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Sunday, February 21, 2016

What Did You Think Of The Grammy's Last Night?

While it's be a lot of years since I actually watched the Grammy's, I learned last night I hadn't missed anything.

Most of these so called "Artists" can't sing, they SCREAM. WORDS, what are they? You can't understand most of what these people say/sing, yet the entire group/audience gives standing ovations for hibba bobba nowamba shama lamma huh. 
Even Adele sucked, screaming at the top of her lungs and failed to hit most of the notes in her song. That was very disappointing.

So do tell me, did that show suck, or was it just me?


  1. It sucked and cannot stand all that rap crap.

  2. Can anyone honestly tell me what a rapper says???? Why is fast talking considered music??? The show was terrible....

  3. I'd rather watch paint dry. No, I didn't watch "it".

  4. I watched some of it, the Eagles were great with their tribute to Glen Frey, it was good not to see Kayne Thug West

  5. I would rather pull my fingernails out with a pair of pliers

  6. never watch it
    it's always about, look at me show

  7. It was good when people sang , this whole new thing of rap and all that crap is not talent. We have lost it completely.

  8. Adele sucked? I'm pretty sure she sang as great as always

    1. She sang as she a always does...but that doesn't make her great. She's average at best. Same sound, same expressions, same "belt" in the voice. She's not not terrible but she is VASTLY overrated.

  9. I totally agree. Perhaps screaming is the so-called artist attempt to cover up their poor enunciation. The tribute to Natalie Cole was an exception. We've always been able to sing along with she and her fathers songs, unfortunately this is a thing of the past.

  10. Didn't watch. Never watch. From the comments above I made the right choice

  11. let's see...a bunch or rich, arrogant, narcisstic thugs, atheists, anti Christian "whoooohuuuuu - look at me" bunch of crap that no one can understand, dance to, or enjoy patting themselves on the back show????? nahhh, not like it was 20 years ago - can't and won't watch it.

  12. I don't watch any of the awards shows; could care less!!!!

  13. It sucked, and I didn't even watch it of the 15th year in a row!

  14. We never watch award shows. Don't like the movie and music culture.

  15. It sucked and it was another attempt to shove black power down our throats.

  16. How in the Hell can that show "Hamilton" get an award? Since when were those shows eligible for a grammy? It is a fake program with wrappers and not one white person was in it. Irony is Hamilton was white and all those characters should have been white.

    Another attempt at the Libtards forcing the minority, Black America on us. What's next, the Muslims?

  17. WTH was that Alabama Shakers thing? That thing came out on stage wearing a tent and playing the guitar with it's Erasure Head haircut and did nothing buy scream. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. Must have been one of those Transgenders screaming. And that thing won 3 or 4 awards??

  18. Amen 8:00 am!!!!!! Keep using the "black" card as an excuse for their inability to succeed in life.

    Just give it away for nothing...oh wait cause they are "blacK". so let's feel sorry for them!!!!!!

    Why would any race want to win anything or earn anything honestly!!!

    Crazy world we live in!! Rewarding the weak!

  19. Didn't watch. The new season of Better Call Saul was on.

  20. Hollywood....evil and depraved. Why would I waste my time watching that crap?

  21. Hey, when are the 'stars' going to start coming out and saying the Grammys are racist like the Oscars?

  22. Terrible show. I kept channel surfing the whole time. Who decided rap and screaming were music? So sad for the true artists.

  23. 8:03-I partially agree with you on the Hamilton issue.Broadway shows typically get Tony Awards.If the people living in Hamilton's era saw a show like that they'd leave the country ASAP.Maybe I lack the culture necessary to appreciate it.

  24. Gee, I missed it again. 14 years running now, and I'm none the worse for it.

  25. Bravo to Taylor Swift for having the last word. She is a class act and has had to tolerate the West insanity way too long.

    The press this morning is now acknowledging what we already knew...he is is in need of good mental health guidance. I channel surfed as well and only watched when the program featured music. It was good to hear Lionel Richie again. The Eagles were touching with the tribute.

    Music is supposed to be an art form....not a stage for narcissistic melodrama. If music soothes the savage beast then rap music is the basic opposite of music.

  26. it was great. u people are old that's why u didn't like the music. U wanna know who sucks was the Eagles, retire already. Sorry you all can't stand rap, but just cause u can't understand doesn't mean it's crap.

    1. Oh it's crap alright, the lowest form of it, getto crap elevated to a pseudo art form.

    2. "Rap" is a bunch of chanted nonsense made up of as many vulgarities strung together in one breath as possible. It isn't music.

  27. 9:23 I may be old....but I got to see the really great bands. Sympathy is to you.

  28. Grammys? I watched the Westminster Dog Show. It was great.

  29. I think we can all agree that most of the comments here are negative, yet these so called artists including the rap ones are getting richer and richer so someone is buying their albums and downloading their music. For the record, I did not watch, but I did buy Adele's new album and I cannot stand rap!!!!!

  30. I'm white and I enjoy the hell out of all kinds of music but I prefer hip hop,rap and I like the old school stuff personally but Rappers are artist to no matter whether it's old school or new school and they deserve to be recognized for their accomplishments in their genre!

  31. Ha Ha! Old man yells at cloud...

  32. The performers in the Lionel Ritchie tribute did a great job with his songs. I didn't stay up long enough to watch Lady Gaga's David Bowie tribute. I wonder if it was any good.

  33. Kanye West is the biggest bunch of crap this country has ever seen or heard. Him and Al Sharpton are a disgrace to the blacks. How does he think he can compare himself to Jesus and Walt Disney. People should boycott any sales of his merchandise and turn the TV off when he comes on. He is a disgrace to the human race.

    1. Actually, I think Obama is the biggest bunch of crap this country has ever seen or heard....but West is a very close second.

  34. Lady Gaga did a wonderful job. There is no one that could have probably done it better. I didn't care for her until last night and the tribute to David B was GREAT

  35. I tried to watch it but like others have commented a lot of songs you can't understand the words to, and I also notice everything is scream, scream and more scream. I gave up and deleted what I recorded.

  36. I watched reruns of andy Griffith and lassie instead. lassie saved al Sharpton when he fell into a sewer in south Chicago. that dog was unbelievable

  37. I was switching back and forth between the Grammys and the Westminster Dog Show. Some of the songs dragged on for too long. I would switch and watch some dogs and go back to the Grammys and they were still on the same song. The Carrie Underwood song was one of them that could have been cut in half.

  38. Lassies a big liar!!!!

  39. I don't know what people see in Adele. She always sounds a little flat to me.

  40. Adele is overrated. Another pop creation. Aside from BB King and Glenn Frey tributes, the rest was bland or awful.

  41. So., I didn't miss anything, right?

  42. This is an award that really should have a "black Grammys" separately. Rap and hip hop and soul music are not in the same category with more than evolved forms of music.

  43. If this is such great music, where are all of the 'classic rap' or 'classic hip-hop' net streams or radio stations? There aren't any for a reason. The myth of this racket being music is glaringly evident folks.
    Joe, you should revisit the page you did on the extreme few global companies that control 99% of what we see, hear & read.

  44. 11:09. rap is what those with NO talent do. All they have to do is run their mouth to music. It IS NOT a skill, and definitely not an art form. Plus you have to accomplish something first to be recognized for it. Plus that other crap with that screaming and yelling, now that really sucks. Motown, now that was music. Those people were actually artists. Something these thug looking and thug acting fools do not understand.


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