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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Kanye West drops album, says he's $53 million in debt

Oh, Kanye West. Wow. Even by your attention-grabbing standards, this was a night to remember. Or maybe to forget.

Let's see -- where do we start?

The talented but polarizing hip-hop artist released his long-delayed album, "The Life of Pablo," Saturday night after performing two of its songs on "Saturday Night Live." After wrapping the song "Ultralight Beam," West announced that the album was available on his website and on Tidal, the streaming service.

His wife, Kim Kardashian, chimed in helpfully on Twitter, saying, "Everyone Go get #TheLifeOfPablo."

But many fans complained on Twitter about not wanting to having to buy a Tidal subscription to hear the album, while those who went to West's site were greeted only with an audio message from Yasiin Bey, a stage name for rapper Mos Def.



  1. Couldn't hapoen to a nicer guy!! he showed his true colors with the Taylor swift incident. He'll be the next one crying white people don't want him to succeed

  2. He approached Mark Zuckerberg with some kind of marketing deal that he claimed Zuckerberg would be a fool to refuse because west claims he's the greatest artist in the world.
    Really...? Then explain the 53 million dollar debt.
    Just another loudmouth wannabe.

  3. 5:14 PM, true, so true - just another Loudmouth wannabe. Can't stand him or his noise.

  4. Kanye,ask Floyd Merryweather for some financial advice it may help you.

  5. Is it ok to say butt wipe here?

  6. Uh-oh looks like his big fake butt wifey will be packing up and jumping ship. What a bunch attention •••••• no money no fame no Kim love it!!

  7. Always wanting to hold a dolla.

  8. Sounds like the dreaded Kim & Khloe K Everyone they get involved with comes tumbling down

  9. His wife's is worth 88 million.

  10. Such an irresponsible person, why would anyone loan him any money at all. Go ask your wifey for some money loser.


  11. 5:03's first two sentences nailed it!

    Kim's approach to life is "If you've got the money, I've got the time." Support payments might drive him to a second job.

  12. Kanye does not matter!

  13. Not really feeling any pain for him.
    A shovel,rake,wrench,screwdriver hammer will fit his hand the same as a microphone does.

    1. I rather doubt he has any familiarity with a working man's tools, and he has no talent with a microphone either.

    2. Still living a life yout will never experience

  14. His clothing line is a disaster and looks like something out of a Nazi prison camp. He may be talented in some areas (cant say) but his belief that he can do no wrong will take him down.

  15. Why do so many people care about this bunch of losers?

  16. he could be a greeter at Walmart on the night shift, he seems like a very fine young man

  17. 11:18 Anyone who thinks negatively, or positively, about these celebrities have NO life.

    And, do you people realize, $53 million is one album and a world tour for him? Clueless sheep.

  18. Huh? I never heard of any of those people except that Kardashian broad,I'm sure I haven't missed important.

  19. 7:23 I would LOVE to be clueless when it comes to this bunch of idiots but unfortunately unless you live in a bubble they will be shoved in your face. Tune in to see a favorite recording artist receiving an award and there is a mental case screwing it up. Go to work in the ER and find that some young girl is in there with an infection because she has done something stupid to her body to emulate one of these freaky looking women. All of a sudden your favorite radio station is no longer featuring good music but is mandated to play people screaming to childish rhymes because the sponsors demand change.

    And the fact that you are Zoned in on the cost of one album tells me you are way more vested in this crap than I ever was. Just trying to get it out of my life thank you. Like a bad rash....if you ignore it....it does not go away.

  20. 5:03 - I want him to succeed - on MARS!!!

  21. He is for sure and for certain crazy, narcistic, and dangerous should be behind bars.


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