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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

To Rebuild 'The Collapse Of Parenting,' It's Going To Be A Challenge

As many know, parenting isn't an easy job. It can be hugely frustrating and even lonely trying to figure out what's best for your kid. Should you be a taskmaster or a best friend? Is there a middle ground? The pressures of full-time work and round-the-clock activities can make that question even more challenging to tackle.

Dr. Leonard Sax has experience in guiding these relationships as a family physician and psychologist in Pennsylvania. His new book, The Collapse Of Parenting: How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown Ups is informed Sax's personal and professional observations.

"That's what motivated it, but this is not a rant. It's not a sermon," he says, adding that his book is grounded in more than 400 studies.

In an interview with NPR's Rachel Martin, Dr. Sax discusses what he sees as a widespread trend of dissolving healthy relationships between kids and their parents.



  1. Helicopter parenting vs non involved parenting. You get bashed no matter which way you go. Everything in moderation comes to mind.

  2. No kidding. In my day, when we used the "Everybody else's mother..." my mom knew we were full of it. Now days, everybody's mother DOES do it for real. Good luck with that new quest.

  3. Smiling because we must have done something very right.

    It really is about giving them choices when the time is right, and if it's not, to be able to say, no, that's not working, maybe when you are older.


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