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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Video Captures the Exact Moment 1,400 Employees Learn They Are Losing Their Jobs to Mexico

Editor’s Note: This post contains language some readers may find inappropriate.

Carrier Air Conditioner has announced that it plans to move at least 1,400 jobs from the U.S. to Mexico – and one employee captured his colleagues’ reaction on video.

In a video uploaded to YouTube on Thursday, a company representative at a production facility in Indianapolis is speaking in front of a large group of employees when he shares the news:

“The best way to stay competitive and protect the business longterm is to move production from our facility in Indianapolis to Monterrey, Mexico,” the representative says as the employees begin booing and shouting.

The representative goes on to share details that the company doesn’t intend to fully close the facility’s doors until mid-2017, and encourages employees to “remain committed to manufacturing the same high quality products” until then.



  1. can you post this to Trumps page or get in contact with one of his "people" ? They need to see this stuff.

  2. More of that sucking sound Ross Perot alluded to regarding slick Willie's signing of NAFTA!

  3. Good time to boycott Carrier. Also Bryant is a Carrier product as well. Best product in that industry is Trane and American Standard. They are manufactured in Tyler TX. Both are Superior products and equipment and Made In America.

  4. Welcome to Socialism. As government continues to meddle in private sector, moments like this will continue. Business owners put their own financial well being on the line to open businesses and employ Americans. Government bureaucrats don't make the same risks, yet in their nonsensical promotion of fairness in an unfair world, quash any incentive for them to continue operating in America.

    You guys voted for this and unfortunately, everyone has paid for your uninformed passion to have hope and change. It did change, but the price was the erosion of hope. 1400 more people dumped onto the unemployment line. Nice going! It's not like you all weren't warned prior to 2008.

  5. It's a union shop. Carrier has a problem keeping their costs/prices down because they are paying union scale wages. Everybody thinks a union job is great until that extra money they make puts their employer out of business or forces their employer to move production to cheaper labor centers that do not have to pay union wages. a federal minimum wage of $15/hr will eventually do the same for non-union shops.

  6. Exactly, 12:18PM. Unions are merely an extension of governmental meddling. Unions became irrelevant when the Dept of Labor was created, but they stay around because they generally help political parties in elections - not Americans. If anything, unions have been the tourniquet around the American Worker for decades.

    To 11:56AM, don't blame Carrier for the milieu. They're only reacting to it, not the cause of it. There is, after all, a subtle difference between the two.

  7. I am glad all of this is happening... Sick as you may find it, this is the only way for DUMB people to wake up and realize, this not only DID HAPPEN TO YOU, but it can and WILL HAPPEN TO ALL OF YOU!!! Except politicians and law makers of course...

    Maybe losing your job will be enough to wake you up and motivate you now....

  8. I think we should pay all the politicans minium wage,put them in public housing and give them food stamps and Obama care,of course we will want to seize all of their assets first. And we will all love Big Brother.

  9. Unions only exist to collect money from the workers and hand it over to the Democratic Party for elections and exotic vacations for the union reps. Been there, done that....

  10. I hope trump issues a huge tax on companies that do this that way it would level the playing field for cheap labor.

  11. Middle class screwed again!

  12. "I hope trump issues a huge tax on companies that do this that way it would level the playing field for cheap labor." Don't just blame Carrier. Forbes just published their list of country's that are the best for doing business. Thanks to red-tape, over-regulation, taxes and restricted freedoms, the USA didn't even make the list. Disgusting what the progressives have done to this once-great country.

  13. Our "leaders", who are SUPPOSED to be really smart, well-schooled, and responsible stewards of our country, have spent TRILLIONS of dollars (a truly unimaginable amount for the human mind) they never had and never will. Bad checks. Fraud. Fiscal mismanagement and crime. Bribery. Payoffs. Lies. All the time, year after year.
    To add to the misery, liberal policies have taxed, surcharged, and levied business to DEATH.
    "We, the people" go to prison (based on the laws THESE slimy criminal passed themselves!) for LIFE for stealing 50 billion (Bernie Madoff....). LIFE! IN PRISON!
    THEY steal trillions and you re-elect them to another term of luxury.
    Madoff SHOULD have run for Congress.
    Its not the business's fault. Its YOURS.
    Go ahead---- cheer on.

  14. Carrier and Bryant ,are a very high end air conditioning companies will suffer now.
    I really don't care because most units are made by 3 companies and are almost exactly the same.
    Bryant is trash and over rated . Am I right HVAC ?

  15. I noticed in last night's debate, only Trump even discussed this as well as China buying the Chicago Stock Exchange. The other candidates stood there, looking dumbfounded like it was the first they'd heard of these two issues. He also proffered what he would do should he become president about both - yet, once again the other candidates just stood there, except for Bush was sucking his thumb.

    People need to look very closely about these things. America's in a lot more trouble because of BOTH parties. Perhaps it's time for a real outsider. Just saying...


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