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Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Viewer Wants To Know...

FYI - Trooper Dize's DUI arrest is not showing up in the "Maryland
Judiciary Case Search". Wonder why????


  1. The Democratic Party is not considered suspect in the Scalia death,so what difference does it make?

  2. That is curious. Most of the time the charges are on the site on the same day. Has no charge been made?

  3. Criminal charges usually show up the day of the incident. Traffic charges, which is the dui, depend on how they were done. If they were issued through etix it only takes a couple of days. If they were paper issued citations it takes time. They have to be signed off by issuing agency then sent to district court to be enteted. Could take a week or two for them to show up.

  4. He will be given a quiet transfer to another barracks-end of story.

  5. Keep the light shining on this, Joe.

  6. I was wondering the exact same thing, my guess is that they will do everything possible to sweep this under the table and keep it quite. By the way what is the difference between DUI and DWI and which is worse? If you are over the limit it seems both should apply.

  7. Like it or not he has the same rights afforded to him as any other citizen. These charges will show up but there is a delay with hand written tickets. Can be up to two-three weeks. He may receive some type of disciplinary action but under the ADA he can no be terminated for suffering from the disease of alcoholism. He is off probation so he is afforded all of his rights and protections. There are several other troopers and officers who have been in the same situation and have kept their job or been hired. Dui is not a disqualifying factor anymore since it is so hard to find applicants who want to make a low salary and suffer at the hands of the critical citizens these agencies have to lower their standards to record lows to get someone willing to work. Did you know that fast food managers and wawa managers make more then a starting officer locally.

  8. Yes I know none of you has ever made a wrong turn in life.....you people are pathetic.......

    1. Oh I need help for alcohol after I get arrested
      Oh I donate to cancer after I got cancer


    2. We aren't held to the higher standards like the police are. Any crime by cop should be mandatory double the sentence.

  9. Your are not comparing apples to apples 10:43. Comparing managers to starting salaries is misleading. How about comparing managers at wawa with managers in the state police, a big difference for sure. It's not where you start in a job, it's where you end up and the opportunities you have for advancement. Since you know so much maybe you can answer 10:41 question about the difference between DUI/DWI, I was curious about that myself.

  10. Like it or not he has the same rights afforded to him as any other citizen. These charges will show up but there is a delay with hand written tickets. Can be up to two-three weeks. He may receive some type of disciplinary action but under the ADA he can no be terminated for suffering from the disease of alcoholism. He is off probation so he is afforded all of his rights and protections. There are several other troopers and officers who have been in the same situation and have kept their job or been hired. Dui is not a disqualifying factor anymore since it is so hard to find applicants who want to make a low salary and suffer at the hands of the critical citizens these agencies have to lower their standards to record lows to get someone willing to work. Did you know that fast food managers and wawa managers make more then a starting officer locally.

    1. Held to a higher standard if he had a Real problem with alcohol then why was he on the street?

  11. Those who think something is being swept under the rug are showing how ignorant they really are.

  12. He and his family were huge supporters of DAN POWELL in the 2010 staters attorney race. Mr Powell won the campgain. This isn't shocking news to me the case is starting to stink.

    1. Just about everybody in Somerset County supported Dan Powell in 2010 and still very happy we did

  13. And why hasn't he been formally charged.?

  14. Dui is .08 and higher. Dwi is .04-.07.

  15. Get a life people us that all you have to so is go through court cases and see how others are suffering with mistakes they've made

    1. You do it to us civilian folks! How many cop stick eaters can be so obtus

  16. Exactly why I hate the Eastern Shore. People here go after someone when they make one mistake and they will talk about that person forever and a day. Nice to your face, stab you in your back kind of people here. Give the guy a break, he made a mistake.

    1. They dont give breaks for non-police officers. Period.

  17. Thank you for explaining ll:47. I was under the impression that one could drive if they were under .08 but I guess that was incorrect. To drive legally you have to be under .03, I don't think many people know that. That is not the way it is portrayed when lawmakers want to reduce the legal number. We always hear that .08 is the legal number but that isn't correct apparently.

  18. You are free to leave 11:55.

  19. If there had not been personal injuries there would have been no charges. They just had no choice in this case, they couldn't hide the facts. There will still be no serious consequences.

