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Sunday, February 21, 2016


Donald J. Trump

Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much.

Cruz said I would be appointing a liberal judge when in fact I will appoint a great conservative and I am the only candidate who has gone so far, at the debate, as to suggest two individuals I feel would best represent the conservative values we need to protect: William “Bill” Pryor Jr. and Diane Sykes.

Cruz says I am pro-choice, when in fact I am staunchly pro-life and have been for a long time. Like Ronald Reagan, on many issues, I have evolved.

Cruz says I am in favor of ObamaCare, when in fact I have spoken about repealing and replacing this disaster of a system at every speech throughout my campaign and since it’s inception. Meanwhile, Cruz was responsible for getting Bush to put in the judge that failed to vote against ObamaCare twice.

Cruz says I will try to take away your second amendment rights, when I am one of the strongest proponents of the right to bear arms and I say so in every speech that I have made for years. I am a proud member of the NRA and so are my sons.

Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.

In Iowa, Cruz told thousands of Ben Carson voters that Dr. Carson had left the race and to instead vote for Ted Cruz. He apologized when the race was over. Likewise, his fraudulent voter violation form sent to Iowa voters. If Ted is going to continue to lie with such desperation, I have no choice but to fight back.

One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.

I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall. I am strongest on illegal immigration, strongest on ISIS, strongest on the military and I will take care of our Vets. I will end common core and preserve the second amendment. I will renegotiate our trade deals and bring our jobs back to our country. I am the only person who will Make America Great Again.


  1. I look at Trump as a turn-around CEO for the country, something a large struggling company would do. He's the experienced specialist that comes in to fix things, and then he moves on after the job is done. This is something this country desperately needs. I truly believe Trump can do that. He understands economics and business on the world stage. That's why I would vote for him.

    But I also know that Trump is not a true conservative, and I'm okay with that right now.

  2. In life, you evolve as you become wiser. Tell it Donald.


  3. Trump deserves credit for bringing some contentious topics forth. He's been a smart guy about looking after his business interests.

    I watched the South Carolina debate, and he was an embarrassment. Bombast, bullying, interruptions; all heat and no light.

    He has existed harmoniously in NY politics in order to pursue his business interests. Bill & Hillary Clinton were apparently guests at his most recent wedding.

    Each of the other remaining candidates has a track record in elected positions, save Dr. Carson, for us to examine and critique. Trump asks us to take his word for it.

    Regarding Sen. Cruz. Exceedingly bright guy without sealed transcripts; Supreme Court law clerk to the Chief Justice; extremely talented debater; later argued 9 cases before the Supreme Court, and lots more. That old trusted source Wikipedia is a good starting point to get informed.

    We've suffered through 7+ years of a narcissistic adolescent; I'm not prepared to endure 4 or 8 more years of another one. Donald, you're fired from those I'm willing to consider further.

  4. He can turn around the US like Alan Mulally turned around Ford. People need to look beyond the bluster. When he isn't in that mode, you see how smart, witty and charming he really is. People who know him best keep saying there is another side to him and I believe that. His 3 older children are smart, well=spoken and hardworking. They are polite and display good manners. Trump did something right not to have raised spoiled entitled rich kids. That tells me his values are strong.


  5. It's fair to note that Trump's sister is a Federal appeals judge, now on senior status (age 78). She was appointed to the appeals bench in 1999 by Bill Clinton.

    In August 2015, Trump noted in an interview that she would make an excellent Supreme Court justice.

    She deserves particular scrutiny for a decision on a NJ law restricting partial birth abortion where she said it didn't really matter if the fetus 'expired' in the womb, in the birth canal or while partially delivered. Later, the Supreme Court held that laws could be written to control 'partial birth abortion.'

    So Trump's new-found respect for the unborn deserves a lot of scrutiny. Now deeply held conviction, or political convenience?

  6. I trust Ted Cruz or Ben Carson. I don't trust Donald Trump.

  7. "We've suffered through 7+ years of a narcissistic adolescent; I'm not prepared to endure 4 or 8 more years of another one."

    Thank you for that insightful post, 3:46. Trump really is Obama in a different skin - slightly different message, but the outcome will be similar. It depresses me that American voters are so easily manipulated.


  8. Donald Trump is a bigger joke than Donald Duck.

  9. 3:46

    Which debate did you watch?

    I saw Jeb and the donor class act like school children every time Trump criticized the establishment, and GW.

    The audience was stacked against Trump.

    I bet you are the kind of person that would collapse if you were in the same position.

    Thank God Trump doesn't cave to peer pressure like obviously you would.


  10. We have a thin-skinned, narcissistic, wanna-be dictator for president now. Do we need another?

    Trump changes his beliefs to fit the audienceand can't be trusted on anything.

    Because of his age, Trump would likely be one term and would be like Obama and rule with unconstitutional and illegal executive orders and regulations.

  11. I like Trump, going to vote Trump.

  12. 516 give 5 real examples of how trump changes his belief? If you can't then I'm still voting Trump 2016 for PRESIDENT of the USA.

  13. I'm voting Trump, then Trump/ Carson!

  14. Donald all the way. BTW folks, he still answers to congress

  15. 7:16 - Trump loved Obama then hated Obama. Trump said Obama was doing great on foreign policy now he says he is horrible. He said Obama was doing wonderful on the economy now he is horrible on the economy. He is for a single payer health care system even though he will not admit. He has actually said in interviews in the past that people would be surprised to know that he identifies more with the democrats - but now he is a republican. He was pro choice now he is pro life. He says he is a conservative, but thinks eminent domain is just peachy. You can vote for whoever you want that is what is great about this country. But if you think Trump is the savior you will be disappointed. If he does win I hope I am wrong because I suspect he will be worse than Obama. At least Obama told us what to expect in 2007. They morons did not listen. We need to be smarter.

  16. I keep hearing the FoxNews cabal attack Donald for bringing up 9-11 and WMDs ... when they all obfuscate Bush I's joint bank account with Saddam Hussein in his CIA Bank BCCI


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