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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Two Comments Worthy Of A Post

Part I

I just wanted to tell you about a major Cluster F*** the Salisbury Fire Department has been dispatched to in the area of Northwood Drive and Gordy Road. The call was dispatched by Wicomico 911 or Wicomico Emergency Services(Whatever the like to call themselves). The call was for a burn patient and Central said he had burns on his legs and arms but the fire was out so I don't know why they needed a fire engine. They said the male patient was conscious and breathing fine. 

Truck 2 responded with 5 on board and then Paramedic 2 responded. The guy riding the front seat of the engine goes by the name of Brad Sparrow decides to tell Central to put the paid assistant chief on the call(If you are riding the officers seat of the engine and you need an assistant chief for a burn patient then you don't need to be riding that front seat. Did I mention his name was Sparrow.) Central told them they already contacted Trooper 4 and they were available if needed. They get to the scene and said they are 50 ft. into the woods and the campfire is out. At some point someone called for the State Fire Marshall. Then "Command" Sparrow told Central to tell the Fire Marshall to meet the patient at the Hospital. Wrong move, it is not the job of the unqualified "commander" to tell a Fire Marshal from the Office of the State Fire Marshal where to meet the patient. Part of the Fire Marshal's job is to investigate the cause of the burn and the cause can be found at the initial call. Where the campfire is at the homeless camp on Norhtwood Drive. 

Then after a good 10 or 15 minutes Paramedic 2 gets on the radio and requests Trooper 4 and tells them the landing zone will be at the Salvation Army(Paramedic 2 got on the radio and made the request, not "Command" as in protocol. Did I mention Sparrow.) Then "Command" gets on the radio and tells Central to send paid fire crew on Engine 16 to stand by at the Landing Zone. Then Central tells them that Troopr 4 has a 15 minute ETA(Did I mention they had already been on the scene for a good 10 or 15 minutes). Did you notice the Landing Zone will be at the Salvation Army? If you are paying attention the Salvation Army is directly across the street from the hospital.(PRMC is a Trauma Center). Oh Wait! What happened to the State Fire Marshal meeting the patient at PRMC? I wonder if the Fire Marshal ever got the chance to meet with the patient.

Engine 16 gets on the scene of the Landing Zone and establishes "Command." Now we have two "Commands" for the same call, the same patient. Paramedic 2 now decides to respond to the Landing Zone with the patient which is close to 39-45 minutes on scene time. The patient has yet to get definitive care. After that the first "Command" says "Situation under Control, Truck 2 is enroute to the landing zone." Trooper 4 gets on the radio and asks command if there are any hazards. Command(Brad Sparrow) says go to command at the Salvation Army. After Trooper 4 is confident there are no hazards at the landing zone which is the football field, then the ask Paramedic 2 about the patient. Then the paramedic on the ambulance precedes to basically tell the world that the patient is drunk on alcohol.

SFD Burn Pt. Part 2

Many minutes later "Salvation Army Command" places the situation "under control" and now the the patient is being transported to Baltimore by "Trooper 4. The Helicopter ride is a good 30 minutes to any hospital in Baltimore. Now they are a good hour into the call and the patient was just a mere 5 minutes to PRMC and the patient has yet to see a doctor at the hospital. Did you know that PRMC has a landing zone of any helicopter. The paramedic on the ambulance or the paramedic on Trooper 4 can not do anything to treat and comport that patient like the professionals at the Trauma Center which was lest than 5 miles from where he initially got burnt. Now the patient is suffering severely and you can see the emergency room from the Salvation Army landing zone. I don't know about you, but as close as the patient was to the hospital I would say the entire Salisbury Fire Department was negligent on this call. This patient suffered a good hour and a half before he reached an appropriate lever of care. The Paramedics were very negligent and they should have known better.

Units on the scene include: Paramedic 2, Truck 2, Engine 16 and Assistant Chief 1. For fire and EMS vehicles for one patient that could have easily been handled by one Ambulance. Part of the blame can go to the dispatchers at Wicomico Central. They had no business prompting them to use the helicopter, Trooper 4, because the Salisbury Fire District is way to close to the hospital. It is a waste of tax dollars and a waste of valuable resources that could have been used elsewhere. That helicopter ride is costing tax payers approximated $60,000 and do you think the patient has insurance? Probably not and guess who has to pay for that bill? We the tax payers are. I think the Salisbury Fire Department and Wicomico Central needs to pay the state for that helicopter ride.

