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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Missing Child Found

Thankfully the child was found after he hid inside Target overnight, according to one source. However, people are extremely pissed off at law enforcement and the lack of how they handled this situation. I think the below comment pretty much spells it out.

They have really let the public down on this one. They never posted a picture and people wanted to help search for him. Nothing at all posted on their facebook page or twitter account. Are those accounts (facebook and twitter) ONLY used when they want to pat their self on the backs?

More look at me look at me. Look what we did. People get freaked out when a helicopter is flying above their house. At least alert people as to WHY. Either......lock your doors or be on the look out for a child.


  1. I got a phone alert sometime around midnight.

  2. Well said ! I cannot believe they did not do a thorough search of all the stores in the vicinity. If they would have enlisted help they could have found the child in the fitting room. How does the store not check the fitting rooms before they close anyway? Could be an attempted robbery suspect hanging out in there. When a child goes missing I think there should be great alarm in the COMMUNITY not just a message sent out at 12:54 at night. "It takes a village" to keep our kids safe.

  3. Yes, I got the second alert call around 12 midnight as well. When I worked at Macy's if an employee accidently didn't get out before the alarm was set, the alarm went off. How does an alarm not recognize that someone is left inside of the store. If they knew he was seen at Target earlier, why didn't they bring the dogs in and search for him in there. This is a very strange story, and perhaps the reasons he left his home is why. I just don't know. I just don't get it. Never had a call from the Sheriff to alert me of a lost child. I've had amber alerts on my phone. I think the reason this child disappeared is the key to all of this. SMH

  4. Law enforcement dropped the ball on this one! Good thing it was not my child as the high sheriff would have some questions to answer, and not on Hannity. Poor response from the very start of the incident by all law enforcement agencies involved. What is a citizen supposed to do when they receive a telephone alert well AFTER MIDNIGHT for a child missing since long BEFORE dark? Just a bit late on the public notification don't you think? Especially, when the outside temperature was in the single digits along with some breezes making the windchill even colder. By the grace of God this child was found safe and unharmed.

  5. Amber alert,blue,silver gold alerts,are they good for anything if there not used?If everyone's phone had went off it may have helped to find him sooner.

  6. Let's all complain about law enforcement and not look at the real problem of why this kid left his house. Maybe the parents need to be looked at by Social Services.

  7. There is something terribly wrong with getting a recorded ALERT call at my home after 12 midnight for a 9 yr. old child that went missing around 2 p.m. on Saturday. People have been allowed to help look in the past and the ending was horrific.

    The first thing you wonder is why you had not heard ANYTHING about this missing child out in subzero weather on news channels the night before.

    Since I read this media outlet I knew he was being looked for by helicopters and dogs. I also learned that there was a command center set up at Best Buy established to look for this child (Sounds very bad doesn't it)?

    Total confusion sets in when you realize that neither television station has mentioned the plight of this child even as late as the 10 p.m. news. Then when you call the station they tell you that they were not given information by the sheriffs office and could not put out a statement with little information. And they didn't have a photo of the child at that hour. How were the police looking for a child they had not seen a photo of by then.

    Then, when you read that the child has done this several times in the past (supposedly) you have to wonder WHY this child is running away from care givers constantly and have the authorities been involved before.

    IF THE ANSWER IS YES the authorities had been involved in the past then WHY did they leave the child in a situation that warranted him running in the past. Did they turn a blind eye in the past and is this why his going missing in life threatening conditions did not warrant more of their attention and involvement of the community. Even if this child has a condition that would make him a flight risk you would think that he would need constant attention to protect him.

    One statistic that is worth mentioning is the preferred age of a male child to a child molester is age 9. YES HE IS THE PERFECT AGE.

    I realized I do not have all the information in this situation but I do have enough information to know something is RADICALLY WRONG with how this whole thing unfolded to the public. I also realize that it took WAY TOO LONG to find this child and due to these reasons the child is LUCKY TO BE ALIVE.

    Imagine my shock when the morning addition of WBOC news still announced that this child was still missing and that the Sheriffs office was asking for help in locating the child. Someone else must have been shocked as well because during the same news report they announced that the Sheriffs office states he had been found safe.

    It would seem that it is time for more accountability for the safety of children at risk in this area and the way in which this whole event unfolded seems to demand it. I certainly hope Sean is somewhere safe today.

  8. Sheriff Lewis tut tut how long before wicomico boots your midget butt to the cirb ? I have 2 friends ready to run against you and 1 is a deputy. ..)

