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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Race Baiting Rapper Complains About Debt on Twitter… Gets a BRUTAL Response!

Kanye is $53 Million in debt. Are you sad for him? Are you jubilant? CHECK OUT these responses to his pitiful plea on twitter…. ENJOY! Oh yeah and “Pray for Kanye”

Luckily for Kanye, the good samaritans of the world have come to his rescue.

Jeremy Piatt has set up a ‘Get Kanye Out of Debt’ fundraising page. In the description Piatt writes,

As Kanye West has told us time and time again he is the “greatest living artist and greatest artist of all time”. Great artists need to be supported financially to achieve their full potential.
It seems that there are people who genuinely believe in Kanye’s cause. Take Olga…



  1. I pray every day for Kanye and people like him. I pray that they will get past their hatred and over themselves.

  2. Get some help Kanye your about to blow a gasket

  3. The lifestyle you choose is the one you pay for.

  4. What a creep. Couldn't happen to a more deserving idiot.

  5. Like Don King said "Only in America". This no talent, self promoting idiot has nothing to offer anyone. His C-rap music is garbage, he is only interested in being in the public eye. He is a wanna-be, he wants fame, celebrity, and money. But has no brains or talent and is a bad example for the black youths of America.

  6. He, along with his new family, should come out with a breakfast cereal line.

    The Kanye and Kardashian Krunch series. No better way to start your day than by staring at the face of Kanye or Kim or one of the rest of the tribe, munching away at something full of things not good for you.
    And with every box, there's some bling! Or a mini CD of Kanye's latest flop single.

    I call original idea on this one, Joe. And Kanye.

  7. luckily for kanye theres enough idiots in this country who are stupid enough to give him money and help his 'gofundme' web page.
    this country is getting worse by the second...

  8. Haha everybody is doing exactly what Kanye wants you to do. And thats talk about him. Do you really think he is broke?? He makes that statement on Twitter the same time he releases his new album. All a publicly stunt folks. Remember who he is married to.

  9. Kim Kardashian takes dumps worth 53 million, you all really believe this isn't a way to grab everyone's attention? If he were to say " I am rich" no one bats an eye, but say you are famous and broke and people can't stop talking about you. Please 53 million is not a lot of money to this family.

  10. All this means to me is that I to protect my property because his fan base are going to have to steal my stuff to get money to send him.

  11. Is that something to be proud of ?? She's pretty much s glorified escort, made money with butt implants and dating and marrying any celebrity that would indulge elevating a reality status for herself yea she and her whole family circus are to be proud of. Mike Tyson 300 million BROKE. Terrell Owens 70 million BROKE. Good chance Kanye headed that way too sorry bout your idols

  12. After reading a few of these posts it says a lot about our culture today when you actually give clients like West and Kardashian any type of credit for what they do. By any means necessary as you would say " get 'dat money " what bunch of derelicts. Kanye should feel real good knowing just about everybody else who wanted a piece of Kim K could get it as long as they had fortune fame. Real class

  13. It's a good thing he's married to Kim K. She can pay his way with all the bucks she makes for doing nothing.

  14. You cannot force anyone over the age of 21 to get help for mental health issues. It is becoming increasingly clear that this person has major issues and sees himself as "special." His attack on other performers such as Taylor Swift is truly troubling and points to an inability to understand the reality of his own situation. He needs help.


  15. Dabbing my eyes reading of his looming problems.

    OK, not really!

  16. Why should any of us pay for the life style he choose - If he can't pay for it then leave it and live like the rest of us peons. Air Head or like O'Reilly says Pin Head.

  17. Walmart is hiring....

  18. " Anonymous said...

    Haha everybody is doing exactly what Kanye wants you to do. And thats talk about him. Do you really think he is broke?? He makes that statement on Twitter the same time he releases his new album. All a publicly stunt folks. Remember who he is married to.

    February 19, 2016 at 3:55 PM"

    Don't fool yourself. He's broke. It's par for course with his type. If you think for one second his wife is going to bail him out you are sadly mistaken. When you are married to a wealthy person like her, it is a business more than a marriage and you better believe Kris has had every i dotted and t crossed so their empire's money is not his money and ways to keep Kim from bailing him out. Kris knows what he's all about afterall she was best of friends with Nicole Brown. She's aware of how ghetto hustlers operate.

  19. He could very much be 53 mil in debt and maybe more.

    In THAT world of what some call music the most money the "artist" can expect to make is on their first 2 albums. West also sees himself as more than just a performer so he puts on a big show that affects the profitability of touring. With that type of show if you are not willing to tour it for 18 months minimum, so it becomes more cost efficient over time, you aren't going to make big profits. He has a habit of cancelling dates so many that he owes more than he makes w/concerts. For instance all the Rolling Stones do and ever did was run around on stage and jump around. Highly profitable way to tour.
    In THAT world of what some call music the "artist's" biggest revenue stream is always trademark licensing something that he has failed at miserably. This will always out perform record sales. What it all boils down to is having the right people advising you.

  20. If he is in debt it's because he is not responsible or mature enough to handle his affairs. It could also be that he doesn't have the knowledge to balance a check book.

  21. Kanye's broke. It's been known by industry insiders for about 3 yrs now. He's announced tours and have had to cancel (postpone indefinitely he says) because of lack of funds and no backers. He "leaked" he was touring w/Rihanna whose reps were in talks but realized his champagne tastes on his water budget wasn't a good business more for her. They blamed it on his ego.

  22. The Kardashians have an empire that is all tied up between several entities and many family members including Bruce's kids from previous marriages and Kourtney's husband Scott. It's worth about 300 million w/Bruce being the largest holder at approx 100 million.
    For comparison's sake the Robertson's of the Duck Dynasty fame has an empire worth about 500 million.

  23. Again what's that say about our society ?? Bruce I mean what's her name Jenner, what exactly is Kim K's talent ?? Oh she has a big A••. Duck dynasty now that's a real bunch of wing nuts there, we actually support this kind of reality garbage financially. It's no wonder we as a country to decay from inside out. That's it come up with a ridiculous idea and maje American peopke believe they absolutely have to have it or be a part of it!! Duck hunters, REALLY??? It's almost unbearable to listen to Kay Robertson or Si Robertson talk, they're definitely a chromosome shy somewhere

  24. This guy is a piece of trash with no talent what so ever.


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