I hope someone reports this incident to MIEMSS, the governing body of emergency care in Maryland. This call needs to be investigated by the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems. Each one of those participants in this call need to have their EMT and Paramedic certifications suspended. No patient needs to suffer like this burn patient did. If you have ever been burnt you know that it is one of the most agonizing pains you will ever feel.


  1. I'm aware of the Salisbury fire dept. and it's total lack of professional responsibility. We all know it starts at the top , lack of good leadership , from our city council down to the firemen .
    This was a homeless man and I feel that they reacted as if he was expendable . If this were Ireton or Day , what would have happened?
    So sad we are at the bottom of the barrel . Command and dispatch are also in need of replacement to ethical standards.

  2. Not at all surprised.

  3. For years we have witnessed the lack of professional people in the Fire depts. . Most are fair firefighters and the EMTs are not doctors like they think.
    We don't have many fires in the city or the county , having said that , these guys get medical certifications to keep their jobs.
    At best , they are pretty good drivers and will get to a hospital fairly quick , but most people who have a drivers lic. could do the same. I've been listening to the bitching about the Salisbury fire depts. for many years on this blog.
    We all know that Salisbury is screwed up big time , so , what are going to do about it.

  4. PRMC has 2 helipads, and many subcontracted helicopters.

  5. Isn't David fitzgearld in charge of the wicomico county emergency service center now and president of Berlin fire company they should know better

  6. Someone giving their opinion who obviously don't know what they are talking about.

    1. Bulls eye! And you sir are todays big winner.

  7. No one of higher authority blinks an eye when SFD employees do wrong. Example: who would be dumb enough to get pulled over and get a traffic citation while driving a SFD vehicle during their work shift and had an EXPIRED drivers license? UH....Bunky Adams. These are the people who are to paid to respond in an emergency and they are not even responsible enough to take care of themselves. But they are the biggest braggers you have ever seen.

  8. The writer of this post is clueless, on a call of this nature and including this one a consult is held with the hospital as to the condition of the patient. The decision to fly the patient out directly to a burn center would have been made by the attending physician in the PR MC emergency room. If the writer was familiar with actual protocol he would also know that morphine can be provided in cases like this both in the ambulance and on the helicopter to ensure the patient does not suffer. As a retired firefighter and police officer I can say I heard this call and it was handled within protocol and actually quite well for a rookie firefighter commanding the incident

  9. What a clueless writer with obviously zero experience in the world of EMS. Great job everyone involved.

  10. Certainly no where a 60k ride. What would like EMS to do? Leave him there because he might not have insurance? You sir/maam are a heartless joke. BTW PRMC is not a burn center. But you're obviously very smart and already knew that.

  11. Common core and obama bin laden care at its finest... And you all wanted it and fought for it and stood by while they implemented it...

    Now all of a sudden, you have a problem with it, which means the so called conspiracy theorist you so elegantly call someone, was actually right, so what does that mean if a conspiracy is true???????????????

  12. Dear 8:10
    I wouldn't brag about being an officer and a farman , do you really think the time frame was correct? I think not!
    By the way , which position did you like farman or officer?
    Burns need immediate attention , end of discussion.

  13. 8:57 I didn't hear 8:10 bragging about his careers, merely stated he was retired from those positions. I'm sure you have done so much more for community and the citizens that you are proud of

  14. You hose jockeys are a sensation lot.

  15. Lets face it most Farmen are idiots around here. The volunteers even worse. Sorry fire-water it is just not that tough.

  16. Our "trauma center" passes on many patients and that is why many are flown out. The flight paramedics on Trooper 4 had the ability to provide aid to this man until he arrived in Baltimore. Don't sell the abilities of the flight crews short. They are top notch and save lives regularly.

  17. no matter what I would wait for a ride to Baltimore until Salisbury has a real hospital

  18. PRMC is not a burn center. period.

  19. Prmc will give the paramedic instructions on care for the injury at hand and will also contact the burn care unit in Baltimore for farther instructions. Once on trooper 4 , the trooper will again contact the burn center in Baltimore for care instruction in flight. The first point of contact is the closes hospital for care, I have very high respect for trooper 4 and all the flight paramedics. A flight team is very well trained.
    The only way you can bypass the closest hospital is if that hospital is on critical care bypass.

