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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Immigrant families being evicted from mobile homes in Virginia

FAIRFAX, VA (WUSA9) -- One by one, low-income immigrant families living in one of the last affordable neighborhoods in Fairfax County are losing their homes.

The managers of Waples Mobile Home Park are demanding social security numbers for every resident. And if they cannot produce them, they're being evicted.

Waples Park managers insist they need the numbers to conduct background checks on residents. But migrants who have lived here for years without them say it's just terribly unfair.

Construction worker Carlos Hernandez says his small mobile home is the only thing -- the only small piece of America -- that his family owns. “I just want my kids to have a better future,” he said.

Hernandez and his wife are raising his three boys and girl here. They carefully charted their growth on a door frame. The three youngest are US citizens, and Eric, their oldest child, is OK because they brought him here when he was four.



  1. Illegals need to go, whats the problem?

  2. Sorry pal if you are here illegally then it is time for you to return to where you were born! you take our jobs for a cheap price and between you and the government put hard working educated Americans out on the streets. Americans need these jobs to help their families! The American dream is gone thanks to Democrats and Illegals!

    1. We educate care for and fed these little mouths of yours because you broke the law. Im torn because i understand wanting to come to our great county. But the fiscal burden you created on us. effects legal little mouths and in a pinch i prefer to feed educate and care for our own..

  3. Why not?? We all rented sometimes in our lives. This is what they do but the rub is they are illegal immigrants. HELLO MC FLY!!!!

  4. Sorry to pop the bubble. If I entered Mexico ILLEGALLY, I would not be living in one of their trailer parks. They are better known there as "El Prison".

  5. If Mr. Hernandez wants the best for his children, then he should have come into the states legally! Instead, he made the conscious choice to enter illegally and continue to live here instead of taking legal action once he was here. These are not good morals to instill in his children as most children learn by example. I do not feel sorry for him nor do I fault the management company. They are doing what they're supposed to do. In actuality, if they know they are harboring fugitives, they are breaking the law through continual complicity. Mr. Hernandez may be experiencing a hardship, but it's one at his own hand. There is a huge difference between legal and illegal immigration, regardless how nice a person is, he is still committing a crime. Hence, it does not reduce his responsibility nor his criminality.

  6. Unfair? Life is unfair.I understand the stress of losing your home BUT how many people will live there if nobody is checked out? The landlord is right on this matter.
    I know someone who recently bought a mobile home and could not even buy it until the park management ran their credit and criminal check.

  7. Suck it up buttercup pack your stuff and go home!

  8. Boo hoo.

    One of the big issues with the illegals is that they suck up all the affordable housing in the areas where they settle.

    Take Salisbury, for instance.

    We've all seen the ghettos form around town in various area, then the stores and businesses pop up to support those ethnic groups, and pretty soon.. it's too late. That area is gone.

    Virginia is overrun (and it's their own fault.) At least somebody is doing something to take back some of the housing.

    1. Stores and businesses pop up? Sounds like re-vitalization.

  9. If he goes home, shortly he can be working at the Ford Plant anyway, so what's the problem here.

  10. I have a SS # and pay a lot of taxes. How is he filing a tax return without a SS # ? I had to pay big bucks to have my children delivered at the local hospital. No discount. Also if someone is not paying rent you have to look them up by SS # before you can evict them because they may be in the service. He could get away without paying rent or land rent without a SS # and the landowner is screwed. Suck it up Carlos, how much do you pay in taxes???
    How much did you pay for your anchor babies to be born here?? My son is required to have health ins by law and he is looking for a job in the construction field to improve his income instead of being a busboy. GO HOME CARLOS and maybe come back legal as a citizen with a SS #. Maybe you can pay your fair share of taxes.

  11. I object to the use of the word "immigrant" to describe illegal aliens - does that make me racist? Call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance!

  12. "..Stores and businesses pop up? Sounds like re-vitalization..."

    Yeah, with the profits being sent back to the home country, some of it funding terrorist organizations like Hamas.

  13. Boo hoo! My grandparents came to this country for a better life and did it legally. I am curious, does anyone know which button I press for hungarian? Oh, wait - my family does not speak the language any longer. Who to I sue for losing part of my culture? Where are my handouts? I really could use instate tuition fees. Wow - I am certainly feeling disenfranchised this morning.

  14. The only problem I have is:> I was under the impression that a social security was not to used for identification... My card says very implicitly " NOT TO BE USED FOR/AS INDENTICATION ". I see where it
    is being requested more and more as ID , especially by law enforcement
    What is the correct procedure???


  15. I don't have a problem with illegals , other than they should be sent back to their country they came from . He's most likely a nice guy , but he broke the law , period.

  16. They have to provide a SSN for work, to file taxes, and apply for welfare benefits, as well as any type of loan or credit. If they don't have one, they are not "immigrants". They are have not assimilated into our country. They are parasites living off our lifeblood.

  17. Go back to your own country and stop using funds that poor Americans need.

  18. Go back home and fix your homeland, to make it better for your children.

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