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Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Viewer Writes: The Daily Times

The daily times publishes a weekly paper and leaves it in people's driveways/lawns. I have called now three times to ask to be removed from delivery with no luck. Asked for a call back-nothing.

Do you or your readers think the paper has a responsibility to stop delivery when asked? They did this for the (free) ocean pines independent a few years ago.

Thank you.


  1. Replies
    1. Special why? Because he/she doesn't like crap dumped in their driveway? They miss my driveway and the harbahe ends up in the road. I got a nasty gram from my HOA because I was allowing "my" newspapers to wash into the storm drain.

  2. I also don't like getting the crap tossed on my lawn. I don't pick them up. You would think that whoever is delivering them, they'd stop littering when they see quite a few piling up.

    How about video recording them throwing themin your property and then call the police with your evidence of them polluting and littering. They could be fined. Take them to court.

  3. I throw the rag out in the street and let the county take care of the trash.

  4. Thank God I moved from five years ago. It's so refreshing living in a place where people care more about their families and careers then stuff like this. Most places there are so many positive things going on people don't have all day to sit around and bitch about every little thing. Losers

  5. all ado about nothing as a minor irritant - just throw them away - DT is dying and soon they will not be able to afford to do this anymore either and they are well aware of this - this is also why no one at DT will take a call on this or actually do anything - it would take too much work on their behalf to do so and no employee there is really vested in the business - they are all looking for other jobs now and could not care less about a complaint call

  6. All a do about nothing?

    Come to my neighborhood where EVERYONE gets this free trash thrown into their lawn. It is an eyesore, if I wanted it I would subscribe, if I threw crap on peoples property I would be fined for littering, why aren't they?

    Sorry we have pride in what our community should look like and a street littered with this garbage does not fit into it.

  7. I was outside when some guy started to throw some of this trash in my driveway and I told him don't you dare throw that trash in my driveway and if you do, you better get out and pick it up. He went on and haven't had any in my driveway since.

  8. If you don't subscribe to it, then it is littering and they should be fined for throwing it out the window of the vehicle.

  9. call the county office and report them for littering after you have advised them to STOP leaving the junk in your yard. Tell them that you are going to report them for littering. This stopped the whole thing in our neighborhood.

  10. Aw hell they are just trying to survive and they employ a bunch of people.Much adoo about nothing.

  11. How about collecting them for a while then drive by the Daily Times and dump then in their driveway.

  12. I know it's small potatoes but it bugs the crap out of me too!

  13. If it isn't already, it could be covered in a county ordinance that says it's littering if the property owner has requested that it be stopped. Prohibit this type of paper distribution specifically, and fine the newspaper itself for violations (since it's their employees doing it.)

  14. We caught the guy doing delivery and told him we would no longer accept the unsolicited paper and that we would ask that he be arrested for littering. He stopped immediately.

  15. February 12, 2016 at 2:38 PM

    I thought about that too.


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