  20. I don’t really see what the issue is,

    Truck 2 responded to assist the paramedic unit with patient care and due to the fact that the patient was off the roadway and back in the woods. It is the discretion of the officer or acting officer on the fire apparatus to request the on duty assistance chief to assist with any call for service.

    The operator of Wicomico emergency services that had the call followed the correct procedure as defined by the county SOPS regarding contacting Trooper 4 and contacting the State Fire Marshal’s office.

    And as previously stated, Paramedic 2 consulted with PRMC and the receiving facility in Baltimore and the on-call physician made the determination to bypass PRMC and transport the patient directly to the burn center so the patient would receive the best possible care for his injuries. It is standard procedure to set up a landing zone for the helicopter. That is why engine 16 responded to the Salvation army field. There is nothing out of the normal with that. It happens all time.

  21. Anonymous said...
    I don’t really see what the issue is,

    Truck 2 responded to assist the paramedic unit with patient care and due to the fact that the patient was off the roadway and back in the woods. It is the discretion of the officer or acting officer on the fire apparatus to request the on duty assistance chief to assist with any call for service.

    The operator of Wicomico emergency services that had the call followed the correct procedure as defined by the county SOPS regarding contacting Trooper 4 and contacting the State Fire Marshal’s office.

    And as previously stated, Paramedic 2 consulted with PRMC and the receiving facility in Baltimore and the on-call physician made the determination to bypass PRMC and transport the patient directly to the burn center so the patient would receive the best possible care for his injuries. It is standard procedure to set up a landing zone for the helicopter. That is why engine 16 responded to the Salvation army field. There is nothing out of the normal with that. It happens all time.
    February 15, 2016 at 9:38 PM

    You have a patient that was denied professional care for over an hour and a half and you don't see what the issue is? You are the issue!

    1. Call did not last that long. And he had professional care in scene and in Tpr 4. With the burns he had his best option WAS to be flown to a burn center. The patient was not denied anything he got the best care.

  22. Anonymous said...

    I don’t really see what the issue is,

    Truck 2 responded to assist the paramedic unit with patient care and due to the fact that the patient was off the roadway and back in the woods. It is the discretion of the officer or acting officer on the fire apparatus to request the on duty assistance chief to assist with any call for service.

    The operator of Wicomico emergency services that had the call followed the correct procedure as defined by the county SOPS regarding contacting Trooper 4 and contacting the State Fire Marshal’s office.

    And as previously stated, Paramedic 2 consulted with PRMC and the receiving facility in Baltimore and the on-call physician made the determination to bypass PRMC and transport the patient directly to the burn center so the patient would receive the best possible care for his injuries. It is standard procedure to set up a landing zone for the helicopter. That is why engine 16 responded to the Salvation army field. There is nothing out of the normal with that. It happens all time.

    February 15, 2016 at 9:38 PM

    "to request the on duty assistance chief to assist"

    WTH is the on duty "assistance" chief??

    You people are so ignorant but you try to look and sound impressive, but you are not. You people are ignorant morons. You are an embarrassment to the fire service.

  23. February 16, 2016 at 12:14 AM

    Bypass PRMC? So you sat on the scene and waited for a consult for nearly an hour before the patient even left the wooded area? Someone with a brain should have said "the hospital is down the road about 5 minutes away, don't you think it would be a good idea to go their first to allow the real doctors evaluate this patient to make sure their wasn't any airway problems." You know ABC's which is airway always being first? I remember that from my first CPR class. if this homeless person had that many burns that he required transport to a hospital in Baltimore then he should have had his airway evaluated at PRMC first and also the rest of his burns! You people are going to continue to kill more patients until we get more leadership in this city.

    1. Medics certainly know how to maintain airways. They were not on the scene that long. And since the patients were still smoldering I'd say that had to be handle prior to leaving the scene.

  24. Anonymous said...
    PRMC has 2 helipads, and many subcontracted helicopters.

    February 15, 2016 at 7:15 AM

    But these Morons from the Salisbury Fire Department decided to land a helicopter on a small football field across the street from the hospital? Not to smart is it.

    Can someone let the public know what shift these clowns are on and when they will be working so that we can request a different ambulance and a different fire company. These people really scare me and my family is way to important to lose them because of these untrained and uneducated wannabe heroes.

