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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jodi Arias loses visitation privileges after crude remark

PHOENIX -- Convicted murder Jodi Arias will not be receiving visitors anytime soon.

KNXV-TV in Phoenix says Arias has lost visitation privileges for roughly 200 days as punishment for calling a female correctional officer a vulgar name.

According to an Arizona Department of Corrections report, Arias referred to the officer on Feb. 3 in a crude fashion while talking with another officer. The report says Arias was upset because the officer denied her request for a haircut.

When confronted, Arias acknowledged the name-calling.



  1. Jodi's life DOESN'T matter.

  2. Yes shes is a POS but this is absurd. Calling someone a name gets her visitation taken away? Kids cuss the teachers every day and nothing is ever done. Maybe if there were consequences in school they wouldn't end up in jail later in life.

  3. 7:32 is perfectly correct.
    200 days for hurting a prison guards feelings??
    How much suspension of work do the prison guards get for hearing inmates getting raped and ignoring THAT?
    If they are THAT sensitive, give them a job in the wardens office.
    Further, consider this -- maybe the guard was exactly as described and it hit a little too close to the bone....

    1. 805 how many RAPES are their in prison?

    2. Rape is not confined to two people of opposite gender you moron.

  4. "...Yes shes is a POS but this is absurd. Calling someone a name gets her visitation taken away?..."

    Are you nuts? It's prison, not preschool. She's there for a reason. There is no legal obligation to make her comfortable or grant her wishes. They could have put her in solitary and fed her bologna sandwiches and water. How many visitors is Travis Alexander getting these days?

  5. Are you nuts? It's prison, not preschool. She's there for a reason. There is no legal obligation to make her comfortable or grant her wishes. They could have put her in solitary and fed her bologna sandwiches and water. How many visitors is Travis Alexander getting these days?

    February 15, 2016 at 8:17 PM

    tell that to the over sensitive guards who got their widdle feelings hurt.

    and BTW, people are sent to prison AS punishment, not FOR punishment. can you see the difference?

  6. 8:05 if people don't like the rules in prison it's easy......don't break the law. It's not freaking summer camp. I'm sure she received a handbook which outlined the prison rules and she couldn't follow them. If she wouldn't have slit her boyfriend's throat, stabbed him 29 times, and shot him in the face she wouldn't have to ask permission to get her hair cut now would she?

  7. But What's the point of walking the straight and narrow when she'll be in prison for the rest of her life?

  8. If she doesn't walk the straight and narrow in prison all kinds of bad things can happen to her...no visitors, solitary confinement, etc..

  9. February 15, 2016 at 8:54 PM

    law-schmal. EVERYONE breaks some law every day, even you. just more abuse of power. and part of the problem with the just us system.

  10. 29 times has historic significance (Edmond Fitzgerald)

  11. 11:51....if that is the best you can come up with, go back into a coma.
    The GOVERNMENT (cue the cheering, you lemming) has admitted that rapes are a common occurrence in prisons in the U.S..
    I can see why you think it's all consensual, but just because YOU like it, doesn't mean everyone else does....
    You probably also think women "deserve" it when they are raped, too.
    Keep cheering.

  12. With so many willing there is no need for rape in prison.

  13. I watched the trial on Court TV she is a narcistic murderer and she has no regrets, the only person she ever loved has been herself she primpted and posed for the cameras during the trial even trying to dress like her lawyer and do her hair like her lawyer. She should have gotten the death penalty.

  14. 10:11 So, you DO like it, huh?
    I can tell because the sissy in you won't allow you to use your name.....

  15. She should have gotten the death penalty for the brutal torture and murder of her victim. All his friends knew she was dangerous, but he did not believe it till her plan was already in place.


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