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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Former Md. judge pleads guilty to civil rights violation

WASHINGTON — A former Charles County Circuit judge will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty to violating a defendant’s rights by ordering a deputy sheriff to inflict a painful electrical shock to make the man stop talking.

The disruptive defendant was fitted with stun cuffs, wireless control devices, when, acting as his own lawyer, he appeared in Judge Robert Nalley’s courtroom nearly two years ago.

Repeatedly ignoring the judge’s orders, the man continued to read a statement when the judge told a deputy sheriff to activate the cuffs, which deliver a painful, but non-lethal jolt of electricity.

“The defendant wasn’t posing any threat to the judge. The decision to use force against him, to administer this electric shock was a violation of his constitutional rights,” says Rod Rosenstein, U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland.

Nalley, who served as judge on the Charles County Circuit Court from 1988 to 2014, faces a maximum of one year in prison, and a fine of up to $100,000, when he’s sentenced March 31.



  1. I grew up in that county.
    The Sheriff (Rex Coffey) rode the same bus I did and was a racist bully. The former States Attorney, Rudy Carrico, was a childhood friend. And Nalley has been a judge there for YEARS And I'll bet anyone RIGHT NOW that Nalley gets NO punishment of any significance.
    He used his OFFICIAL POWER to direct an ASSAULT on a citizen!
    And the cop, who HAD TO KNOW it was wrong, assaulted the citizen!
    This is Charles County, where the good old boys run the place and the law is whatever they want it to be. You or I stun gun a person to make them shut
    Two sets of laws. Here. There. Everywhere.
    Keep cheering!

  2. bet the judge never sees the inside of a jail cell. he's above the law like the rest of them and his buddies will take good care of him.

  3. The fine amount should be given to the guy he had zapped.

  4. The victim will get his $$ if he lodges a civil rights complaint against the judge. It'll be a slam-dunk for his attorney, who will take 30-40%

  5. Violence begets violence...period.

  6. Spank him. Spank him good.


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