    1. Do you even know why they used the Salvation Army instead of the helipad? My guess is no you don't. Smh

    2. Yes the hospital has 2 helipads but they have weight restrictions and not all helicopters can land on them. There have been many times that hey have had to land across the street at the Salvation Army since it's landing on the ground there. Also, one can't use the helipad at the hospital unless it's picking up or dropping off a patient in the hospital.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    For years we have witnessed the lack of professional people in the Fire depts. . Most are fair firefighters and the EMTs are not doctors like they think.
    We don't have many fires in the city or the county , having said that , these guys get medical certifications to keep their jobs.
    At best , they are pretty good drivers and will get to a hospital fairly quick , but most people who have a drivers lic. could do the same. I've been listening to the bitching about the Salisbury fire depts. for many years on this blog.
    We all know that Salisbury is screwed up big time , so , what are going to do about it.

    February 15, 2016 at 7:12 AM

    You are right and something needs to be done about it. Why not start with replacing Richard A. Hoppes. He is lazy and his laziness obviously trickles down to the man power or the followers.

  26. Anonymous said...
    No one of higher authority blinks an eye when SFD employees do wrong. Example: who would be dumb enough to get pulled over and get a traffic citation while driving a SFD vehicle during their work shift and had an EXPIRED drivers license? UH....Bunky Adams. These are the people who are to paid to respond in an emergency and they are not even responsible enough to take care of themselves. But they are the biggest braggers you have ever seen.

    February 15, 2016 at 8:04 AM

    You have got to be kidding? When did this happen and why did a fire department vehicle get pulled over? I bet Pinky Higgins helped him out on this one because Rick Hoppes owes Pinky Higgins for going to Ireton and begging Ireton to promote Hoppes to Chief so that Bunky Adams wouldn't lose his job again or get demoted like when the outsider Jeff Simpson got hired as the fire chief.

  27. Anonymous said...

    The writer of this post is clueless, on a call of this nature and including this one a consult is held with the hospital as to the condition of the patient. The decision to fly the patient out directly to a burn center would have been made by the attending physician in the PR MC emergency room. If the writer was familiar with actual protocol he would also know that morphine can be provided in cases like this both in the ambulance and on the helicopter to ensure the patient does not suffer. As a retired firefighter and police officer I can say I heard this call and it was handled within protocol and actually quite well for a rookie firefighter commanding the incident

    February 15, 2016 at 8:10 AM

    The writer of this post^^^ anon 8:10 AM is the one that is clueless. First there is no such thing as an "attending physician" at PRMC, but it sounded good since you heard it on your favorite TV shows. PRMC is not a teaching hospital and it is PRMC not PR MC.

    Morphine on the medic units are to be used one time and there are limits. Those limitations run out after an hour in the back of an ambulance which is 5 minutes from the hospital. Protocol in Salisbury says take the patient to PRMC and let them do the triage. Calling for a helicopter in City limits is stretching it and it is not fair to the patient.

    And the fact that you said you were a retired firefighter and police officer blew your credibility because neither has anything to do with this call or emergency medicine. NEXT!

    1. You blow your credibility after all these posts that you continue to make, when clearly you have no clue about patient care.

  28. Anonymous said...

    What a clueless writer with obviously zero experience in the world of EMS. Great job everyone involved.

    February 15, 2016 at 8:40 AM

    If that is the best you could come up with then you are obviously the one with zero experience in the world of EMS. What an embarrassing job to everyone involved.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Dear 8:10
    I wouldn't brag about being an officer and a farman , do you really think the time frame was correct? I think not!
    By the way , which position did you like farman or officer?
    Burns need immediate attention , end of discussion.

    February 15, 2016 at 8:57 AM

    Great response! Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner.

    1. We know you have a problem with "farman", we also know you are clueless and just like to pretend you know what you're talking about. And the patient did get immediate and continuous attention.

  30. Anonymous said...
    8:57 I didn't hear 8:10 bragging about his careers, merely stated he was retired from those positions. I'm sure you have done so much more for community and the citizens that you are proud of

    February 15, 2016 at 9:31 AM

    You were bragging you moron! Please stay away from EMS.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Certainly no where a 60k ride. What would like EMS to do? Leave him there because he might not have insurance? You sir/maam are a heartless joke. BTW PRMC is not a burn center. But you're obviously very smart and already knew that.

