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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Obama Won't Attend Scalia Funeral

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will not attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Saturday, The Hill reports.

The Obamas do plan to pay their respects Friday when Scalia's body will lie in repose in the Great Hall of the Supreme Court building, but the funeral on Saturday at Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will be attended by Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, according to White House press secretary Josh Earnest.

Earnest did not give a reason the Obama's would not be attending the funeral for the Reagan appointee who died Saturday at the age of 79.



  1. He has no respect for anyone but himself.
    But then again who will attend his?

  2. In my 65 years of life, Mr. Obama is the worse president this country has ever had. His lack of respect for others unless they can help him politically is disgraceful. All he cares about is his so called legacy and his family trips/golfing. He ignores the real problems of the United States at the expence of his own agenda. The prestige of our Country and of the Presidency has diminished under his watch. We can only hope that there is still time for our nation to recover from his inexperience with the election of a new leader.

  3. Golfing is so much more importatnt.

  4. He's worried he'll burst into flames if he stepped inside a church.

  5. 3:31, you stole my thunder, LOL! I'm sure if he went there, lightning would strike him on a clear day!

  6. I doubt the Scalia family wanted Barry to attend the funeral.


  7. 4:38 may have hit the nail on the head. Was thinking along same lines.

    RIP, Justice Scalia.

  8. Why attend so he can act up and take selfies like he did at Mandela's funeral? You can take them out of the ghetto but you can't take it out of them. Low class people like them can't be trusted to attend a dignified solemn event.

  9. What difference does it make?

  10. We need no explanation from Josh Earnest why Obama won't be attending, the POS needs to go on to Cuba, visit Gitmo and if we're lucky the doors will lock and not unlock while he's there.

  11. He is ignorant and his wife is a racist to the hilt. I doubt the family really wanted him there; and in fact I probably relieved so they can have the service they wanted without the grandstanding and disruption of the Obama's .

  12. No honor, no respect, no code and no humanity! Obama is a proven liar, proven racist, proven socialist, proven criminal, proven traitor and only seeks to make the USA into a third world nation to satisfy his muslim brothers! This wannabe kenyan king needs to be removed from presidency as soon as possible and by any means possible!!

  13. He has only attended funerals for blacks, with one exception, Bo Bidden.

  14. He would go if he were permitted to take his prayer rug and golf clubs.

  15. Vice President Biden will be representing the white house. Biden and the judge had a personal relationship over the years. President and first lady did go to the viewing today. The fact that the president is not attending the funeral is not all that historically out of place if out of place at all.

  16. The Justice's family probably doesn't want them there just like the Royal Family didn't want them and didn't invite them to attend the wedding of Prince William and Kate. That was much too the chagrin of MO who was dying to drag the daughters to the wedding. They are just nasty people of a lower class level who classy decent people don't want in their space.

  17. "The fact that the president is not attending the funeral is not all that historically out of place if out of place at all"

    Here's an FYI for you 11:28. Yes it IS "historically out of place" no matter how the MSM tries to spin it. Every time a SITTING Supreme Court Justice has died, the president HAS attending the funeral. This is the problem with you people. You fall hook, line and sinker for The Spin instead of looking at the full and the REAL picture.

  18. He doesn't want to revisit the scene of the crime.


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