy groceries, they will take the name with them"

    "He" is the snake oil salesman that sold this nonsense to Day. So you take your "shopping bags" w/Sby on them when you travel. How many people are even going to take notice? And when they do then what? When they Google Sby they will get the real story and it's not pretty nor is there a thing "comfortable" about it. High unemployment, high poverty level, high foreclosure rate, high crime, low income level. The whole thing is absurd. Fix the problems first. Day looks like a damn fool. You can cover crap with sugar until you are blue in the face but only a fool thinks they are fooling the public.

  23. I agree it is creepy. Comfortable is reminiscent of impending death and the colors are the same ones you bury old ladies in. There is nothing vibrant or exciting about this at all.

  24. The new "seal" is obnoxious. It should just say The City of Salisbury Maryland along the top and Est 1732 underneath the pics. Whoever heard of a seal spelling out it's "The Seal of the City of....."

  25. Joe they have stole the SBY brand from you. You should sue them for copyright theft.

  26. The Capital of the Eastern Shore? The Crotch of the Eastern Shore is more like it.

  27. Let's just call the place Millennialville and be done with it.

  28. Sounds like wayward pines.


    put it out to the students, see what they come up with. Joe, you can host a contest.

  29. 6:41 PM - Can't do that. SBY is a federal abbreviation (FAA) for Salisbury, and therefore falls under public domain.

  30. Jake Day shame shame. I just googled Salisbury Md like kne of bloggers suggested and we do have one of the highest violent crime rates for a city both large and small. What are you idiots thinking??? When are you going to address the problem of leadership in this city

  31. Anonymous said...
    "He suggested putting the word Salisbury on shopping bags, so if residents travel away from town to buy groceries, they will take the name with them"

    "He" is the snake oil salesman that sold this nonsense to Day. So you take your "shopping bags" w/Sby on them when you travel. How many people are even going to take notice? And when they do then what? When they Google Sby they will get the real story and it's not pretty nor is there a thing "comfortable" about it. High unemployment, high poverty level, high foreclosure rate, high crime, low income level. The whole thing is absurd. Fix the problems first. Day looks like a damn fool. You can cover crap with sugar until you are blue in the face but only a fool thinks they are fooling the public.

    February 16, 2016 at 5:31 PM

    First of all who is going to pay for Salisbury to be put on these garbage bags, I mean shopping bags? I as a store owner am not going to do it. My bags will say the name of my store in big letters!

    Second, you left out all the Heroin overdoses everday when they google da 'bury.

  32. Those little rainbow colors fit right in with da Gay'bury!

    I always wondered if Jake Day really had a man card and now I know for a fact that he doesn't. No wonder him and Jim Ireton hit it off well in the beginning.

    1. Ireton got to Stevenson. Now Day too??

  33. The logos look like clip art. The whole thing is generic and unoriginal.

  34. By far, the least important of all issues before our legislators!

  35. The bottom line is that municipal branding doesn't work. Short of What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas who else can remember any other municipal slogans? If any can, it's because they were disasters like Baltimore's The City that Reads which quickly turned to The City that Breeds and The City that Bleeds. Jake Day got conned by some smooth talking salesmen.

  36. I have been to many cities in the US and don't remember any branding from any of the cities. Visitors don't care about branding. People visit a City because of its low crime rate, cleanliness, friendliness, access to shops and entertainment. Money should be spent on these items. Once these items are in place, visitors will seek out Salisbury -- not because of some fancy branding campaign. Fix the basics first - these are the strategies of cities that are successful in attracting visitors. Look at your city and you see a polluted river, high crime rate and a run down downtown area and many vacant buildings and homes. Fix these and visitors will come on their own.

  37. Right 9:16. Trying to sell something for what it's not turns into a huge joke when people see the reality. They tried pawning Baltimore off as Charm City at one time. What a joke that became. There isn't anything comfortable about Salisbury. Most worry about crime, low and falling home values, taxes, people can't sell their homes, the foreclosed home next door, the high schools have a reputation and it's not pretty, and on and on.

  38. You people in salisbury city government are truly out in left field. Ok say you finally get all this revitalization downtown then what. On a good day when the temperatures right and winds blowing east they'll get a big treat with the smell coming from your chicken plant right around corner. What about the traffic mess right there at the east Carroll, riverside dr mill st intersection?? Or the 40,000 gallons of treated waste that us pumped in the nice black waters of wicomico river daily?? Boy try marketing that

  39. I hope there was no money spent on this useless project. Does anyone really think this will change anything or attract anyone at all to our area? If improvements are to be made, take the 20 minute drive to Berlin and take notes.

  40. This is all liberal fluff; the phony awards at the dinner for schmucks, the branding.... What have they actually done to make the city safer??? Handing out trinkets and singing we are the world ain't gonna fix anything, it just masks the underlying problems, just liberal propaganda.

  41. Bull is salisburys coolest cop?! Lol, I guess a grown man child living with his parents is cool! He's just a suck up to anyone who will give his ego some attention.

    1. And yet you would never say that to his face.

    2. Why is that?? Looks to me he's a heart attack waiting to happen !!! What happens when his girth is a negative in any confrontation

    3. Then sign your name, coward.

  42. We could have paid any local graphic artist to do this. I bet this cost 4 times what a local would have charged . We should have used an artist that lives here. They would have had skin in the game and done a much better job.

    1. So true but this wouldn't get Say any points with the butts he's trying to kiss outside of salisbury. He's ysing your city for on the job training like ireton to try and pursue a political agenda

  43. "Anonymous said...

    We could have paid any local graphic artist to do this. I bet this cost 4 times what a local would have charged . We should have used an artist that lives here. They would have had skin in the game and done a much better job.

    February 21, 2016 at 9:36 AM"

    That's the worst part. Common sense dictates if you want an area to rebound and you have money to spend you spend the money on the local level. This is why Salisbury is circling the drain-complete lack of any forward thinking skills in the government.


  44. Lookee, it's the new, improved, more comfortable 'bury!

    Perhaps having some actual accomplishments would be grounds for a 'rebranding' but slogans don't beget deeds.

    Thumbs down!


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