    February 15, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    Common core grammar from da 'bury farmin.

    Umm, they could have started by transporting this patient to a trauma center which is PRMC. Those physicians are the professionals and they are paid to make the real decisions.

    Since you are so smart please tell us what a Helicopter Transport costs these days? I bet you have no idea, but typical of a ghetto farmin you will run your mouth even though you are clueless.

    1. So you would deny him the care he needed at the burn center. The Dr at PRMC and the Dr at the burn center advised it would be best to fly him to the burn center

  32. Anonymous said...

    Lets face it most Farmen are idiots around here. The volunteers even worse. Sorry fire-water it is just not that tough.

    February 15, 2016 at 10:37 AM

    Exactly! That is why Bob Culver needs to get some balls and do the right thing and take control of these rogue fire departments. Especially Salisbury. Cut their damn funding off.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Our "trauma center" passes on many patients and that is why many are flown out. The flight paramedics on Trooper 4 had the ability to provide aid to this man until he arrived in Baltimore. Don't sell the abilities of the flight crews short. They are top notch and save lives regularly.

    February 15, 2016 at 11:08 AM

    That little statement makes this decision acceptable? Did it occur to you that they get definitive care at PRMC before they are flown out? Did it occur to you that this patient didn't deserve to suffer in the back of a Salisbury Fire Department ambulance for over an hour while these "consults" are made? Did it occur to you that some of the helicopter paramedics are just as clueless as you and the rest of your cronies on a Salisbury ambulance. You people are ignorant. But don't worry he was just a drunk homeless man. So what if he suffered in severe pain for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    1. Again the call was not that long. They also give pain meds.

  34. Anonymous said...
    no matter what I would wait for a ride to Baltimore until Salisbury has a real hospital

    February 15, 2016 at 1:13 PM

    You must be a dumb, ignorant paid farmin for da 'bury.

  35. Anonymous said...
    PRMC is not a burn center. period.

    February 15, 2016 at 1:32 PM


    Patients in Salisbury go to PRMC first and the real doctors decide if the patient needs to go to a "burn center." Period.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Prmc will give the paramedic instructions on care for the injury at hand and will also contact the burn care unit in Baltimore for farther instructions. Once on trooper 4 , the trooper will again contact the burn center in Baltimore for care instruction in flight. The first point of contact is the closes hospital for care, I have very high respect for trooper 4 and all the flight paramedics. A flight team is very well trained.
    The only way you can bypass the closest hospital is if that hospital is on critical care bypass.

    February 15, 2016 at 3:28 PM

    PRMC never saw the patient so they can't give appropriate instructions. The bottom line is the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems needs to investigate this incident and reprimand all individuals involved including the physicians in the PRMC Emergency Department.

  37. The Salisbury Fire Department clearly does not have a a real EMS division. An EMS Lieutenant or Captain would have been on scene and not allowed this to happen. This crew would have been up in the EMS Chief's office waiting for a hearing and suspended EMS privileges.

    This is proof that the Salisbury Fire Department thinks they are above the law and they should be dealt with accordingly.

  38. It's high time that Bob Culver does away with the fire service agreement and finishes what the county started a long time ago. It's time for Wicomico County to have it's own E.M.S. Division and take over E.M.S. entirely. This crap is getting old and it's a complete waste of tax dollars.

  39. Say what you want, but this goes back to the poor leadership of the fat lazy slobs they have as officers running the Salisbury Fire Department. Starting with the fattest and laziest one by the name of Richard A. Hoppes the wannabe chief.

  40. Poor Darrin Scott.

  41. This was right on the money. I heard the same thing and thought WTF!! A hospital 5 minutes away and a burn patient with his clothes burnt off of him never saw a hospital for an hour and a half!! It's not like it was entrapment, they sat in the back of the Salisbury Fire Department ambulance for more than an hour and it didn't even move. The family of this homeless guy should sue for pain and suffering. That will get him off the streets!!

    Can someone please notify MIEMSS!!

