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Sunday, February 21, 2016

First Muslim Woman Judge

The first Muslim woman judge — Carolyn Walker — was hand-picked by President Obama and sworn in as judge of the 7th Municipal District, Brooklyn, choosing to swear her oath of office holding the HOLY QURAN at the Brooklyn Boro Hall on December 10, 2015. It was a historic day! Oddly enough, there was almost no media coverage of this event . . . .

Since the Quran forbids all law but Sharia Law, isn't it reasonable to assume that Her Honor will head the first federally sanctioned SHARIA COURT.

Makes one proud, doesn’t it? "Gives me chills up my legs", as once said by Chris Mathews.

Another little chink in the armor? A small, quiet erosion here and there. No one cares, until it's too late. Step by step by step....this is how American culture will end.

Rejoice Obama supporters! Your dream of destroying America is coming true.


  1. Using they Quran should never have been allowed. What a disgrace!

  2. As an Atheist, this is no more troubling than a judge swearing in on a Bible. Each is equally reprehensible.

  3. They need her in Dearborn, Michigan, Obama's first Sharia law city. More to come after the Muslim immigrant influx.

  4. How could this be since as a Judge in the US you swear to uphold the laws of the US? Totally contradictory.

    1. What have the laws of the country got to do with her religious beliefs?? Please do explain.

  5. Perhaps this will be a test of how effective those who are Muslims will be in the judicial system. The oath is to uphold the laws and constitution of the United States. If the judge strictly follows U.S. law and does not come to conclusions based exclusively on Sharia law, it should be interesting to see what happens next. However, we all know what will happen if she strays and considers Sharia law as a motivator for those who break U.S. law - the public outcry will be immense, and rightly so.
    We don't care where you come from, our laws are the ones you'll follow, not the ones you bring with you.

    1. Just wrong all 3 main religions believe in the old testement. Quran is the satans book.deceiving many

  6. 2:45. You atheists never miss a chance to slam the bible. Says a lot about you.

  7. This country used to be referred to as Mexamerica and now it is going to be referred to as Muslamerica.

  8. I thought the Koran didn't allow women in high places?

  9. 2:46 been ready, have been searching for anyone else that has the testicles to procede. A good start is voting for Trump, maybe he can't kick out the sitting president right now but he can stop the female version from getting in and he said he would stop the Muslim immigration, which other candidate has had the nads to say that?

  10. this is wrong in so many ways. the quran says there is no law other than sharia law which is banned in the us, so how can she be a judge except over sharia law crap?

  11. People should watch this judge very carefully! !!

  12. What gets me is the fact she wasn't born Muslim and hasn't been Muslim until several years ago.

  13. Pure treason. Obama should be arrested. We need Trump more than ever.

  14. As a disabled veteran it really saddens me to think if all my fellow service members who believed enough in this country to give their lives for and now we allow all this garbage to over take our country

  15. Sharia law is against the constitution and should be outlawed. The people must take the law into their own hands.

  16. 2:45 is a fake atheist.

    A real non-believer in a deity would not care one way or another.

    Atheism is the belief that there are no deities.

    Why would an Atheist care?

  17. Read your Constitution lately? It says:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
    religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

    She can worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or have no gods at all. It doesn't matter. So, if you think otherwise... then you have got this America thing all wrong, brother.

  18. Everyone is pretty good at manipulating things to fulfill personal agenda it's pretty much a linen fact that the Muslim community agenda is to impose Sharia law worldwide and the way they planned to do it in US is exactly taking place positions of influence judicial political etc

  19. I can't wait to learn how her decisions go,that is going to be real interesting.


  20. Let's check the blocks:

    Non-Male - Yes
    Non-White - Yes
    Follows his favorite faith - Yes
    Was confirmed by Senate to get current job - Yes

    Think we have a winner here for top of the short list. Wait for the announcement!

  21. Why was the law broken it was always sware in on the Bible? How did Obama break our tradition and law and no one knew about it till now?
    I hope the next president appeals this law and ends it.

  22. A simple Google search reveals that she is an elected New York State Municipal Court Judge; not a Federal Judge. The President would have no role in her election by Brooklyn voters.


  23. Thank you, Mr. Clarke. Great observation and important clarification. Case closed!

    Sidenote: Probably could take her oath on a comic book or deck of cards if they were important to her without affecting her installation as judge.

  24. The "Athiest" has never done his/ her homework. The Quran and Bible hold totally different beliefs, but I hope you can at least agree on a human level fair treatment. But, it sounds like you don't, based on your athiest views.

  25. Well, this should be interesting after a few dozen decisions from her.

  26. This is the same method used by blacks to infiltrate government jobs - one got in and made it so the majority of hires was also black. There's even a racist organization "Blacks In Government (BIG)" that meets regularly in federal buildings.

    If you've ever wondered why and how it happened....

  27. By law muslims are not even legally allowed into America by immigration laws. They are not allowed because their beliefs are against American values and their beliefs threaten our existence. And obama appoints one of them? Shows his hatred of America. He does these things just to tick us off. His attitude is, "Just what are you going to do about it?" Plus I bet that woman is no more muslim than we are. She is putting on an act to get a rise out of anyone she can. Anything to tick off white people.


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