  9. No alerts on the state alert boards rt 50 etc.

  10. Where was the great SPD k9 dog? To sniff out a lost child in the store TARGET.?

  11. And this is the 'dropped ball fumble' that actually got out to the public. It should make you wonder what other fumbles are in the files of such a powerful and self-supervising government group.

  12. Yes we need to look at the living situation!!! But let's not let the police off the hook. There is no excuse on why they didn't find him in Target . if a thorough search was conducted HD should had been found sooner. Its very sad all the way around. Sad the boy felt he would rather walk in the freezing cold and hide in an empty store overnight. Sad that our police didn't handle it well. Just so sad. Pray that Sean gets the help he needs. Pray for his family . pray for our police. Thank everyone that lifted up prayers for Sean's safety. Thank you to Mr Albero for all his work. And to all parents give your children extra hugs and kisses!!! It goes deeper than you realize!!!

  13. Which way will you point the finger the next time , he was found and I'm happy about that .

  14. I see a lot of "Monday Morning Quarterbacking". Who knows the laws on this type of situation of the ones commenting? Who was the Commander at the time? Was the Sheriff even notified? Was any procedures violated or where the procedures invoked earlier than required? Did Target review their security cameras? Did the family notify Target and request them checking their security cameras to make sure this child was still in the store or had left? Police cannot barge into stores or request to search stores without probable cause. Yes it appears to be a bad situation. You have to follow protocol / procedures / laws as written. If they did not then everybody would be screaming violation of their civil rights or some other ridicules "Politically Correct" phrase. All people want to do is condemn Police. It appears Target is more at fault than the Police for not clearing their store properly. There are not enough Officers to be every where with the crime rate in this area.

  15. I'm just glad the boy was found safe.

  16. Great job LE as usual.

  17. Who cares what you people think. Police did their jobs. You people complain about everything without justification.

  18. Well sounds like you all have things under control here. OMG .......... move on with your lives (or lake thereof).

  19. As a mother with children and grandchilding living out of the area,when my phone ran at 12:30, it scared the h--- out of me. I do not get calls in the middle of the night except for emergencies, so I did not appreciate this interruption of my sleep. Since it startled me I could not get back to sleep. I have called the police and asked to be taken off the amber alert call list as I do not feel this case was handled responsibly.

  20. Going to have to put this kid on a leash, or attach a nonremovable locater like an ankle bracelet. You can tell from the expression on his face in that photo, he's trouble. Deliberately hiding in a fitting room, from his parents, until after the store closed? Behavioral problems, and I guarantee this isn't his first antic, nor will it be his last.

    If he's behaving like this at 9, unless a miracle happens and some effective help is found for him, give it 10 years and that name will be all over the MD Judiciary Case Search as a career criminal.

    Sad, but this isn't about the "plight" of this child. He knew what he was doing. I feel for the parents, they must be at their wits' end with this kid.

    1. @3:10 you feel bad for the parents???? Could it be that the boy ran away from a bigger issue at home? Perhaps he didn't want to be hurt anymore? Sad he probably got better sleep at Target then at home. So in your eyes putting a leash on the boy is the answer?!?! Better question ...how stupid can you be??? The boy clearly needs help! And perhaps so do you

  21. LE did an outstanding job.

  22. To those saying good job LE. What exactly did they do to find him? They were at Target and looked at video. First they said it was him then they said it wasn't him but they were in that store for a long time. They still did not find him. What makes a child so scared that he stays in a store even though he knows they are closing and he will be locked in all night. He had been missing for 9 hours before a picture of him was released.

    People as far aways as Willards got a call at 12:30am about this. What good did that do? All it did was scared the heck out of people who then couldn't get back to sleep.

    If he would not have called his grandmother they probably still would be trying to find him. Face it LE you were duped by a 9 yr old.

  23. Blame game... get a grip smallsbury... you don't live in a reality show ...spare the child?

  24. The alert that woke us up did not even say where the child was missing from whoever did the alert is an idiot

  25. I'm confused,how did the kid get to target,was he with his parents and did they leave without him? If the parents left him at target then naturally a through search of target was called for if not why would anyone think he was at target why not walmart or any other place. If the parents left him at target and didn't notify the store management and the police right away then that is child abuse. there is a lot more to this story than we are being told something is not right. Befor we all go blaming the cops lets get a little information.

  26. Thankfully he was not outside to freeze to death.

  27. They do it so they can get all the glory. They do not want the public to get involved. Next time the public should go to the family and get a picture and post it online for those who want to help look. As another commenter said, it 's all a, "Look at me.", "Pat me on the back" attitude. This hero stuff has gone too far. It's a regular job that they are trained for just as everyone else is trained to do their job.


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