  42. Here is the link to the MIEMSS contact page.


  43. Please people stand up and demand change!! This has gone on too long it's time to make Day address all the incompetence in city government

  44. The patient could've been taken to PRMC. Which is the only trauma center in the region. And been comfortable while intubated, put into a coma with meds and never even know what happened until he was awakened at Bay View Medical, after being air lifted. I am an NREMT-P and agree on this. However protocol calls for a consult with both the PRMC and closest burn centers doctors. These two doctors make the call. End of story. This is not a reason to blast Salisbury Fire. Nope. The worthless Fire Boat is one reason. Not rehabbing fire stations and spending millions on new ones is another. Having an officer with 4 or 5 DUI convictions is helping to stoke the the Fire even more. Self dispatching has to stop. You all see where I am going with this right? Fact is that if these medics did not listen and sent this patient to the hospital against the doctors orders .... Their jobs are gone. Cards taken. Not saying it would be a bad thing since most EMT-B's forget half their skills before class is over. And other than dopers and wrinkle butt shuffles.... Most EMT whatever's don't have enough call volume to be a solid 100% care giver. The flight medics are a while new ball game. They're the elite and that's a fact. The reasoning for the denial of the patient to PRMC can range from not enough staff available to deal with the patient at the moment to not being set up for the extent of the burns. Only thing that could be been done at PRMC is stabilization. Which is what in this time frame should've been done. But again this is on two doctors not the Fire clansmen of the brotherhood.

  45. I absolutely LOVE all the comments made by people who have no idea about how things are supposed to be done. The make statements about trained medics and fire department personnel who make command decisions within protocol condemning these individuals and Monday morning quarterbacking them. Why in the world would these uneducated comments be put up on a post about such a technical issue?

    1. This might be a legitimate response if it didn't happen all the the time within different departments of city government.

  46. Salisbury and Wicomico is still operating under failed policies and nepotism.

  47. Id like to thank Brad Sparrow, A volunteer for coming back and riding the Truck, along with the other volunteers that were with him. Brad rode earlier on shift as part of the duty engine. He did not have to come back for this call but he did. Thank You. You are one of the few volunteers that come back and do something.

  48. If you think something was done wrong on this call I would suggest you call the chiefs office and file a formal complaint, 4105483120. You could also call the mayors office and file a formal complaint there.

    1. Seriously what good would that do

  49. Why do I suspect all the people so concerned about "patient care " wouldn't bother to piss on someone if they saw them on fire ?

  50. I really think it's time the citizens of salisbury start taking their anger frustration to outside agencies to do some sort of formal ethic inquiry about what is really going on and answer some persistent questions

  51. Anonymous said...
    Call did not last that long. And he had professional care in scene and in Tpr 4. With the burns he had his best option WAS to be flown to a burn center. The patient was not denied anything he got the best care.

    February 16, 2016 at 10:24 PM

    No the call did last that long and his best option was to go to the closest Trauma Center which was PRMC. You idiots neglected that patients care by wasting all that time on the scene while he was suffering. He should have been immediately taken to professionals. ie Doctors!

  52. Anonymous said...
    Id like to thank Brad Sparrow, A volunteer for coming back and riding the Truck, along with the other volunteers that were with him. Brad rode earlier on shift as part of the duty engine. He did not have to come back for this call but he did. Thank You. You are one of the few volunteers that come back and do something.

    February 21, 2016 at 10:18 AM

    Any other time you would be bashing Brad Sparrow like you always have done you jerks. Big deal that he was part of the "duty engine." Here we go with the paid guy vs. the volunteers again.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Medics certainly know how to maintain airways. They were not on the scene that long. And since the patients were still smoldering I'd say that had to be handle prior to leaving the scene.

    February 16, 2016 at 10:30 PM

    Maybe you should post the scene times then. Including the scene times for Trooper 4 arriving at your precious "burn center."

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do you even know why they used the Salvation Army instead of the helipad? My guess is no you don't. Smh

    February 16, 2016 at 10:32 PM

    Does it matter Mr. Ignoramous. The fact is they would have to go through PRMC first and they didn't. Poor patient care. Maybe some attorney should find this patient and sue the fire department and the City of Salisbury again.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I really think it's time the citizens of salisbury start taking their anger frustration to outside agencies to do some sort of formal ethic inquiry about what is really going on and answer some persistent questions

    February 21, 2016 at 1:28 PM

    I couldn't agree more!

  56. Anonymous said...
    I absolutely LOVE all the comments made by people who have no idea about how things are supposed to be done. The make statements about trained medics and fire department personnel who make command decisions within protocol condemning these individuals and Monday morning quarterbacking them. Why in the world would these uneducated comments be put up on a post about such a technical issue?