  20. I think police officers are held to a higher standard when it comes to upholding the law. And especially when it comes to drinking and driving, that is as it should be.
    If a police officer is convicted of driving under the influence, that should be the end of their job.

  21. DUE is .08 and above. DWI is .07. A 0.6 and below are not prima facia evidence of impairment, thus not chargeable. He was injured and flown to Shock Trauma. If a blood test was agreed to or taken under implied consent, charges will not be levied until the results are returned and the correct charges issued, as well as, correct MVA paperwork completed. If he refused, it is just a matter of time before the investigating officer meets and serves him with the charges, due to the fact the paperwork couldn't be completed, due to his transport to Baltimore.

    1. But they can force our blood tests and cops get to agree. Thank you Martin Fisher and your gang of thug fop twits for this protection from prosecution of police!

  22. There is always a way out for those in power. Our laws suck!

  23. Why don't you guys just leave it alone. There are a lot of other cases that don't show up right away.

  24. Replies
    1. Hope he is paralyzed! Needs to get attempted murder charges

  25. Name a few 5:22, it never ceases to amaze me how some folks seem to want to defend others just because they are friends or relatives. Wrong is wrong and should not be defended except in a court of law.

  26. No matter what Dan Powell does it can't be worse than what Kristy Hickman did when her former cronies got into trouble, that was right down embarrassing. Hope she is not going to be looking at getting Danny Longs job!

  27. 621 you thinks it's right for him to do it because he did? Let me guess you work for SCSD.

  28. Have no idea what you are talking about 8:10, can you enlighten us please.

  29. Amen 6:21! What the heck is SCSD 8:10?

  30. It was no accident he drove drunk. As a Law Enforcement Officer I say he needs to face the same music any other citizen would face. We after all are here to protect and serve. A mistake yes you are absolutely right. The mistake was he broke the law. I wish him well and maybe there is a silver lining here. Who knows. To all you badge wearers call someone don't drink and drive. Those that know me I do not drink but I will come and get you 24-7. May not be happy but I will be there. We should watch out for each other trust me no one else is. All Police need to show solidarity we are a dying breed. Then again that is what Ohbammy wants a weak police force. He takes every chance he gets to turn cops against one another. He takes every chance he gets to turn races against one another.

    Divide and conquer it is the oldest war plan there is. Stand United !!!!

  31. Cops need to be held accountable just like everyone else. No exceptions!

  32. Obamas quote "cops acted stupidly".

  33. Heck , I've seen some people with multiple DUI's still driving , what's the beef , it will show up soon.
    We have a lotta judges in the county , most are commenting on this post.

  34. What happened to mike Elliott's (retired Wcsd) charges for embezzlement? I can't find it on delawares case search, did Lewis make that go away?

  35. This case still does not show up on case search, so for all of you that think that this case isn't being handled differently it is time for you to wise up. I frankly do not understand why people find it hard to believe that the cops protect each other every time that it is possible. If there had not been personal injuries we would not even have heard about this case.

  36. And just how do you know that it will show up soon 8:24?

  37. Sounds like someone in district court is stopping the post on judicial case postings.

  38. Some of us are just sick of seeing the crony-ism in Somerset County go unchecked.And all the bloggers won't touch it for some reason.Dan Powell will get his buddy off and he will be back at work in no time,unlike us peons who would lose our jobs and licenses.It's all who you know down there and always will be until some brave blogger or investigator decides to get dirty and expose those clowns.

  39. Dan Powell is not perfect but he is much better than the previous SA Kristy Hickman. Hickman Never prosecuted any of her supporters (democrats) and it cost her the election. I don't think Dan Powell is any where near as corrupt as she was.

  40. 516 name 5 people Dan Powell convicted in circuit court jury trials. It can't be done because he doesn't have court. Look it up.


  41. BS 6:24, it's not up to Dan. If a convict demands a jury trial than he will get one, that is his right. No one can deny a defendant a jury trial if they want one.

    I could name several that should have had a jury trial under Kristy Hickman but she didn't even indict them because they were either friends or political supporters.

    If Dan makes plea deals that is more than Hickman ever did.


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