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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Today's Poll Question 2-18-16

Do you support Apple's decision not to hack 
San Bernardino killer's iPhone


  1. yes, because they can get a warrant to do so...what the fbi wants is a key/access to EVERYONES phone, wake up people!!!

  2. No. It is court ordered and they should comply with the order. It makes them look as if they support terrorist activity.

  3. Apple should absolutely provide the info but not how they do it.

  4. No, because they could just take the phone into a back room out of sight and hack it.. they don't have to write a new operating system.
    This could be done on a one-time basis. There's no good reason not to do it.
    It is a gray area, but this case calls for this solution.

  5. Comply. It could save American lives.

  6. Yes this is national security that's why I thought we now have "homeland security" to seek out those that may bring this nation violence. If we have to beg for what we already should have I think everyone can make the distinction between individual privacy and terrorists---they killed our people for God's sake!

  7. As there should be no chain of evidence involved, the phone should be hacked by Apple personnel ONLY. If the FBI wants a training course in how to hack an iPhone or requests OS changes for a backdoor - then, no.
    If the feds get backdoor code, you only have to look at their security procedures. FBI and DHS employees' personal information is up on the 'net and being downloaded as we speak.
    Only need another Snowden and game over for iPhone users.

  8. 9:35, they have a warrant and a court order

    what more do you want?

    1. According to FOX's Judge Napulatano(sp) the Court Order is not valid, because Apple reps were not included in meeting.

  9. No. They are being ordered to open this one terrorists phone...not all phones. If they have a court order to break down your front door and search your home that should include your electronic devices.

  10. Apple is doing the right thing and should tell the intrusive and overstepping feds to go pack sand, pack sand now and any time in the future. The feds have got enough evidence to convict this murderer, but now they just want to get Apple's encryption keys to use on you.

  11. Sad to think our phones are hackable. What if employee gets disgruntled?

  12. 10:59 convict who? they are dead

  13. if apple doesnt do, all terrorist will just buy i-phones
    great sales promotion

  14. oops.., I hope you got my point tho 11:20am

  15. 11:20am/12:04pm
    You are the reason that the feds are attempting to raise our children, you are the reason lawless cops are getting away with murder, you are the reason this country is the way it is.
    You are the reason I'm voting for Donald Trump.

  16. The virtual beginning of the end of us , I say yes I support Apple.

  17. Funny how the NSA can illegally collect all phone records, until they were forced by a court to stop and now this. The govt will stop at nothing to invade privacy. I've never owned an apple phone but if they stick to their guns and take it to the Supreme Court and win, I will start buying them. If their encryption is that good then every American should own one if for nothing else than to protect your privacy from an out of control corrupt govt willing to break laws to get what they want. Make it as hard as possible for them to violate your privacy. Never forget what Ben Franklin said.
    "Those willing to sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither."

  18. Apple needs to stick to their guns!!!!!!!!!!!! DO not develop a system for "back door" of our privacy!!

    What's the point anyway, when Obama is steady releasing KNOWN TERRORIST!!!

  19. Apple has opened individual phones for the feds before, In this case the feds are demanding Apple create a program to open it with which if they did the government could open all iphones...They are right in telling the feds to piss off.

  20. Agree with Apple's Stance, but do you people really believe they need Apple for this????...Pathetic!

  21. Why is a phone more sacrosanct than a home? If there is probable cause and a legal warrant, then by all means yes.

  22. This is all fake hype... APPLE has already, years ago gave the fed a back door to their phones... This is just hype to get you to keep using their over priced shit from china... They know, you will get rid of your devices and try to go else where or make your own security and well that don't want that either...

    But what do you expect, no one gives a god damn about anything theses days and sadly as it is, our rights are gone... Just remember you are on the watch list for owning a encryption device by apple anyway and the politicians already call you terrorist for having an iPhone...

    I guess you dumb ass people haven't had enough tyranny yet... More will come trust me...

  23. Yes. 1:20 is correct. We should not be letting the dirt bag terrorist in the country in the first place. These two should have been picked up a long time ago. Government did not do its job and now wants Apple to fix the problem. Piss on the government.

  24. Anyone who thinks the NSA can't crack the encryption is kidding themselves.
    This is a game being played to perhaps convince other terrorists that their phones are "secure".
    Some of you need to update your spy game knowledge.
    Even if has to be a brute force effort. that phone has probably already been hacked. But why would they SAY that?
    Its MUCH better to leave them thinking we can't do it......
    Keep cheering the intrusions, the surveillance, and the 24-7 top-to-bottom watching and listening your "leaders" allow. In America.
    Further, quit thinking that you'll have "security" if you would just let them take some more liberties with our liberties.
    Are you THAT insecure and afraid???
    Stop letting these animals and killers into our country and start KILLING them by the thousands. THAT will cut down a lot of future immigrant problems.
    If they don't like it?
    Keep cheering.

  25. All Apple need to do is give the feds a one time key just for that phone! you can use the ESN and if it is tried on any other phone, that phones memory is erased. The technology is there to do this, and it does not jeopardize and one else. then send an update out to foil any hack attempts made after that. They already have it so just release it.

  26. No, Apple should follow the court order. But, if our NSA pro hackers can't do it then it shows just how stupid our govt under this admin has become. Something's not right here.


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