    February 21, 2016 at 8:06 AM

    Sounds like someone is running scared to me. LMAO.

    "Command decisions within protocol." Could you please post a copy of those command decisions protocol so we all won't be uneducated anymore than.

  57. Anonymous said...
    Seriously what good would that do

    February 21, 2016 at 11:33 AM

    What good would what do? I don't know why some of you people don't identify what comment you are commenting on? At least copy the date and time down.

  58. I wonder if Darrin is still crying himself to sleep every night since da ex left him.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Yes the hospital has 2 helipads but they have weight restrictions and not all helicopters can land on them. There have been many times that hey have had to land across the street at the Salvation Army since it's landing on the ground there. Also, one can't use the helipad at the hospital unless it's picking up or dropping off a patient in the hospital.

    February 21, 2016 at 8:52 AM

    That's the point moron! The ambulance should have dropped the patient off at the hospital first.

  60. Anonymous said...
    We know you have a problem with "farman", we also know you are clueless and just like to pretend you know what you're talking about. And the patient did get immediate and continuous attention.

    February 16, 2016 at 10:39 PM

    I heard the call also and the patient did not get to see an emergency physician for an hour and a half or longer. Quit distracting from the real problem.

  61. Brad Sparrow said...

    Id like to thank Brad Sparrow, A volunteer for coming back and riding the Truck, along with the other volunteers that were with him. Brad rode earlier on shift as part of the duty engine. He did not have to come back for this call but he did. Thank You. You are one of the few volunteers that come back and do something.

    February 21, 2016 at 10:18 AM

    Did anyone else notice how Brad Sparrow wrote this comment about himself? I know it was him that wrote this because no one likes him and he is a reject from the Delmar Fire department which kicked him out.

  62. And "AS THE WORLD TURNS " salisbury md version. It was stated and so true the core group if people that reap all the rewards here in salisbury could care less. They take EGO driven people like DAY,IRETON, STEVENSON and tolerate their ignorance to sit back in the shadows reaping all the monetary benefits all the time not drawing any attention to themselves. There's no crime or drug activity going on where their laid back fat happy

  63. My mom was recently at PRMC after going to urgent care (s cruve) first and they flew her straight to Hopkins ($23,000.00 40 minute ride) maybe they were cutting out the middle man (PRMC).

  64. Lets all report them to miemss. I am sending an email right now.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Again the call was not that long. They also give pain meds.
    February 16, 2016 at 10:43 PM

    Prove it. Post a copy of the times of the call from the 911 center.

  66. Anonymous said...
    The patient could've been taken to PRMC. Which is the only trauma center in the region. And been comfortable while intubated, put into a coma with meds and never even know what happened until he was awakened at Bay View Medical, after being air lifted. I am an NREMT-P and agree on this. However protocol calls for a consult with both the PRMC and closest burn centers doctors. These two doctors make the call. End of story. This is not a reason to blast Salisbury Fire. Nope. The worthless Fire Boat is one reason. Not rehabbing fire stations and spending millions on new ones is another. Having an officer with 4 or 5 DUI convictions is helping to stoke the the Fire even more. Self dispatching has to stop. You all see where I am going with this right? Fact is that if these medics did not listen and sent this patient to the hospital against the doctors orders .... Their jobs are gone. Cards taken. Not saying it would be a bad thing since most EMT-B's forget half their skills before class is over. And other than dopers and wrinkle butt shuffles.... Most EMT whatever's don't have enough call volume to be a solid 100% care giver. The flight medics are a while new ball game. They're the elite and that's a fact. The reasoning for the denial of the patient to PRMC can range from not enough staff available to deal with the patient at the moment to not being set up for the extent of the burns. Only thing that could be been done at PRMC is stabilization. Which is what in this time frame should've been done. But again this is on two doctors not the Fire clansmen of the brotherhood.
    February 21, 2016 at 7:46 AM

    HaHaHa! You are pretty much spot on, on this one. One thing I will point out that you may not be aware of is the scene times. Did the 2 doctors know about the extended scene times? The answer is no and if they did they would not approve of this. If Doctor Todd, acting as the Local Medical Director, approves of this then he should be fired. If the powers to be knew of what they allowed with the scene times there would be a price to pay.


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