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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

WCSO Press Releases February 2, 2016

Copes, Pierre
Incident: Theft from Motor Vehicle
Date of Incident: 27 January 2016
Location: 30000 block of Cannon Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Pierre Jeremy Copes Jr., 19, Willards, MD
Narrative: On 27 January 2016 a deputy arrested Pierre Copes for his involvement in the theft of credit cards from a vehicle and their subsequent illegal use in Salisbury. The investigation revealed that a subject later identified as Copes took a wallet from an unlocked vehicle parked in the 30000 block of Cannon Drive and used one of the purloined credit cards to make purchases at a convenience store in Salisbury. The illicit purchases were caught on video.
Upon arrest the deputy transported Copes to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of a District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Copes in the Detention Center in lieu of $25,000.00 bond.
Charges: Rogue and Vagabond, Theft and Credit Card: Steal Another’s

Incident: Fugitive from Delaware
Date of Incident: 27 January 2016
Location: Wicomico County
Suspect: Shannon N. Carmean, 33, Milton, DE
Narrative: On 27 January 2016 a deputy arrested Shannon N. Carmean as a fugitive from the State of Delaware. Authorities in that state wanted Carmean in a case where she had been charged with Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle.
Following processing at the Central Booking Unit Carmean was detained without bond by the District Court Commissioner pending extradition back to Delaware.
Charges: Fugitive from Delaware 

Calloway, Adam
Incident: Fugitive from Delaware
Date of Incident: 27 January 2016
Location: Wicomico County
Suspect: Adam Matthew Calloway, 27, Seaford, DE
Narrative: On 27 January 2016 a deputy arrested Adam Calloway as a fugitive from the State of Delaware. Authorities in that state wanted Calloway in a case where he had been charged with Burglary and Theft from a Senior.
Following processing at the Central Booking Unit Calloway was detained without bond by the District Court Commissioner pending extradition back to Delaware.
Charges: Fugitive from Delaware 

Scott, Brandi
Incident: Assault 2nd Degree
Date of Incident: 27 January 2016
Location: 800 block of Shad Point Rd, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Brandi Antinett Scott, 23, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 27 January 2016 at 5:10 PM a deputy arrested Brandi Scott in connection with an assault she allegedly perpetrated. In this incident Scott is accused of assaulting and stabbing a male subject.
Following her arrest Scott was processed at the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner, who detained her in the Detention Center in lieu of $7,500.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree 

Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date:  2 February 2016

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